First Injection Cycle


New member
I am about 6 feet tall, 185 lbs, and 23 years old. I have exercised regularly my whole life through various athletics and sports and have been lifting heavy for about 4 years.

I have tried 2 different prohormone cycles. The first yielded excellent results, the 2nd less so. In order to avoid further liver damage I am planning an injectable test only cycle and am trying to decide between Test Cypionate and Sustanon 250.

Either way I am figuring on a 10 week cycle running 500 mg a week.

I was hoping to get some information regarding which form of test would be best, how often to inject, and what an appropriate cycle support and PCT would be.

I am still new to this but would like to think I have thoroughly researched the topic. I am just hoping to get some goal-specific advice.

Read the stickies. Despite having "researched", all of the information you seek is right under your nose.
tes e. 12wks, @ 500mg. pin mon.thru or whatever 2 day split you like. post cycle therapy (pct) starts 2wks after last pin. nolva 40/40/20/10 & clomid 50/50/25/25, aromasin 12.5 ED 4wks.
I am about 6 feet tall, 185 lbs, and 23 years old. I have exercised regularly my whole life through various athletics and sports and have been lifting heavy for about 4 years.

I have tried 2 different prohormone cycles. The first yielded excellent results, the 2nd less so. In order to avoid further liver damage I am planning an injectable test only cycle and am trying to decide between Test Cypionate and Sustanon 250.

Either way I am figuring on a 10 week cycle running 500 mg a week.

I was hoping to get some information regarding which form of test would be best, how often to inject, and what an appropriate cycle support and post cycle therapy (pct) would be.

I am still new to this but would like to think I have thoroughly researched the topic. I am just hoping to get some goal-specific advice.


Welcome to the Board. Give us more details on your diet and training. 185 seems pretty light for being 6 feet tall.
I train 5-6 days a week typically 10 minutes of light cardio followed by 45 min - 1 hr of lifting. My diet I think is the cause of my relatively light weight. I find it hard to consume 4 or so thousand calories a day. I am a lean 185 with less than 10% bf.

I know alot of the information I have asked for is already out there, I was just hoping to streamline the process a bit by asking OPINIONS on whether Cypo or Sustanon 250 would be a better cycle etc...
Also you have to understand I was about 145 lbs graduating high school so I have packed on about 40 lbs of solid muscle over the last 5 years. I seem to be hitting a plateau around 185-190 where I have been for about the last year. I started taking a high calorie gainer over the last six months but with little improvement. My sort-of vague plan is to force my caloric intake up and start a cycle to pack on some serious mass.

I appreciate all of your responses as I am trying to stay humble and learn more before starting a cycle. Thanks!
I train 5-6 days a week typically 10 minutes of light cardio followed by 45 min - 1 hr of lifting. My diet I think is the cause of my relatively light weight. I find it hard to consume 4 or so thousand calories a day. I am a lean 185 with less than 10% bf.

I know alot of the information I have asked for is already out there, I was just hoping to streamline the process a bit by asking OPINIONS on whether Cypo or Sustanon 250 would be a better cycle etc...

Go with Test E bro, great first cycle for me. Plus everyones gona tell you the exact same thing on here. packed on 30lbs in 12 weeks
LMFAO BRO REALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!

K Prohormones are like looking at a playboy and grabin your dick AAS is like your first piece os ass there no comparison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Your Diet as you state but didn't mention the fact!

My diet I think is the cause of my relatively light weight. I find it hard to consume 4 or so thousand calories a day. I am a lean 185 with less than 10% bf.

Pure bull shit excuse!

I was hoping to get some information regarding which form of test would be best, how often to inject, and what an appropriate cycle support and PCT would be.

first choose an ester before this can be answered
Do you think you can hit about 4000 cal a day? If not, then skip the gear. Test E is pretty safe for a first cycle. Skip the weight gainer, yeah it says it has a kit if calories in it, but it's not a solid food so you don't actually get all of what you would from a normal meal. I used to use shakes a lot and wasn't seeing results. Now I only have a shake post workout and have made some great gains. Makes a huge difference. I think you're excuse for being light is a poor one. Eat more, Gain more.
duration upon release is all

E/c are basically I dentical

Props fast and strong so u need to choose before someone can give you advise

Your comparing days to weeks

Brother study up
Btw, you gotta be able to eat if your looking to gain weight or strength. A buddy of mine took the exact same first cycle as me and LITERALLY gained at most 5lbs and just about no strength. The kid "couldnt" eat. I on the other hand gained massive strength and 30-35lbs. Diets everything bro. Force it if you got no appetite
Btw, you gotta be able to eat if your looking to gain weight or strength. A buddy of mine took the exact same first cycle as me and LITERALLY gained at most 5lbs and just about no strength. The kid "couldnt" eat. I on the other hand gained massive strength and 30-35lbs. Diets everything bro. Force it if you got no appetite

or use ghrp-6.
so if you want that hot little girl at the local watering hole choose Prop! But if you want that milf next door choose E or C! nice long slow ride to heaven! Just sayin
Do you think you can hit about 4000 cal a day? If not, then skip the gear. Test E is pretty safe for a first cycle. Skip the weight gainer, yeah it says it has a kit if calories in it, but it's not a solid food so you don't actually get all of what you would from a normal meal. I used to use shakes a lot and wasn't seeing results. Now I only have a shake post workout and have made some great gains. Makes a huge difference. I think you're excuse for being light is a poor one. Eat more, Gain more.

Good reply

Btw, you gotta be able to eat if your looking to gain weight or strength. A buddy of mine took the exact same first cycle as me and LITERALLY gained at most 5lbs and just about no strength. The kid "couldnt" eat. I on the other hand gained massive strength and 30-35lbs. Diets everything bro. Force it if you got no appetite

and another
Phatbastard: Use less exclamation marks, complete sentences, and fully read my post before responding please. If you had you would realize I am asking for advice on which ester to go with. Obviously I don't know much about this stuff, but your asshole response isn't helpful.