First steroid cycle: test e


New member
Hey dudes, Im wanting to start my first steroid cycle on test enanthate...and iv done a ton of research...but i want to get some straight forward advice for ppl who have some experience using...Now, what dosage would be nesscessary for not a big guy at all im 5'6 im jus wondering what kind of dosage would be sufficient...i was thinkin 250mg but iv heard u wont see or feel much result from that low of dosage...but iv also heard thats enough sence its my first im just lookin for a simple straight answer..also is an antiestrogen a necessity when on test? iv also heard both sides to that too...thanks in advance for any advise/answers u can give me..

At 165 you need to gain some weight and focus on food intake not using. Do some more research and others will chime in. Are you planning on using HCG? What's your post cycle therapy (pct) plan? 250 a week won't do shit for you and what would be the cycle length? How old are you? Your natty levels are probably higher than that right now, adding such a small dosage will only shut you down, not help you.
thanks for the reply man, and to answer some of your 27, iv got 5 solid years in the gym...and im a lean 165 so im not skinny by any means..i hav pretty low test for my age diets in check its just basicly shitty genetics...and im planing on doing clomid pct and antiestrogens on and off cycle...and i have considered hcg but i dont really have enough info on the matter..have u use it? if so how did it work for u pct wise? and im planning on doing 10 week cycle of test e 250mg a week...the problem i have with a high dosage is the sides effect that come along with a high dose...lik bloat and fat gain from the enhanced estrogen levels...will antiestrogens take care of that? did they work for u? and also how do u feel on test? iv heard various things about how ppl feel on test..such as they feel fuckin great lik they could flip a semi truck and they feel extreme confidence....iv also heard they feel lik shit from the raise in hormone just lookin for some answers from someone whos used and has some experience with the matter...lik i said iv done a shit ton of research on steroids..iv jus seen mixed feeling/opinions on them...