First time Helladrol cycle


New member
So my friend and I were thinking about running a cycle of Helladrol. We've never done a prohormone, so we were looking for some advice.

We were thinking of stacking it...

Helladrol 75-75-100-100-125-125
N2 Guard
Forged Liver Support

Post cycle...

DAA test booster
Test infusion
Forged post cycle
Forma Stanzol

Is there anything else you guys would recommend in addition to this? Is clomid necessary with helladrol?

Thanks guys:afro:
I would move the forged liver support to PCT

Some will tell you that you need clomid, others will not. From personal experience I've ran hella at 100-125mg for 6 weeks and have use a serm and not a serm and recovered both times. Do you need it, probably not. Would it hurt to throw it in? Absolutely not.

And there is no need to run it any higher than 50mg.....schmuks will tell you to do that when they haven't read the clinical data that shows 25mg is an effective dose (especially when stack with the DAA and test infusion)
I agree with half of luck on your cycle.throw up a log so we can cheer you on if you have a chance.
Awesome, thanks for the tips. Half, what were your cycles of helladrol (with dosage), and what was the aftermath with and without clomid? And Mich, will definitely log my friend and I both. And since we should recover a lot faster, what kind of split would you guys recommend?
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Im planning 6 wks same dosing as you

But I am on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so Im good on the rest. I read on another post "the proper protocol is to take your first dose of hella in the a.m... then 4 hours later take your first dose of n2guard... then 4 hours later take your second dose of hella and then 4 hours later take your last dose of hella"
Im planning 6 wks same dosing as you

But I am on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so Im good on the rest. I read on another post "the proper protocol is to take your first dose of hella in the a.m... then 4 hours later take your first dose of n2guard... then 4 hours later take your second dose of hella and then 4 hours later take your last dose of hella"
Awesome, thanks for the tips. Half, what were your cycles of helladrol (with dosage), and what was the aftermath with and without clomid? And Mich, will definitely log my friend and I both. And since we should recover a lot faster, what kind of split would you guys recommend?

I've ran several.....I think the most recent one was just 100mg for 6 weeks (I didn't see an added benefit when I ran it at 125 for a week or two). And this was stacked with test.

Previous times it was a tiered cycle with increasing dosages.

I honestly didn't notice much of a difference. My libido came back strong in both cases....IIRC the only difference I noticed was that my balls filled out faster with clomid and I had increased semen volume (although now in balls from PH cycles did not get nearly as small as they do on test cycles)