First Test E 500mg Pin. Few days down !

Crip Nasty

3rd string
So Thursday i pinned my first 500mg Test E shot, thought about running two pins a week at 250mg each, but decided against it as I'm not a fan of pinning anymore then i have to. So its been a few days and i already see my appetite is increasing drastically. So for now ill continue a lean cycle with clean bulking. Lots of chicken, fish,rice, and lean meats. cant wait to see the changes throughout the next few weeks.

Certainly not starting off with this cycle as fit as i could have been, but non the less im in the gym and have a good foundation to build on. Will post pictures soon.

Starting stats:
%15 BF
181 LBS

Goal- 190lbs under %10 BF

Pct- Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
AI- liquidex .25mg EOD
remember that 80% of your progress will be based upon your diet... i cant express how much priority has to be put on the diet.. make sure your steadily adding calories as your cycle goes on..

if your interested in working with a professional on your diet email me at to become a client

good luck to you!
RUI is very quick with its shipping as I am not far from its manufacturing company. I can have my shipments with 2 days. In not here to argue anyone's opinions or advice just looking for support and thoughtful wishes. I feel completely content with everything going on. I have read and researched until my eyes bleed. I like to educate before I medicate.
From here I will switch to two pins a week. I understand it keeps my blood levels and hormones more in check and keeps my organs from struggling more then need be. I appreciate that 3j. I'm sure it will help with the PIP also.
you are very welcome... remember, diet first!!
From here I will switch to two pins a week. I understand it keeps my blood levels and hormones more in check and keeps my organs from struggling more then need be. I appreciate that 3j. I'm sure it will help with the PIP also.
So as of now I have the rest of my pct in route, I'm switching my weekly pin into by weekly pins and just left the gym feeling GOOD. Bout to crush down some grilled fish brown rice and veggies!! Yewww
1st week update. Gained 4lbs already, most likely all water weight but good signs everything's working well. Felt a little lethargic during yesterday's workout, but really made up for it tonight. No real signs of anything yet as it's too early to tell. But moving on and keeping a strict diet. Been running .25mg liquidex eod and seems to be just right for me. More updates soon! Time to eat.
Well I see a fair amount of views but no real conversations going on. I assume people are reading just not to interested, no worries.

Anyhow I'm at my two week mark, and I suppose test hits me quicker then most. My appetite and energy is thru the roof already. I can workout longer and harder then EVER before. Already putting on size to arms and back. Started with a bird chest and already starting to see results and pecs take shape. Extremely excited to see what's in store for me over the next month in a half. Still on a clean lean bulk cycle and eating as healthy as it gets. Worst thing I ingest is probably my preworkout out supplement. I'm taking plenty of multi vitamins and drinking 3 syntha 6 protein shakes a day. I plan on posting pictures at the end of this cycle.

Comments or advice is always more then appreciated.

Keep it NASTY. Crip Nasty
also i highly recommend doing two pins a week bro..

This^.. pinning twice a week helps keep your blood levels more steady. Clomid always run with nolva for pct...Also why run a cycle when your only looking for a 10lb gain? That can easily be done with a good diet/workout program.
Everyone does things differently bro. Everyone on this site can tell me a different way to run any cycle out there. It all depends on what works for you. Maybe I don't need clomid because I already have tiny testicals. Maybe I don't care about blood levels because everyone in my family has died from a terrible blood disease without steroids as it is. Perhaps I can't gain weight naturally because I have chronic diarrhea. These are all variables that play a factor in everyone's decision to juice or not. Sorry I wanna be swole bro! It's the fuckin Catalina wine mixer.