my girlfriend is 5'3' and weighs 120. she would like to tone up and gain some muscle and lose fat. i have heard about anavar being good but i have also had girlfriends of mine have much success with Winstrol (winny). she has a slight muscular build but problem in her thighs. i just got through with a T4, Deca, Winstrol (winny) cycle but i know that is too much for her. what would be a good first cycle for her? she is not afraid of injecting so please help. i'm about to start a test, Winstrol (winny), tren cycle and would love for us to have hard bodies together. would a Winstrol (winny) ,anavar cycle be good for her at low dose? i have also been reading about primo as well (is that primobolan or primoviron)...please help i have no clue about juice for ladies.!!!