First time on N2Slin. Need help with dosing.


New member
Guys, I just ordered some N2Slin and should have it in the next few days. I'm currently taking peptides (GHRP2 and Mod GRF) and want to burn some fat off/keep fat loss to minimum while I bulk in a slight caloric excess. I'm not on any gear just the peptides. I was wondering if dosing it 3x a day (1 pill each dose) would be enough? So something like this:

Waking up (Fasted Cardio)
Pre workout (30 minutes before meal)
Dinner (30 minutes before meal)

Would it be beneficial to add a 4th dose? Should I wait 30 minutes after taking it to do fasted cardio or can I do it right away? Are there other optimal times I should look at to take it?

Appreciate the help fellas.
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3 doses would be enough to get good results from it. 4 of course would be better if you can afford to do so. N2slin goes great with peptides. I like to take mine 15-20min before taking my peptides. There are many ways to use n2slin, all of which are beneficial.
With the peps and 3/4 caps a day you will make good,LEAN gains.

Keeping ur bf in check is something n2slin really helps.
So I've been on it for 2 days now. Man I look lean already. The pumps are ridiculous. I couldn't even train biceps today since it was such a HUGE pump. My muscles are already rock hard. This stuff is freaken awesome!!!!!
So I've been on it for 2 days now. Man I look lean already. The pumps are ridiculous. I couldn't even train biceps today since it was such a HUGE pump. My muscles are already rock hard. This stuff is freaken awesome!!!!!

Glad your liking it. Its def one of my favorite n2bm supps. The pumps are definitely fun :)