first homebrew, cloudy test enanthate


New member
hey guys i just made my first batch of test enanthate yesterday. i made 5 40ml bottles of 250mg/ml. using 2.5% BA. i'll note that i didn't bake at all. this morning the oil in the vials looked somewhat cloudy. nothing had sunk to the bottom of the vial. so i'm not sure if it "crashed" or not. anyone have any ideas if something is wrong or not.
Ah, bake the stuff to sterilize it, and it should be all fine....what kind of carrier oild did you use?
Is it cold in your house? Could have crashed a little if the temp is low enough. Could be condensation inside the vial. Could be many things, but Id say bake it up, you should be fine.
had the same problem with my enth not so much cloody but looked like thick mass swirling around if that sounds right i just put a pin in not touching the test and sat it in some hot water just before boiling for about ten minutes and all cleared up
yeah its probably just moisture. i'll just bake it. and bye the way i used grapeseed oil. thanx for the replys guys