First Test E Cycle Log 12 Week


New member
Hey all

This will be first cycle

175 pounds

Cycle 12 week
test E 500mg per week shot on Monday and Thursday
AI Liquid Stane 12.5 EOD

2 weeks after last shot
clomid 50/50/50/50
Novladex 40/40/20/20

First pin Wednesday in left Delt was Apsolutely SHIITING IT LOL

But yeah got it over and done with and have a slight dead arm...

Starting Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Week 2

Wen will the BONARS come :D ? and strength and size?

and how much of a surplus should i be in at a 500 surplus atm.

And protein 1g/lb atm going to up it to 1.5/lb maybe week 2 when Test kicks in more
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My cycle is basically the same except Im using armidex .25 mg ED, and my Test-E cycle will be 15 weeks. My post cycle therapy (pct) is the same. Protein wise im going around 2 grams of protein per LB, honestly I'd just start your protein the same for the whole time. So if your going to 1.5 grams Id start at 1.5 grams. For surplus mine will be around 500 also, I think with AAS at 500 you wont gain any fat unless your eating dirty foods. For Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you have enough I'd just start at the beginning . But that is just my personal opinion, so you can take that with a grain of salt compared to the more respectable people on here.
Man I'd love to do 2 grams of protein per lb, but seeing as how I weigh 235, 470grams of protein is hard as shit to eat.... =(
How do you guys eat that much protein without your calorie count going through the roof, there's only so much chicken breast and eggs you can eat before you start clucking.
Day 2

First shot was ydai sorry, in left shoulder. Arm was abit dead through day.

Hit the gym and couldnt do things like rear delts as it was kinda hurtin.

When the night came DAMN! i couldnt move my arm PIP was realy bad when moving arm.

Today its slightly better. hopefully its better by tmoz for my gym sesh!

Calories are going in nicely . Proteins going in nicely. 3-4 litres of water going in beutifully ...Feeling no different atm...

Supplents are the good old Multi, fish oil and Green Tea.

Planning on not drinking any alcohol throughout the whole cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) (18 weeks) and Quit social smoking(1 cigerette a day with friends) a week before cycle

Thought ide just up my calories to 750 surplus from now and 1.5g protein/lb from now also

Still waiting for my Liquid Stane (Aromasin) Hopefully should be here by week 2 when i plan on starting it

Will update when theres some decent changes.

UP in weight 0.8lbs Probally water or whatever.

Not much noticable change in BP... Iam checking it 3x a day first cycle so want to be on top of things.

Libido Normal, Agression Normal

Will keep you all updated.

P.S hit a PR on leg extentions (+25kG)same day i got pinned WTF lol Major Placebo!
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Day 2

Going to do it like this each time i post from now so People can follow my log easier. :D

Strength: PR leg extention +25kg(must be a placebo)

Body weight: +0.8lbs

Libido: No change

Aggression: No change

BP: Normal

PIP: BAD!towards ydai bed time slightly better today. Injected left delt

looks good pretty much the same format i will be following for my first cycle, will follow to see your gains! good luck man , beast mode!
Day 3

Strength: +5kg Tbar Row,

Body weight: + 1.6lbs (from start)

Libido: No change (Got a random boner watching TV dont know if it was test or me rocking lol)

Aggression: No change

BP: Normal

PIP: Arm still hurts -_- had to train through the pain

Notes: Feel like im coming down with something dunno if its test flu or what... Felt shattered after gym session today could of easily had a nap lol.
Felt abit more intensity at the gym, not all that much prob about 5% more intensity. not expecting much this early anyway. Food, Protein and water going down nicely. I noticed yesterday in the mirror my skin appeared SLIGHTLY more red than usual under my chest.
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Day 4

Strength: Day off

Body weight: +2.2lbs (from day 1) Averaging at 0.7lbs p/day atm. Must be water.

Libido: Was feeling a little hornier today.

Aggression: Friends said i was acting cockier dont know if they was just trying to wind me up lol.

BP: a little higher than usual at the night time checkup... Maybe cos of high sodium today?

PIP: Pretty Much gone (Took 4 days)

Notes: I wont be logging everyday this is just the first few days iam logging because its first time, Then iam going to log when theres some good enough changes.
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Day 5

Strength: +5kg x 1 rep on Dumbell Chest press

Body weight: + 4lbs, Also gained 0.4inches on arm (must be water)

Libido: Normal

Aggression: Normal

BP: Normal

PIP: Came back a little after intense workout

Day 6

Strength: Day off

Body weight: + 5.2lbs (750 surplus and just come off a cut 1-2 weeks before cycle so Must be water or something)

Libido: Its Hard to tell because I was already horny as hell but so far its been like +10%

Aggression: Normal

BP: Normal

PIP: Pinned right Delt today, 2nd pin had to do it twice as blood came into first pin, a little blood came out after pin jus plastered it and felt a little light headed and dizzy but went after 5mins after i realised its all in my head.My right arm is already dead! Hope this arm doesnt take as long as left arm did. Seriousli considering glutes.

Notes: Dont know if its placebo or what but i already feel a little bigger,
About the Pins being far apart, First week i did 250mg a week, 2nd-12 will be 500mg a week.
Havent started Aromatase inhibitor (AI) yet because
a) havent recieved it yet still on its way from RUI (Liquid Stane)
b) No signs of high estrogen so far
c) i read somewhere to start Aromatase inhibitor (AI) 2-3 weeks in as using it from start may give me Low estrogen levels. it makes sense to me as the test aint fully kicked in yet so estrogen wont be much higher than normal and lowering it too low could have some low E side effects.

I have nolva n Letro on hand incase shit did happen btw.
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I'm following ur log....keep it up bro!! good info, as i plan to start my cycle in a couple of weeks and this is nearly my exact cycle. progress pics (especially before) wouldn't hurt......also what was ur bf% @ the start of ur cycle?
I'm following ur log....keep it up bro!! good info, as i plan to start my cycle in a couple of weeks and this is nearly my exact cycle. progress pics (especially before) wouldn't hurt......also what was ur bf% @ the start of ur cycle?

I cut down to around 12% before my cycle mate.

About the progress pics I dont know if anyone i know is on here lol, i may do it end of cycle with some background editing or something so it doesnt look like me lol.