oh you're just a troll... you had me there for a minute. 

yes i do , il jab some test for 1 week, jump to tren for 4 days, back to deca on the 5th day add some hdrol on the 7th day jump back to creatine mono at week 3 and then do 5g of arimidex which should keep my estro low for about 6 weeks so il jump on some big dbol doses like 15mg maybe il split those 15mgs over the 6 weeks so il do like 2mg ish a week.... sound good dont u think?
im actually srs bro.... what if i told you im OK with doing steroids for the rest of my life?
the hdrol monohydrate tren sht was a troll btw i hope u know
That's not a great cycle and has nothing to do with trt. You don't know what your talking about...
It's guys like you that give AAS a bad name...
Pop anything with no research, no idea of the potentially life-changing side effects
Overnight gratification for long-term and painful expense.
il jab some test for 1 week, jump to tren for 4 days, back to deca on the 5th day add some hdrol on the 7th day jump back to creatine mono at week 3 and then do 5g of arimidex which should keep my estro low for about 6 weeks so il jump on some big dbol doses like 15mg maybe il split those 15mgs over the 6 weeks so il do like 2mg ish a week
Read this sentence back dude - go on... read it, and realise just how goofy and stupid you sound.
This is a mature forum that dishes out sensible advise and helps people... you're clogging up the feed with your immaturity.
fuck you faggotben pro bodybuilder my ass looking like a 190lb 5ft7 cunt thinking you are king with your knowledge and shit.... youl bow down for me one day bro.... my lifestyle is being king and a winner and il fuck and kill anything to be the best in everything i do so fuck all of you
180 7-8% bf
liftin for 3 years with good diet and good training, very dedicated to my training i dont go out to partys and i dont drink, smoke or take any other drugs...
started lifting at 132lbs
fuck you faggotben pro bodybuilder my ass looking like a 190lb 5ft7 cunt thinking you are king with your knowledge and shit.... youl bow down for me one day bro.... my lifestyle is being king and a winner and il fuck and kill anything to be the best in everything i do so fuck all of you
ive done test deca and my dick was harder than a rock during the whole shit and during pct and after.. did bloodcheck all levels clean little high on the bp but i fixed that too.... im a god, winner at everything i do youl see one day bruh your sister in my porsche gt
If your old enough to serve and die for your country your old enough to fuk yourself up on steroids..
Make your own choices and live with it.
We got 19 year olds serving our country, killing bad guys with m14s, getting themselves blown up by car bombs etc.. I'd say at 19 year old enough to do whatever you want man (but you'll still have to live with the consequences of any choice you make)
fuck you faggotben pro bodybuilder my ass looking like a 190lb 5ft7 cunt thinking you are king with your knowledge and shit.... youl bow down for me one day bro.... my lifestyle is being king and a winner and il fuck and kill anything to be the best in everything i do so fuck all of you
im a god, winner at everything i do