First Test E eq dbol cycle help and experience appreciated


New member
Hello guys im going to do a test eq dbol cycle... just curious what u guys think about it and i would appreciate any experiences with this kind of cycle + its my first time doing EQ

W1 1200mg EQ
w2-16 600mg EQ
w1-16 500mg test E
w1-6 50mg Dbol

0.5mg arimidex EOD
Il be using liver support too while on the dbol
I dont drink alcohol btw so im guessing the 50mg dbol for 6 weeks is do able

for pct il be using nolva and clomid ( cant get my hands on HCG )

im looking for mass and strength and hopefully lean out on the end with some vascularity...
180 7-8% bf
liftin for 3 years with good diet and good training, very dedicated to my training i dont go out to partys and i dont drink, smoke or take any other drugs...
started lifting at 132lbs
You are way to young to be doing aas, let alone multiple compounds. Obviously you can gain natty. Work on your diet, and keep lifting natty for a few more years and research. Then you can think about doing a cycle.
ive already done a cycle bro and seriously not to sound like a douche or anything but im gonna do this cycle and i appreciate that you want the best for me but im not here to decide whether im going to do this cycle or not cuz i am. Thanks btw
So you bumped your initia post after 10 min? Do you think that may be an indicator of your patience? It is instructive to me for sure.

You are not going to want to hear this, BUT I would advise you to wait AT LEAST 5 more years before jumping into steroid cycles. You come from an instant gratification generation so I know you prob don't wanna wait that long (again you bumped your thread in 10 min). So I would strongly encourage you to hold off for years and then approach this subject with a simpler test only type cycle.

Best wishes. I'm out.
thanks for the advice bro but im quitting this lifestyle at 25 after graduation is done and stuff... like i said il be doing this anyways and yes its a fucked up generation your right haha.. everyone gotta be the best at everything at all times
Your cycle isn't layed out well at all. I'm going to leave it at that since your not even old enough to buy a beer...
If your old enough to serve and die for your country your old enough to fuk yourself up on steroids..
Make your own choices and live with it.

We got 19 year olds serving our country, killing bad guys with m14s, getting themselves blown up by car bombs etc.. I'd say at 19 year old enough to do whatever you want man (but you'll still have to live with the consequences of any choice you make)
So you want to never touch AAS once you turn twenty-five? What happens if you do this cycle and mess up you HPTA and you can no longer produce natural testosterone? You run that risk everytime you use. Then you might have to use it for the rest of your life. What was your previous cycle? Have you ever had any blood work done?
2012 Switched on Schoolhouse Alabama State History for Grades 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 38

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no fucking problem, il be on TRT gladly... i didnt say i would stop aas for good once i turn 25 i just ment that lifting and stuff wouldnt be my priority in life... i will lift forever and maybe be on trt doses here and there for a good while but at 25 i ment that i would try to focus more on career and stuff like that.
If your old enough to serve and die for your country your old enough to fuk yourself up on steroids..
Make your own choices and live with it.

We got 19 year olds serving our country, killing bad guys with m14s, getting themselves blown up by car bombs etc.. I'd say at 19 year old enough to do whatever you want man (but you'll still have to live with the consequences of any choice you make)
i know, i know the risks and i have accepted them, if people want to die for their country thats their choice but i wouldnt die for anything or anyone except for my family.... i just fucking hate how every post about cycles turn into these kind of agruments after a couple posts lol
yes i do , il jab some test for 1 week, jump to tren for 4 days, back to deca on the 5th day add some hdrol on the 7th day jump back to creatine mono at week 3 and then do 5g of arimidex which should keep my estro low for about 6 weeks so il jump on some big dbol doses like 15mg maybe il split those 15mgs over the 6 weeks so il do like 2mg ish a week.... sound good dont u think?