first real cycle. need some options

Beefy Nuts

New member
First i wanna say whats up guys. Just changed my name because my original name was a little to personal. Have been a member for a cpl years and yet to run a real cycle.

33 yrs old
175 lbs
15-17%bf cutting out a cpl carbs till i start
lifting for 6 years

Ran 200 mgs test c per week for 6 months with arimidex .25 mgs twice a week and hcg as a doc attempted restart followed by your standard clomid/nolva pct. During this 6 month shutdown i decided it wouldn't hurt to run this about to expire dbol at 30 mgs a day for the first 2 weeks and 40 for the last 2 weeks. Upped ai to .25 mgs every other day during use of dbol.

3-10 ml bottles of deca
cpl bottles of dbol
cpl bottles of anavar
and some test c
all aml products

Size. Not necessarily lean gains either. A little water is not a bad thing.

weeks 1-14 test 250/per week split
weeks 1-14 deca 400 mgs per week split
weeks 1-5 or 6 dbol 40 mgs per day
weeks 1-4 arimidex .5 every other day???
Weeks 5-14 arimidex .25 every other day???

If cycle is running smoothly then i will introduce anavar at 50 mgs per day weeks 8-14

none. Gonna drop to a cruise dose on the test

I burn around 6-7000 cal per day (according to my fit bit) due to my high energy 10 hr a day career so diet is my lacking catagory. Thinking of hiring 3j

So do you guys think ill need a DA using low dose deca?
I could also use some suggestions on my ai dosing. The only frame of reference i have is .25 mgs arimidex put my e2 in normal ranges coupled with 200 mgs test.

Constructive feedback would be nice. I know the doses are non-exstistant to some of you. But i have had low testosterone my whole life. I gained great size from 200 mgs of test a little dbol.
I'm in the same boat.. And can give a couple of pointers.

1. everyone is different. There is no formula for the amount of AI and the need for a DA. Sure there are general guidelines. Your protocol looks like a good starting point.

2. I don't see your plan to get blood work. this is the most important part of running a cycle. the standard blood work outlined in the stickies is good to go. You will need to add in a prolactin a la cart as well to determine DA need / dose.

- FYI, I thought I was running a cycle but turned out my UGL T400 was under dosed and the amount of AI I was taking was crashing my e2 and making me feel like ASS. I would have never discovered this without a blood test.

3. What are your current TRT bloods? You outline what you have taken, but no info on there this puts your E2 and TT, free t, etc. This will serve as a good baseline for your cycle.

4. DIET IS KING. You will not have good gains without a solid diet. I've used 3J with good results.
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Thanks for the reply. Not on trt. I have low enough test to feel most of the symptoms but just high enough so no one will treat me. I was at 370, after the restart attempt (or whatever you may call it) im sitting currently at 394. Planning on running this cycle (or blast) and then cruising just low enough of a dose so no ai is needed. Probably 150-175 mgs per week. At 200 mgs i was at 1060 TT.

Yes blood work i will be getting probably 4-5 weeks after i drop the dbol. No point in trying to dial in the dbol.

Ok so im gonna pick up a DA. Should i keep on hand and wait for mid-cycle blood results or start a week or two in low dose and go from there???

And what is the prefered choice, caber or prami? Didnt see caber on the rui website.

250 is llw but sufficient probably...and some like deca over test w good results. I never go under 1-1 test deca but that's ME.
I d keep the d bol at 4 s a aromat. mo fo, bit toxic but that s me.
Caber prami...diff schools..but either is better than neither.

U won t be Beefynuts long w o hcg..more like BBSHOT N A BOXCAR...but I m not one to run hcg regularly and u may not care about testicle size or lh fh function. I pump mine back up quarterly running a 5000 iu s bottle for a month discard and re atrophy...but that s me.


Up that test to 500 mg a week or the deca is gonna knock ur sex drive in the dirt

Are 100% on this???i would think that 250 mgs of test i would be around 1100 TT with a strong sex drive (as long as e2 is under control). Not saying your wrong but can you please fill me in a little...

250 is llw but sufficient probably...and some like deca over test w good results. I never go under 1-1 test deca but that's ME.
I d keep the d bol at 4 s a aromat. mo fo, bit toxic but that s me.ref ularber prami...diff schools..but either is better than neither.

U won t be Beefynuts long w o hcg..more like BBSHOT N A BOXCAR...but I m not one to run hcg regularly and u may not care about testicle size or lh fh function. I pump mine back up quarterly running a 5000 iu s bottle for a month discard and re atrophy...but that s me.


Bwahahaha funny shit

I thought about it. Last time my balls atrophied i noticed right away, never mentioned it to the wife. Then i started hcg and they came back. I was relieved but when i asked the wife if she preferred the look when they were smaller or regular size, she said she didnt even know they shrank. I was astonished b/c i thought they dropped to like quarter their reg size. Must of just been in my head. With that being said ill probably hold off on the hcg for now
3J s righjt BN.

5 9 inches and 40 pound s lighter and maybe 3-5 point s higher. I am not criticizing u but need to re iterate what I usually always s do.

FOOD is the most anabolic thing available to us. And when you eat what is paramount as is portion control and freguencies. Now I ain t ripped...but my metab is stupid fast.

However 2 in 6 yr s I lost 35 pounds to injuries both ext and self inflicted. It was not gear that turned it around and not vast fast fod consumtion but adherence to a proper bulk provided and guided by 3j...he s very very good and very into helping people.

With out dropping ur bdyfat and feeding the machine ur stuck in the mud w o a winch son.

No disrespect...just saying...
Yes diet is king

I will be getting a hold if you soon.

I find it difficult to dial in my diet since i took on this new position at work. WO days i burn on average 7000 cal and roughly 6500 on non-WO days. I have to pack food in my back pack to last a 10-12 hr physically demanding work day. This is where i have trouble and the reason i would prefer to higher you
If your burning 6500 cals ed! Or 7000 cals ed! You should n3ver do cardio! Ever! That is if your not getting in enough calories to begin with, because your only going to become more catabolic and be in a endless loop constantly fighting catabolism.
Another thing all the juice in the world isnt going to help you reach your goals if your not getting the proper amount of nutrients and rest!!!! This is over half
The battle! You probable need to consume at least 8-9k if what your saying is true . Your body would be like a blast furnace! And t3 will only help in utilize your nutrients even more so! Make sure not to take your t3 over 75mcg. For your cycle and because of the struggle to hit you required nutrient intake ,you could end up burning way to much muscle.
Have you thought abiut going with npp instead of deca!?
It is easier on your libido ,faster acting .you pretty much,get all the benefits of deca without all the water or bloat!
Also, make sure to include creatine while taking your var! This will enhance its effects.
If you chose prami make sure to taper it very slowly!
Its what i prefer but start at .125 for 3-4days then go to .25 for another 3-4 days (longer if needed) then .375 for 3-4days .50 i would say is max dose
For what you are running! Also 500 wk test 400 npp/deca .var 60-80 mg ed
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Thanks for the advise.

Already got the deca so npp is out, although i did think about running but decided against it b/c its double the price. Im in no hurry and like stated, water is not a bad thing for my goal. Although i dont want moon face lol

I feel if i upped my test to 500 i would need to adjust my ai or drop the dbol. Besides if i can build a decent base on low test, throw in some deca and dbol the gains will come for sure.

Still would like to know if you guys think deca will crush my libido b/c of the test deca ratio??? If thats the case i will up the test to 1.5 ml (375 mgs) per week.

Thanks for the advise on prami
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Brother, that's a lot of compounds for a first cycle. I'd recommend doin a test only cycle first and learning how your body responds. You'll be glad you learned to identify how you respond to high or low E2, what makes you bloat, constipate, joints ache, anxiety, and all the other weird shit that hormones can do.

Also, It's a big commitment to go from first cycle ever straight to "cruise". You are basically committing to a life of TRT in your early 30's. not sure how low your T is currently, but it aint ever coming back if your cruise.
All these posts about low test with high deca crashing your libido is absolutely ridiculous! You all should know better! Deca causing water bloat and all this nonsense is crazy! As long as you manage your e2 with an ai correctly, you shouldn't have any issues with libido or water retention regardless of the dose. I've used a real low dose of test with a pretty good amount of deca before and never experienced what some of you guys are posting. A bunch of broscience! As far as not being on trt but going back to your cruise dose after blasting is a bit confusing. Are you on trt or just cruising on test when not on a cycle?
I just ran test c for 6 months and dbol for four weeks. Ai from start and upped it when i ran the dbol. Had a good time with great results. Only sides were back pumps from the dbol. Im adding deca this time around for joint lubrication. I can manage e2 just fine. I did for 6 months no problems. As long as i can manage prolactin i don't see why adding anavar at the end would be a bad idea. If for some reason i can't handle deca at 400 mgs than i will not introduce anavar.
The first real cycle is easy brother. Test e or cyp for 10-12 weeks.

Have your pct in place and hcg is highly recommended.
I was actually thinkin about waiting on the dbol.

I've got low test that the docs will not treat so im going to treat myself. fuck low testosterone