First time cutting


New member
I'm 40 years old training for 3.5 years continously, I was always bulking till now to gain sufficient muscle before I start with my cutting phase. So I'm 6'2 and 225lbs bodyfat is around 15%..I think I'm ready for cutting. I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) the last 2 years and having some blasts in between.
My question to you guys is, how should I start cutting? I have my time, I just don't want to lose my hardgained muscles or at a minimum level possible. My current food intake is approx.3500 calories: 270gr prot./400gr carbs/80gr fat. Working out 6times a week, doing 2 cardio sessions 15min each(during bulking). My goal is to see clearly my six pack, that will be around 8-9% bodyfat I guess.

How much should I start with lowering the carbs?
How much fat intake?
How many times carb refeed/week?
Can I go on with test enanthate the whole cutting phase or do I have to switch to prop ( don't want to cause of the injection pains)

Thanks a lot for all your helps, please let me know if can add anything you would like to know.
id drop calories to about 3000 then. keep at about a 40/40/20 p/c/f ratio for macros and youll lose weight

good luck

Agreed w mis. Lots of research involved w starting and fine tuning.

If u want to take out the guesswork, look up 3j and his website. Accurate and efficient diet plans for most all bb goals.
Do you have an iPhone or iPod? iPad? If so check out the loseit app. You can keep track of all meals, snacks, beverages. It helps keep me honest and on track. It's just too bad I never can get to single digit body! Love to eat!
i just finished my cut last month an it when very well ! all you gotta do is find at how many cals you need to maintain your weight then - 300 cals from that , next body weight x 1 = protein needs per day in grams ,then body weight x .25 =fat intake per day in grams .. then fill the rest of your cals with carbs !! hope that helps!! oh an

1gram protein = 4 cals
1 gram carbs= 4 cals
1 gram fat =9 cals