first time ever need experiencedoing people opinion


New member
I have decided to go down this road .. I am 26 210lbs 5 10 .. I am not looking to be a pro bodybuilder at all .. I am cutting till April trying to hit 185 before I start .. for a beginner what would be the simplest and easiest cycle and post cycle to take .. I want to start out slow and I don't want to take them for the rest of my life maybe a couple cycles and done .. I am reading that on the post cycle need to take hcg to get your test levels back to normal faster and keep more gains like that .. truth ?.. really appreciate help not looking for negativity. . Thanks in advance..
Stick to the basics.. Something like

Weeks 1-12 - 500 mg test c or e
Run an AI the duration of your cycle either arimidex at .25 mg eod or aromasin at 12.5 mg ed
Run hcg the duration of your cycle 500 iu weekly
Pct - two weeks after your last pin run nolvadex AND clomid for 4 weeks
You must not take HCG post cycle. It is meant for on cycle. It will keep your brain-ball axis shutdown which is completely counter-productive to your PCT. You must only use it on cycle to keep testes responsive. It makes for a more efficient recovery when Nolva/Clomid are aiding your pituitary and your balls are willing to respond from day one of PCT.
I have decided to go down this road .. I am 26 210lbs 5 10 .. I am not looking to be a pro bodybuilder at all .. I am cutting till April trying to hit 185 before I start .. for a beginner what would be the simplest and easiest cycle and post cycle to take .. I want to start out slow and I don't want to take them for the rest of my life maybe a couple cycles and done .. I am reading that on the post cycle need to take hcg to get your test levels back to normal faster and keep more gains like that .. truth ?.. really appreciate help not looking for negativity. . Thanks in advance..

That Roush guy posted a solid first cycle. Exactly like mine and I'm making great gains in strength, well at 600mg a week, but 500 is great. I only ran the HCG starting at week 6, but the longer you run it the better.