First Sus Cycle This shall be my first log and basicly review of the company gear


New member
BackGround before this cycle:
I've been one 2 previous cycle of Test E / Tren E with great results
Previous Cycles Start / End:
Age 19-20 ( Yes Young )
163 6'4 bf 10% to 188 12% body fat to 205 13% bodyfat
Broke my shoulder after my cycle about 3 weeks after and could not go to the gym or lift for a good 3 months
probably the worst feeling ever of losing everything you ever worked for at the gym. After 3 months I came back
to the gym at 182 to find out even when doing light compound movements for chest my shoulder would flare and hurt like crazy
so i stopped completely and just kept going to physical therapy. It was about 6 months after my 3 month break was I able to really
put up weights again without any pain. I worked out about 3 months prior to this decision of coming on again.
I weighed myself in tonight at 176 probably 13% body fat (Only See abs when flexing and low is barely visible)

Going on a lighter cycle just to get back into the swing of things

sus 275 (BioGenLab) wk 1-12 pin e3d

PCT: Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Goal: Jump from 176 to 190-195 after PCT around 11-12% bodyfat I am now 21 Years of age. (Please Dont Flame Me)

I know how to diet my body so that is not a
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Update Day 2:
weight : 178

Probably gaining cause i uped my calories about 1000
knocked out chest and shoulders not feeling anything from the sus yet but just a good workout in general