First Test-E cycle (tell me what you think!)


New member
I’m going to be starting my first Test-E cycle soon and wanted to get some feedback on my plan:

Age: 25
Weight: 160
Height 5’9”

First 10 weeks
500mg of Test-E per week (pin Mondays and Thursdays)
10mg of Aromasin EOD
Next 2 weeks
Don’t take anything
Next 2 weeks
100mg Clomid ED
25mg Aromasin ED
Next 1 week
50mg Clomid ED
25mg Aromasin ED

I’ll draw up with a 19 gauge needle and pin with a 23 gauge needle.
I plan on rotating between thighs and glute.

In Case of Gyno
If I notice early stages of gyno, I’ll have Novla on hand (start by taking 20mg EOD and increase by 10mg increments if needed).
If I see gyno still progresses, I’ll have letro on hand as well.

Test E from Dragon Pharma
Aromasin from Sten Labs
Clomid from MedicStar
Novla from MedicStar
Letro from AG-Guys

I will continue on my current high protein, medium carb, low fat method of eating. I will be consuming around 2,500 calories a day and will be taking a daily multivitamin as well.

Some honest opinions about this cycle would be much appreciated!
You need to first learn how to eat properly. If you dont, you're wasting your money on steroids. And at 5.9" and a buck sixty youre nowhere near your growth potential.

Pack on some weight/muscle first. Then consider AAS.

And your Adex amounts are ridiculous. Do some more research...seriously.
Hi Mickey,
I've read similar Adex amounts on numerous other sources.
What would you recommend?

I usually swing between 175lbs and 160lbs depending on whether I'm bulking or cutting.
I'm guessing that you're suggesting I should increase the calorie intake when I start Test E.

Anything else stick out about the cycle?
yo! you need to eat more then 2500 cal... that kind of intake is a joke compared to what you should be eating if you take juice.

this is how a first cycle should look:
week 1-12 500 mg test e/ week
week 1-14 .25 mg arimidex every other day
week 15-18 clomid 100/100/50/50 mg
week 15-18 nolvadex 40/40/20/20 mg
I seen a lot of ppl doing PCT like this after 2 weeks of last injection.
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/40/40

yo! you need to eat more then 2500 cal... that kind of intake is a joke compared to what you should be eating if you take juice.

this is how a first cycle should look:
week 1-12 500 mg test e/ week
week 1-14 .25 mg arimidex every other day
week 15-18 clomid 100/100/50/50 mg
week 15-18 nolvadex 40/40/20/20 mg

Agree with both these posts.

Pay particular attention to the Adex amount in ManBearPig's post. DECIMAL 25mg (.25mg) not 10mg! You'll reduce your E2 levels waaaay too low and crash bro, if you try dosing 10mg of Adex - thats a ton!