First time questions about Trenbolone Acetate


New member
i have been contimplating on using trenbolone acetate for the first time i dont know much about the drug but i have been doing some research on this.
i dont know all of the side effects which i need to know has anyone expeirenced acne, shrinkin the testies, hair loss, increased aggression, increased sex drive etc. anything else that i might have missed.

right now i wiegh 185lbs 19 years old i was wondering if there is anyone out there that can relate to me or has some kind of knowledge with using this steriod.

i was wondering how much i should take, where to shoot it, if i should even take it. how much should the first cycle be ( i already told myself this would be my only cycle) im not going to stack so this will be the only thing i wil be taking including a normal diet.

if there is anyting that i have missed please feel free to add any comments, stories, experiences with this

thank you for all the time and information that i recieve

right now i

Bench - 285
squat - 335
deadlift - 405

what will i be looking forward to after a cycle of this ?
Before you post you should do more research. Before i started Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) I new alot about them just from reading posts on this board. For your first cycle you should not do tren it is powerful shit man!
Based on your age.. you'll could be looking forward to a lot of fucked up hormones for the rest of your lift, along w/ possible early balding, etc.

Don't do it. Just keep going natural for now man, seriously. And don't listen to these jackasses telling you it's ok, listen to the guys who have been around for a while.
You should use Test first. Trust me Im 38 & Tren is a powerful drug. No disrespect but you cant handle it at your age. I have experience with it & I sitll have to make sure & remind myself to keep my cool. I think this comes with age & experience. Try Test youll LOVE it.
I just finished up 7 weeks of Tren and I noticed pronounced night sweats and decreased libido as far as sides are concerned. I didn't notice any Hair loss, something that I am very sensitive about, so I do use topicals. I am also on Proscar, but to my understanding finasteride has no effect concerning Hair loss and Tren. I did notice good strength increases, but not much mass gain; however I did notice that my body composition changed, definitely put on "hard" muscle, I noticed this because I am at a very low bf%. That is my experience with Tren Ace.

In my opinion, I probably will not run Tren again, I prefer the mass gains from other drugs and I definitely wouldn't have run Tren without Test. I liked it for kick starting my cycle; however my next cycle I will replace the Tren with Anavar. If this is your first cycle, and 19 is young, I would stick with just a testosterone at 300-500mg per week for about 10 weeks. Test is a far better choice!
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At 19 I would keep training natural, looks like you have a good strength base. If you're absolutely determined to use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) just keep your total weekly dose low 300-400mg tops.