First order help

With the Dbol it is easier to just disolve it in Everclear or 151. Mine stay at 20mg/ml no problem with 151.

If you wan to make some caps, then you will have to buy a cap-m-quik machine (costs about $20) and use some corn starch to cut the Dbol powder with.

I have see some pretty good capping threads, I'll see if I can find them for you.

Clemdog posted this in SBI
What I'd tell someone who's gonna start capping
I’ve learned a little bit from two capping experiences and I’d like to share what I would do differently if I were doing it all over again. I’m not going to go into the basics of capping, because you can get all of that from the instructions that come with the capper. Also, I don’t consider myself an expert, so I’m certainly open to any other ideas or feedback that could help make capping easier.

First off, when doing your first batch of caps, make placebos. That’s right, use filler only. The reason for this is two-fold: 1. Whatever mistakes you make can be measured in pennies, whereas if you fuck up on 50 caps of var, you could be looking at a $100+ mistake; and 2. You can always sell the placebos to some unsuspecting fool.

I used a Cap-M-Quik capper and size “1” caps. The capper holds 50 caps. I recommend taking your bag of caps and separating the bottoms (the big half) and the tops (the small half) all at once rather than one at a time while you are loading your capper. For filler, I used maltodexterin. 50 caps hold approximately 10.4g of unpacked filler.

So for your placebos, measure out 10.4g of filler. Dump the powder on to the caps in the capper and spread the powder across the caps with the spreader card. If 10.4g doesn’t fill up all the caps, add some more powder (roughly .2g per unfilled cap). Then determine the total amount of powder it took you to fill 50 caps. Write this number down.

Use a tamper to lightly compress the powder in the caps. You’re not doing this for the sake of packing the powder, but because it will make putting the tops of the caps on easier when you get to that step. You don't need to (and shouldn't) press very hard when tamping the powder. Some powder will push back up out of the caps and around the rim of each cap on the capper. Use the spreader to knock this back into the caps.

Lower the top of the capper and apply the tops of the caps. Remove the top half of the capper and do what you want with your placebos (put them in a bottle labeled "Dianabol 50mg", for example). This past weekend, I capped what I’m going to call “vitamin D”. I made 400 caps at 25mg. When you’re doing volume, I recommend having a Tupperware container or something handy. When you tilt the bottom of the capper to about 30 degrees, the caps should more or less fall off into your container, leaving any spilled residual powder behind. You will probably have about a cap’s worth of powder left behind in the bottom tray of the capper, which you can then dump back into your powder supply.

So now that you’ve done a trial run, you should be ready for the real thing. Figure out what dosage you want or what dosage you can make based on the amount of powder you have. Ideally, this should be a dosage that yields you caps in increments of 50. So say you have 5g of var powder and you want to make 100 caps at 50mg each. Take the number you wrote down earlier. It should be in the 10.2g to 10.8g range for 50 caps (depending on the density of the filler you used). Take that times 2, since you’re doing 100 caps. Let’s say you used 10.5g on your placebos, so your total for 100 caps would be 21g. Subtract your 5g of var from this and you find that you’ll need 16g of filler.

I mixed my filler and powder in a small food processor. A coffee grinder should work nicely as well. Also, while I used maltodexterin for my filler, if you are making your caps in a hot and humid environment, I’d recommend using something else that won’t turn sticky in a hot and humid environment.

Proceed to cap your real stuff as you did the placebos. Bear in mind that your caps will not be exactly the dosage you were targeting, as you're not going to be able to get every single mg of powder out of your mixer or off your trays and because of the differences in density between your powder and your filler. You should still be within a few % of your target, though.

After you’ve done a couple of trays of caps, you’ll find it takes about 10 minutes to do a tray of 50.
Easto said:
With the Dbol it is easier to just disolve it in Everclear or 151. Mine stay at 20mg/ml no problem with 151.

If you wan to make some caps, then you will have to buy a cap-m-quik machine (costs about $20) and use some corn starch to cut the Dbol powder with.

I have see some pretty good capping threads, I'll see if I can find them for you.

Thanks Easto. So, are you saying you just use the powder and the 151? Is that then an injectable or do you shoot it down your throat.

Also, how do you do the conversion? I would rather do what's easier and I don't mind ED injections.

tx, are you saying its ok to shoot 151? Or are you kidding? You can use PEG to dilute it and inject that. It will also avoid the first pass on the liver.
FTC said:
please dont shoot 151.

Sorry, blonde moment!! Guess I was in a hurry.

Once you dilute it in the 151, does it need to be heated up or anything, or does the alcohol sterilze it enough?
OK, well after asking some assinine questions for three days, I got some great instructions on capping and I have decided to go that route.

Thanks guys for all your help and putting up with my new found ignorance. HAHA