First Injection Cycle

Okay the follow ups were helpful Phatbastard so thanks. Like I said I am still learning. The food intake has always been my biggest obstacle. I eat at least 3000 cal a day but am very active even outside my regular exercise routine. You guys think this cycle is a good idea? Say Test E 500 mg/week for 12 weeks?
Phatbastard: Use less exclamation marks, complete sentences, and fully read my post before responding please. If you had you would realize I am asking for advice on which ester to go with. Obviously I don't know much about this stuff, but your asshole response isn't helpful.

relax bro, he's been in the game a long time. He's just trying to get the point across. people come on this board and ask the same questions every day. We're happy to have you here, but you have to understand that so many people think AAS is a shortcut, when in reality it's something that shouldn't even be touched until you've reached your genetic potential. i dont think you are there yet. If you want to run a cycle, that's on you... So we're just trying to help you out and make sure you don't mess yourself up or have zero results
Ok Butt fuck! Your 6' 185 LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take my lack of punctuation how u want. Cause I was fuckin my English teacher while you were piling on all that weight! U want help listen up! another Exclimation point! I just gave you an anology regarding esters! Another Exclimation point! Your the Bright one why u asking us what to do? My advise to you would be reach Puberty then come back and ask people you don't know how to fuck your body up! You want help contact me when u get pubic hair! ooops another one! and another! U can swollw your pride and learn or you can pretend to teach me! thats your choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brother Trust me I have more hair on my nuts when it come to this game than u will ever have and I shave mine!
relax bro, he's been in the game a long time. He's just trying to get the point across. people come on this board and ask the same questions every day. We're happy to have you here, but you have to understand that so many people think AAS is a shortcut, when in reality it's something that shouldn't even be touched until you've reached your genetic potential. i dont think you are there yet. If you want to run a cycle, that's on you... So we're just trying to help you out and make sure you don't mess yourself up or have zero results

I don't mean any disrespect but at the same time those kinds of responses are not very inviting. I am totally willing to hear the "you're not ready" responses and I do take them to heart. I am on here trying to understand how this stuff works so I don't mess myself up or get 0 results. I know I don't have much experience but I do think respect should be given all around.
Well Bro I'm here to tell you the truth bottom line! I'm not gona pamper your ass like alot do on here! Thats just bull shit!
I don't mean any disrespect but at the same time those kinds of responses are not very inviting. I am totally willing to hear the "you're not ready" responses and I do take them to heart. I am on here trying to understand how this stuff works so I don't mess myself up or get 0 results. I know I don't have much experience but I do think respect should be given all around.

I understand bro. Stick around and you'll get PhatBastard. The dude has more knowledge in his dick than I have in my whole body. He's funnier than shit too so don't take it personally.
another Janurary I'm gona get in shape on the internet goof ball

Let me stick a needle in my butt I'll get huge punk
Well if you have no balls, then shaving them means you didn't really do anything, which is easy. You're all fucking retarded on here. Maybe steroid addicted internet bloggers aren't the best source of information.