First HGH Cycle For an Athlete.


New member
I'am 19 years old and I play football at a Junior College in California. I've never been very tall or strong but am still an exceptionally good football player in high school and all throughout growing up. This past season (my first in junior college) for the first time I could tell my height and strength were noticeable unlike high school where I could pass for being moderately strong. Now I'am going to start training for my next and possibly me last football season ever and I've always thought about taking steroids but it was always in the back of my mind. Now its my last shot to try and get a scholarship I'am a very hardworker in the weight room but could never put on the lean mass I'd always strive for. I'm looking for information and basically what I'd need to get started and how long the process will be and the best time to start to reach peak performance by next season I've done some research but I could never find exactly what I was looking for. I want to cut weight first then bulk I'am about 5'10 and 200 pounds right now, I was going to cut to 180 and bulk to 195 but I just need help with a steroid cycle that best fits me. If anyone could help me out I'd really appreciate it.
You would have to run HGH for a minimum of 6 months to even start noticing an effect. HGH is very expensive. And the effects are subtle.

And you should not use steroids at your age. Your brain/endocrine system are still developing. Running steroids will shut down your natural testosterone production and possibly cause irreparable damage. Wait until you are 25 to use steroids.

I would recommend getting your diet squared away. This will allow you to achieve your goals safely and it will be much cheaper. There is a guy by the name of 3J that has helped countless people with their diets. I guarantee he can get you the results you want. His ad is on the right hand side of your screen.

For more info on not running steroids at a young age, check our MrRippedZilla's Thread of Knowlwdge in this forum.
I'am 19 years old and I play football at a Junior College in California. I've never been very tall or strong but am still an exceptionally good football player in high school and all throughout growing up. This past season (my first in junior college) for the first time I could tell my height and strength were noticeable unlike high school where I could pass for being moderately strong. Now I'am going to start training for my next and possibly me last football season ever and I've always thought about taking steroids but it was always in the back of my mind. Now its my last shot to try and get a scholarship I'am a very hardworker in the weight room but could never put on the lean mass I'd always strive for. I'm looking for information and basically what I'd need to get started and how long the process will be and the best time to start to reach peak performance by next season I've done some research but I could never find exactly what I was looking for. I want to cut weight first then bulk I'am about 5'10 and 200 pounds right now, I was going to cut to 180 and bulk to 195 but I just need help with a steroid cycle that best fits me. If anyone could help me out I'd really appreciate it.

As Megatron said, you really should wait. I am in my late 40s and have seen a lot and experienced about everything related to AAS. I know you will probably not listen to megatron, cause the dark side of the force is strong in guys your age. But once you go down that road it is usually for good. You risk permanent test production shut down and TRT for life, and you might have problems get your girl/wife pregnant some day (very likely).....if not outright sterility. And your sexual function will decline. Trust me. Not worth it till you are older and maybe already have a kid or 2, unless you need athletics /body building to be your life and livelihood