First MT2 cycle.

Now up to a nice 2.75mg.. no change but haven't had time to sunbed yet because of a new job! Hopefully next few days I can get to one for a 4min session to start things off!
Done a 6min Sun Bed session today.. upto 3.75mg. Will be going for another 6min session in a few days.. and will be extending the loading from 10 days to maybe 15 @ .5mg ED. No change just yet except freckles look a little darker..
Hey bro, do not listen to the idiot at the top. ANY skin type YES any skin type can and will become incredibly dark on both peps. Ive used MT2 for a year streight a few years back and it took me about 3 weeks of loading i think i was using 1mg ed for a week then dropped it back to .5 and within about 3-4 weeks i had people asking me if i was aboriginal i am a skin type 2. The only people the pep wont work for are TRUE ALBINOS. when i say albinos i mean people who are alergic to the sun
personally i have lots of mates who use . and the ones with type 1/2 see the most drastic changes compared to a skin type 3 or 4 . ull b black in no time just be careful coz it creeps up on u . low doses are best
Should a drop back to .25mg ED in that case then? I want it to gradually happen and not get TOO dark.. day 7 today.
Hey bro, do not listen to the idiot at the top. ANY skin type YES any skin type can and will become incredibly dark on both peps. Ive used MT2 for a year streight a few years back and it took me about 3 weeks of loading i think i was using 1mg ed for a week then dropped it back to .5 and within about 3-4 weeks i had people asking me if i was aboriginal i am a skin type 2. The only people the pep wont work for are TRUE ALBINOS. when i say albinos i mean people who are alergic to the sun

this just killed me, aboriginal. whooop whoooop.
Haven't updated for awhile! Have finally finished loading the 10mg. Had about 4 sunbed sessions.. and the only thing that hasn't tanned as well as the rest of my body is my arms and legs! Getting compliments etc all the time. Fucking love this stuff :)