First Injection is it Infected?


New member
I had my buddy give me my first injection it was Test 400 From Northern pharma. i took 2cc in my left ass cheek on Friday night so 4 days ago. i woke up Saturday and barley could walk i just stayed home not moving much thinking it would be gone the next day or at least by Monday for work and still was painful to walk so Monday morning took 4 extra strength Advil in the morning to get me to work and some more during work so i could get around. its now Tuesday 4 days later and im still taking Advil just to walk around. iv been reading that people get like little balls of what ever there injecting built up but this could not be that because the swelling is like 4inch by 4inch around the injection site and its kinda hard its not red its a little purple but very light discoloration it is also a little warm to the touch but doesn't every thing that swells or when u hurt your self warm up a bit.
it look like a lot BA, or they use a kind of solvent than make you reacting bad.

i had this, when i added to much BA. without pix it's difficult to say it's just an inflammation or an infection.
ya thats what my buddy told me was i might be reacting the the BA so if thats the case just let it be and heal on its own? and how long should i be expecting this pain for lol. and if i react this way the first time will it be the same for all shots i am dropping the dosage down to 1cc the 2cc was just a front load.
Is it your first time injectin ever? When i first started all i could get was vet needles lol and my ass was pretty much like your saying, big lump in injection site and around it was pretty much a bruise. give it some time. Get a heatin pad it will help with the pain. Next time try to warm up some water and stick the vial in the water for a few seconds.
Test 400 from NP is 100% ethyl oleate, you may be allergic. Very unlikely they used high BA concentration IMO.

400mg/ml is a high concentration in my experience it always causes pain. Cut it with filtered sterile grapeseed oil in the syringe, or cut with just filtered grapeseed but you must let it sit for barrel for a few hours so the BA has time to sterilize it.

Also, you know 2cc of 400mg/ml is 800mg right, must be frontloading. Oh, and i highly doubt you are infected.
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Ya i didnt even see that it was test 400. Ya its just thicker. If you warm it up like i said it will help alot. I've got alot of pain from test 400 also. I doubt its infected
ok thanks for the help, i just didnt expect the pain to last this long lol was hoping for a cuple days