First PH Cycle Plan & Questions


New member
just wanted to get some advice for my first ph cycle. I am having some trouble with body composition. Im 20 years old (21 in a few months), been working out since age 16. At 16 I weighed 260, all fat and very overweight. By 18 I weighed 130. I lost way too much. After researching and change in diet I now weigh 175 at 16% bodyfat. I am really satisfied with my gains, but I want something more.

I am going to use the 1-T muscle stack from PP, I got one b4 they sold out. So in all my supplements include:

-1-t LV
-Need2slin (2x per day)
-Pump3d (only 5 caps preworkout)

-Sustain Alpha LV

Eating about 3500 calories per day, working out 5 days a week. Following the Bulking primer from this forum as well.

A few questions:
-Any problems?
-Any advice?
-Anything I should expect?
-What next? haha.
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You better throw in some Formastanzol if you are going to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during post cycle therapy (pct) due its dramatic boost in LH which leads to LOTS OF ESTROGEN, I agree with the above poster. You need to boost caloric intake at least 500 calories more, or even 1000 calories more.
Here is my meal schedule. Will definitely try to add more calories when I start. I am aiming for mid October, but I wanna be sure to have all the info I need b4 I start.

When I abbreviated Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) before I meant that I wanted to use HCGenerate. I didnt know there was a different product with. Would it be best to drop the HCGenerate from my PCT?

My age is not really an issue is it? I will be 21 in January.

7:00 Meal 1: Pro/Fat
4 Eggs, 1.5 Scoop Of Whey Protein, Cheese
50g protein / 2g carbs / 25g fat
8:00 Workout

9:00 Meal 2: PWO Nutrition
2 Scoops Whey Protein / 80g of Dextrose
40g protein / 80g carbs / 0g fat
11:00 Meal 3: PPWO
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, ½ cup Brown Rice (Measured Uncooked)
50g protein / 70g carbs / 3g fat

2:00 Meal 4: Pro/Fat
Nuts, cheese
35g protein / 4g carbs / 20g fat

4:00 Meal 5: Pro/Fat
Lean Ground Beef, ¼ cup swiss cheese, green veggies
55g protein / 2g carbs / 20g fat

6:00 Meal 6: Pro/Carb
Lean Protein of your choice, 1 Cup Oatmeal
50g protein / 54g carbs / 8g fat

8:00 Meal 7: Pro/Fat
1 Cans of Tuna, 1 Tbsp Full Fat Mayonnaise, Veggies
20g protein / 2g carbs / 13g Fat

10:00 Meal 8: Before Bed
3 Scoops of Whey Protein, 1.5 Tbsp. Flax Seed Oil
60g protein / 3g carbs / 21g Fat
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