First post, with a huge thanks


New member
Hi, first of all this is my first post, so I would like to say hello to the community, and thank you, although I have only just made a profile, I have been lurking this forum for a whilst and read all the relevant stickies. So I think I am finally ready to embark on the AAS voyage, a little info about my self. I'm 22 years old, have been training for 3 years, with 2 years of devoted training, nutrition, and knowledge. I'm 6"2, 90kg, and 12%bf. I train 4-5 times a week, have a good diet, and don't drink smoke or do recreational drugs. I want to use steroids to enhance my physique, and push my self to my potential. I will never enter a bodybuilding competition, and i am simply after an aesthetic look, and although this may seem vein, i have weighed up the pros and cons, and im willing to do this, given the fact my life revolves around training and i am very dedicated. Now the reason for this post, rather than just following a beginner cycle, is because of my job, lets just say i can spend a fair amount of time at sea, and randomly get drug tested, the drug tests are fine as im only checked for amphetamines, recreation drugs, but not steroids. The being at sea part is the main problem, a oral only cycle with pct would suit me down the ground in terms of accessibility, however after reading many negative comments on oral only cycles, i have been put off. I do get times when I am at home, with no work, but these only range from 2-3 weeks at a time. What would you guys recommend? What would you do in my shoes? thank you for any information posted and in return i will be most grateful
Welcome to Ology Ezz!, as long as you are not in the military and at sea I would just pack my injectables with me and keep them under lock in key. Even if in a small box with a lock on it. Be sure to take along a good Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and your pct goods as well.
Well brother if you're in the military I wouldn't even mess with AAS. they don't take that shit lightly!
True I have been weighing up the pros and cons, and all though they don't test for it, it could be risky. May just have to wait until I leave, shame I cant just pop a few dbol every day without the harsh sides
I was in the cOrps for a wile. Steroid use is huge Expecially Over seas. I do not recommend it though because a discharge is not what u want my brother
My sgt did a dbol Winstrol (winny) cycle and lost
Everything. Also not worth it
Stick with legal things and keep training hard. I don't mean prohormones but there are other things that can give you a little boost such as creatine, amino acids etc.
No pro hormones are crap. I personally haven't seen one work well or worth the sides. And bro at 22 u got mad
Time left in the game. Why will u be at sea? U deploying? If u are that's where 90% of the military actually uses gear. It's easyer to get in other country's and u can train Dailey

Ps: u might make People mad bumping your own posts after 13 mins
OK sure I wont bump, yea I know im only 22, just kinda impatient :) but I guess time key in this game and I should just relax, and watch the gains come over the years, well usually we just go to sea for a few months for training, then come back. Dont actually spend much time along side in foreign countries.
I would just say then, take this time to prepare a real cycle, and a strict diet. Get ALL your gear, post cycle therapy (pct), and AI's BEFORE u start. Like no shit plan it all out. Dude I have a binder of drug profiles, a few dif cal range diets and extra gear on hand for
Unforeseen issues. When u have a free 5 months strait then run your cycle.
Yea good shout, I guess there is no harm in buying all the gear, learning as much as possible and planning it all. Then at least when I leave the forces, or have some time as you said, I will be ready to make the move. Untill then I will keep training, dieting and working out like theres no tomorrow.
Fuck ya brother. Work hard play harder!!! I wish u all the luck wile u are still in. Military life was no fun for
Me. 2 tours Iraq
Im guessing pro hormones arent worth a shot?

Some do work but often the sides are even worse than oral AAS and gain retention also becomes a big problem.

You can look into epistane as a milder one that does produce some modest gains.

Fuck ya brother. Work hard play harder!!! I wish u all the luck wile u are still in. Military life was no fun for
Me. 2 tours Iraq

I knew there was a reason I really liked ya brother!

Thank you both for your service!
Just wanted to pop in a say something really quickly. First of all I'm going to echo what everyone else has said and tell you to put it off until you get out. Secondly, I know that they only regularly test for certain things, not steroids... But if you blow up too fast you better believe they will test you. I've seen some guys get popped like that for sure in my time. Maybe things have changed, but I doubt it.