First time: Eq + Test E


New member
So I guess I did it mostly right by the standard of the group...

I'm 32 years old and I have been lifting since I was 13 or 14. I got really heavy into it when I was 19 and over the course of 5 years I had gained 50 pounds with the use of only creatine monohydrate and prolific eating.

It was good weight too - I can gain weight so easily it's pretty ridiculous. I had been (jokingly) accused of hitting the juice throughout my 20's.

My maximum bench was 365, my max leg press 1165, my max one-arm concentration curl was 80 pounds for 3 reps - because of this I almost broke the pull down machine by pining additional plates to when I had exceeded the 300lbs offered. Weighted pull ups were the only real way to get a good lat work out.

It is safe to say I got very strong the natural way. I weighed 245 pounds and I am 6'1". I have a large bone structure so no one would ever think I weighed that much. A lot of it was in my legs.

I had always wanted wanted to see what a gentle cycle would do. I have elected to start - yesterday.

I am now taking 300mg of Equipoise and 300mg of Test. I thought this to be somewhat safe because EQ is reputed to have almost no noticeable sides. Of course, being that I have pondered this for nearly 10 years I have my PCT and liquid letra on hand ready to go.

I am going to run this for 12 - 14 weeks, depending on whether or not I vary my dosage.

My goal is to trim the last remaining body fat I have - as I am now down to about 218 - 220 with good definition.

The Injection. #1

This was SCARY as hell for me. Not in the overwhelming dread sense, but in the suddenly consumed with anxiety sense.

I drew with a 26 and switched to a 21. I warmed the solution beforehand to make transmission easier.

Pants down, I stood there and stared at it. Mind racing.

I rested the pin against my right butt cheek and felt it, so gently, like a scratch. Before I knew, it had worked itself completely in WITH NO HELP FROM ME! I aspirated, no blood, I started the squeeze.

I got about 1cc in and felt like I was going to pass out. Not from the solution, but just from freaking out. There was no going back now.

I pulled it out and pulled my drawers up. My buddy knew what I was doing - and he had been on and off with various combos for about 8 years.

He asked how it went and I told him, and suddenly I had to use the bathroom. I had to shit in a major way -- I HAD LITERALLY SCARED MYSELF SHITLESS!!

After dropping the kids of at the pool I manned up, switch pins again and repeated the whole process, finishing the job this time.

So here we go. I intend to put a little muscle on, take a little fat off and overall, just experiment.

I know that the trolls in here will say "just use test" - but too bad. I wanted the EQ in there. All the research tells me that it should be okay.

I will keep you guys posted.
I know that the trolls in here will say "just use test" - but too bad. I wanted the EQ in there. All the research tells me that it should be okay.

Calling the Admin a troll is a nice way to get

Don't know where you "researched" but I don't think you did a very good job of it.

EQ is pretty well useless under 400mg/week, but you know best....or not !!

You should really have just done a test only cycle at 500mg/week to see how you react to that, but again you know best.....or not !!

The thing is when you start off stacking you have no way of knowing which steroid did what, both negative and positive, and that is something that becomes invaluable as you plan future cycles.

Good luck though.
Here is the recommended info on your cycle.

"Second timer cycles:
Wk 1-13 Test Enanthate/Cypionate 400-500mg each week
Wk 1-12 Equipoise 300-400mg each week**
Wk 1-18 Nolvadex 20mg each day
Wk 15-18 Clomid*
*That is 14 days after last shot.
**note the Equipoise ran 100mg less than the test also one week shorter"

Your body type and strength remind me of me, well that is until I hurt my back, got fat and lost most of my muscle mass. I'm a bit taller, though.

Keep me posted how you look after your cycle.
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Here is the recommended info on your cycle.

"Second timer cycles:
Wk 1-13 Test Enanthate/Cypionate 400-500mg each week
Wk 1-12 Equipoise 300-400mg each week**
Wk 1-18 Nolvadex 20mg each day
Wk 15-18 Clomid*
*That is 14 days after last shot.
**note the Equipoise ran 100mg less than the test also one week shorter"

Your body type and strength remind me of me, well that is until I hurt my back, got fat and lost most of my muscle mass. I'm a bit taller, though.

Keep me posted how you look after your cycle.

I will and thanks for the information!
Calling the Admin a troll is a nice way to get

Don't know where you "researched" but I don't think you did a very good job of it.

EQ is pretty well useless under 400mg/week, but you know best....or not !!

You should really have just done a test only cycle at 500mg/week to see how you react to that, but again you know best.....or not !!

The thing is when you start off stacking you have no way of knowing which steroid did what, both negative and positive, and that is something that becomes invaluable as you plan future cycles.

Good luck though.

x2 on what stone said.
I am at 232lbs and my waist size has not increased. Vascularity is starting to become more pronounced.

My lifts... Well, I can't really report on those as I have changed from grunting out heavy sets of low reps to heavy-ish sets with higher reps. I am going for 8 - 12 instead of 6... but I'm still training to failure.

We will see. I will keep you posted.

The injections have been interesting. It's odd. I almost feel bummed out when that mild injection soreness goes away.
Wk 1-18 Nolvadex 20mg each day

**note the Equipoise ran 100mg less than the test also one week shorter"


1st of all 20mg of Nolva ed is not needed. Maybe e3d but why use it unless he needs it. If he is concerned about water weight run aromasin. If gyno pops up great he has nolva. As for the Eq running it at a lower dose than the test? What is your reasoning behind this (NONE) Eq and Test both have basically the same half life so running your test at 500mg and your eq at 600mg ew is perfectly ok. I will give you credit on waiting 14days after last injection to start post cycle therapy (pct).

***Be careful of the advice you give, if you don't know then ask. Don't google then copy and paste the first thing you see. Less is more in the steroid game.
Blackberry...if you still feel like u are going to pass out...drink something with sugar before hand and get you blood sugar up...should help.
Number Four.

Haha!! I have gotten used to it now. It was just that once... and one other time when I switched pin sizes - and started out with one that was just sort of dull. That sucked.

Other than that - I am going into week #4 - and the gains have appeared. Not super vascular, but then again I never have been.

It seems all of the chubb on my butt is cutting off very quickly. Which is good.

My belly is trimming and I am getting very striated in my shoulders, chest and traps.

I have have a true *LUST* to be at the gym now. I can't fucking wait to feel it again... every time.

I have moderated myself, as I have read a lot about the setbacks of overtraining. I have spent extra time posing (no I am not planning competition, but I know it helps your definition and separation). That is actually a bit fulfilling.
Fuck this, I'm all done.

I've wrapped up my cycle. Due to my NEED to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on and my low(ish) dosage, I have only gained 8 pounds. It was 10 weeks. I tossed the rest of the gear and pins I had out of complete disgust with the entire situation and myself. Two half full vials, one of Test E 250 and one of Boldenone 200.

I look hard(er), but not huge, not ripped by any standard. This is sort of what I going for - it was an exploratory thing, but I have learned a LOT while on. I will summarize here.

Most people you will meet, who are on, or have been on gear are WILDLY and PROFOUNDLY IGNORANT about what they're doing, the risks and the consequences. The guy who I got my stuff from had never run ancilliaries before! He had been on and off for years!!!

I dropped by his house one day and he was outside, wearing no shirt and guess what I saw when he had his arms folded across his chest? Yeah - I saw titties!!! They were little conical out-turned boobs that seemed to mostly disappear when he stood up straight and walked with good posture. His nips were puffed like crazy though. He suggested it would go away when he stopped. I think not really. He seemed to be in denial about it. He seemed to think he had never experienced the temporary testicular shrinkage, never had a single sign of gyno, never knew anyone who did. It was all good all the time.

I wear my hair somewhat longer than my friends. By this I mean that it is not a buzz cut or shaved off compeltely. This made me acutely aware of how much more shedding I was doing and - This is where I really noticed it - how much hair was coming off in my hands at shampoo time. Not like regular, since I never noticed hair loss before. On one occasion it was really an alarming amount, not clumps, but close.

Toward week 8 - which is when the sides became very pronounced - I had gyno signs - the pain - the swelling around the nipple. Again, the guys at the place where I bought the gear said to "IGNORE IT, IT WILL GO AWAY WHEN YOU STOP". ...Plus, they did not posess nor use any ancilliaries. I ordered arimidex - Which SOLVED the problem, mostly, but left the nipple (not the areola) stiff. Sticking out all the time. The Nolvadex seemed to fix that portion of it rather immediately. I am now running the Nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct). I have to. I am PRONE as fuck apparently.

I got bloated. This was above ALL other things, the most aggravating. I can be fat and bloated on my own, with no additional inputs. The soft, rolly polly feeling made me want to jump off a fucking bridge. It disgusted me. That disgust never wore off.

This brings me to my next point. The word "JUST". It's not big deal, if your fucking hair starts falling the fuck out, JUST run some propecia. If you start growing a fucking tit or two, JUST run some Letro/Arimidex/Nolvadex. If your balls shrivel up and vanish, *JUST* run some HCG. The dismissive and ill considered approach to running ALL KINDS OF DRUGS if quite frankly, in my opinion, unbelievably reckless.

...and all the dolts at that gym are that way. I swear to you, the majority of them are missing a lot of hair and need to wear baggy, sleeveless shirts now too (you know, the type that scream "look at my arms - pay no attention to the female breasts I sprouted"). They're molding themselves into muscular hermaphrodites.

All Told, the price I ended up paying for everything was $737, including gear, pins, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and SERM - and I probably tossed out $100 worth of shit.

The information I needed was difficult to get too. Certainly, the people on this board are knowledgeable - but NO MATTER WHAT I READ, I could go and find another 100 conflicting 'facts'. Dosage, usage, sides - I was usually in the dark about what to do, since the guys at the gym had proven to be less than useless. Doing what they did would have delivered me to their hairless, large breasted nirvana - a place where I had no business being.

So, I have learned. Ultimately, the biggest thing I have learned is WHY it typically appears that people seem to be trying to talk others out of using the gear!

The *ONE* LONE gain I got from using gear, was how strict I got about my diet.

I will now have to change my haircut (receded). I will now look at most steroid users, at least around me as ignorant retards. ...and I have always thought that competitive Bodybuilding was an absurdly homosexual undertaking.

I will be around if this post doesn't get me the boot. Frankly, I think it's a good point of view from someone who doesn't just blindly think "It's all good". This is a semi detailed account of why it isn't always.

Plus - Now I can never Truthfully say I'm Natural. I have altered my chemistry and foresaken my natural status forever.

After I said all this to some of my friends, one asked " what will your next cycle be?" I was tempted to backhand him.
man that fuckin sucks you got all those sides from 300mg test/eq. im running 600mg test/weekly and this is my 4th set using test and never noticed more than a little water retention and or increased appetite. but these are very powerful drugs and all will affect ppl in various ways.

i bet if you ran EQ by itself you may be fine
you sound kind of sore, like its someones fault. everyone is on their own in this game. we share experiences on here to learn from each other. dont get into it if you dont like the negatives, do your research. Everyone is different and maybe if you ran just the test and see how your body reacts to that then that may have been a good starting point...........but hindsight is 20/20.
you sound kind of sore, like its someones fault. everyone is on their own in this game. we share experiences on here to learn from each other. dont get into it if you dont like the negatives, do your research. Everyone is different and maybe if you ran just the test and see how your body reacts to that then that may have been a good starting point...........but hindsight is 20/20.

I understand how you might see it that way. The person to blame is me - and I've always been my own worst critic.