First Test Enanthate cycle, revised!!


New member
Ok, so I recently posted a thread on my first cycle drug choices. And it was shot to hell. I re-researched and found a more steroidology friendly first cycle. Since I don't have anyone else to supervise, I guess I'll do what you suggest. Anyway. I have not had any blood work done and am waiting to find a reasonably priced online source to get my labs. I recently made a test run with an online source for my gear and everything checks out. I think. It's Geneza Test and it doesn't register as authentic On the Geneza pharma website but I keep reading that it takes a while for them to update their site. I'm not concerned since the reviews of the source are 90% good.

I am 25 years old
I weigh 170lbs
I have been training for 4 years
Body fat percentage is 10
5'11" tall

12 week cycle
500mg Test Enanthate (250mg twice weekly)
Exemestane 12.5mg everyday 15 weeks
Hcg 500iu per week(250iu along with testosterone injection) 12 weeks
Hcg 1000iu everyday for the last 10 days of cycle.

Daily Macros

4000 calories
250g protein
Carbs and fats fall wherever they fall. As much as possible. I do not gain body fat easily. And when I do, it falls off so quick it's ridiculous.


Clomafene Citrate 50mg everyday for 4 weeks
Tamoxifen citrate 40mg every day 2 weeks followed by 20mg everyday for 2 weeks

I would like to predict sides and troubleshoot them before they happen. From what I've read estrogen is hard to control and it appears to have similar side effects when high as when low. If anyone has input on that.

Thanks guys!
i think if you're 25, been training 4 years and you've only managed to achieve 170lbs @ 5'11, you're not trying hard enough naturally. but you're a big boy looks like you've already made up your mind...

don't set in stone the number "12.5mg aromasin everyday" because you don't know how your body will react and how much e2 it will produce on 500mg test. that should be a good dose but don't be afraid to increase or decrease it. i personally need 12.5mg EOD on 500mgs of test. you're pretty lean right now so you should be able when your e2 is getting too high just by you bloating. but if you cant tell that way, pay attention to your sex drive. you know how you feel when you havent busted a nut in a week? that's how you'll feel every day on 500mgs of test if your e2 is where it should be.

stick with the 250iu 2x a week on cycle, then A WEEK (some even say to wait two weeks to begin PCT protocols) after your last pin start hitting 1000iu EOD (1000iu ED is overkill IMO) for 10 days which should equal 5000iu total.

remember to still keep the aromasin on hand when when you're blasting the HCG because it does raise your total test resulting in your e2 rising. you'll defintely need it on 1000iu HCG EOD. and just to be safe keep it around when you're on the clomid as well because clomid is known to raise e2.

4 weeks into your cycle on your injection day, before the injection, go get bloods. check out your total test and estradiol. use these numbers as a ratio in order to adjust your AI dosage if needed, and for future cycles if you do decide to proceed down this road. i know exactly how much AI i need per 250mg of test because i figured out my own ratio.

4-6 weeks after discontinuing PCT go get bloods again: total test, estradiol, FSH, and LH.

as you can tell.. e2 is a bitch (literally). most of the horrible side effects you hear from steroid use are a result of this hormone being out of control.

good luck man
I've read from some smart sources on these forums (not saying you're not one of them) that it's unnecessary to blast HCG if you're taking it at 500iu a week. I would like to know because not blasting it towards the end was my plan. Currently doing 500iu a week. By the way solid reply.
I've read from some smart sources on these forums (not saying you're not one of them) that it's unnecessary to blast HCG if you're taking it at 500iu a week. I would like to know because not blasting it towards the end was my plan. Currently doing 500iu a week. By the way solid reply.
it could be unnecessary, but i'd rather do it just for some peace of mind to know that i'm good and primed to start PCT
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i think if you're 25, been training 4 years and you've only managed to achieve 170lbs @ 5'11, you're not trying hard enough naturally. but you're a big boy looks like you've already made up your mind...

don't set in stone the number "12.5mg aromasin everyday" because you don't know how your body will react and how much e2 it will produce on 500mg test. that should be a good dose but don't be afraid to increase or decrease it. i personally need 12.5mg EOD on 500mgs of test. you're pretty lean right now so you should be able when your e2 is getting too high just by you bloating. but if you cant tell that way, pay attention to your sex drive. you know how you feel when you havent busted a nut in a week? that's how you'll feel every day on 500mgs of test if your e2 is where it should be.

stick with the 250iu 2x a week on cycle, then A WEEK (some even say to wait two weeks to begin PCT protocols) after your last pin start hitting 1000iu EOD (1000iu ED is overkill IMO) for 10 days which should equal 5000iu total.

remember to still keep the aromasin on hand when when you're blasting the HCG because it does raise your total test resulting in your e2 rising. you'll defintely need it on 1000iu HCG EOD. and just to be safe keep it around when you're on the clomid as well because clomid is known to raise e2.

4 weeks into your cycle on your injection day, before the injection, go get bloods. check out your total test and estradiol. use these numbers as a ratio in order to adjust your AI dosage if needed, and for future cycles if you do decide to proceed down this road. i know exactly how much AI i need per 250mg of test because i figured out my own ratio.

4-6 weeks after discontinuing PCT go get bloods again: total test, estradiol, FSH, and LH.

as you can tell.. e2 is a bitch (literally). most of the horrible side effects you hear from steroid use are a result of this hormone being out of control.

good luck man

I have been stuck here at this weight for exactly one year now. When I started resistance training I was 128 lbs. I ate right and worked my ass off. It's time for gear.

Thanks for the E2 information. I'm hoping it will be easy for me.
If your not gaining weight, you need to increase the calories. As far as hcg, ai, and pct, notgill is a lil off. You can run hcg from start of cycle up to 3 days before pct @250 iu's twice a week. Not necessary to blast it for ten days. Especially if you've used it all cycle. You want to start your ai at beginning of cycle up to pct. Reason being is you still have elevated test levels and it still is raising your e2 levels. To dial in your ai dose, get blood work. Get it before you start your cycle, around six weeks in, and 6 weeks after pct to make sure you recovered...