First time Ostarine


New member
Hey guys, quick question: If i've never used AAS before of any kind, would there be any problem with starting out with Ostarine (which i know its not the same thing)? Would i need to take something else?

Thanks in advance!
I have seen a few posts about Ostarine and read good things about uniquemicals version. I have not tried it in any research myself though. Would be curious to get some input as well from anyone with first hand experience.
Osta is working ok, but doses recommended in "forums" are a little high.
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Ive been doing 25mg every morning for 3 weeks and im seeing great results. Just have your diet and workout on key
You gonna do blood work to see what's cookin' metalhead? I read at that dose it doesn't have much shut down, but some run a post cycle therapy (pct) after to be safe. Keep us posted what you do.
I dont plan on running a post cycle therapy (pct) unless i see a need too. I havent seen any sides whatsoever except the first 2 days, which was headache and stomach ache. But ill update if anything changes
Cool deal man! Did you use uniquemicals or some other lab? Just curious since it seems be working well :)
Ive been doing 25mg every morning for 3 weeks and im seeing great results. Just have your diet and workout on key

Yea, that's what I mean with " a little high" lol. For me I noticed suppression at 11.25mg (lower semen production), 8-10mg seems ok for me as I do not really want to take a PCT. Actually I'm planning to take 6mg now for the 2 last weeks of this 1 month cycle. For those who say they have no sides on 25 mg, I would in most cases doubt it.
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Sony1 im not gonna lie to you. If i had any sides whatsoever i would let everyone know. But honestly i havent had any. Ive read numerous times where people take 30+ daily but 25 is what i started with and what ill finish with, unless unwanted sides show up, then ill let yall know on here for everyones benefit. Toshiro, the unique place is the way to go
Thanks I heard lots of good things about Unique. Gonna move next month after I'm settled may try them out.