First time steroid use question????


New member
Im 22 years old and im 5'11 at 155 lbs at ~ 15% bf. My target is just to build 10-15lbs of lean muscle. This is the plan that I have set up for myself.

Week 1 -5
Tbol at 60mcg

Week 1-5
Clen starting at 20mcg and then increasing up to 80. 1 week on, 1 week off

Week 5-8
Nolva pct, starting at 40mcg during 1st week and then going down to 20mcg

I would be training 5 times a week

Do you think this is a sufficent plan to increase 10 to 15 lbs of muscle while getting my bf% down to about 10?

Any other things I should know? Like i said i've never used this stuff before so any advice is welcome. i guess another thing to do would be to get my blood work down before i start the cycle to see if its back to normal after i'm done with PCT. I dont rele want to use test because I just want to go to ~170lbs. however if at the end of my program I see its not good enough I might look into test. If i do reach ~170 lbs I dont plan on using this stuff again and I assume i will lost a few lbs after that.

Please feel free to comment and let me know what u think
Wtf please tell me this is a joke i thought i saw the dumbest cycle yesterday I think your ahead now
Wtf please tell me this is a joke i thought i saw the dumbest cycle yesterday I think your ahead now

This ^^^ WTF I also say. First you are too young. Then the cycle is just crazy stupid. I've never seen anything like this.

Sorry I tell it like it is. Kid you need to hold off and even if you were of age you are not educated to put this together or mess with ass. Stick around and do some research.

PS: go back to the beginning where you come in and start reading the sticky's
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Welcome to Ology and as 2 seasoned aas users have already taken the words out of my mouth I get over the shock of the previously mentioned members and ask the obvious question-----

How did you come up with that testicularly suicidal, bi polar mood producing, e d quarenteed cluster fuck of a first try to use aas ?

Please think your answer through b4 typing something a 22 yr old would type because I d hate my first foray of the day to be teaching you this site s handling of trolls, smart asses and trash talking children.

Whoever TOLD you that or sold you that needs to be slaped then pissed on.

Please enlighten us sir !!!!

We re here to help not to flame OK ?
Welcome dude. an oral only cycle wont give u the results ur looking for, steroids are not magic pills u still have to train and DIET hard. I suggest u do some more research and maybe substitute the clen with a clean diet. If u want to gain 15 pounds tbol probably won't do it, u need to pin to get good results and to keep sides low. Read the stickys lol.
60 mcg of tbol?! WTF is that. You meant to say mg's hopefully. You are extremely underweight for your height. A person who does not train will be heavier than you at your height. I am not even going to give you any advice on how to run a cycle because you are so underweight for someone who supposedly trains that you should spend all your money on food. I am not trying to make fun of you but your body weight for someone who is almost 6 feet tall is disturbingly low bud. Your cycle is all fucked up by the way and you need to read up on how to properly run AAS whenever you gain like 25 pounds.
Fuck being too young he is anorexic or some shit. He does not need steroids at his body weight.

I think you've said it before your not going to talk someone out of what their planning to do all we can do is guide them to making the right decision.
i have no intention of gaining serious mass. i just wanna be around 170 lbs at ~ 10 % bf. thats why i was going for tbol and clen. But please enlighten me as to why you think this a dumb cycle
how the hell is 70 kg anorexic??? and i play alot of sports so i need to be fast, i dont need to be super heavy. thats why i just wanna be around 170 lbs
Welcome dude. an oral only cycle wont give u the results ur looking for, steroids are not magic pills u still have to train and DIET hard. I suggest u do some more research and maybe substitute the clen with a clean diet. If u want to gain 15 pounds tbol probably won't do it, u need to pin to get good results and to keep sides low. Read the stickys lol.

i have the training and dieting spot on. when i started i was 110lbs at 5'11. now im at 155. ive been training for 3 years
i think you should train hard for the next 5 years learn your diet,and read all of the great information on aas usage.start off with why is teat a base to all cycles?if you do your research in 5 years you have a complete understanding on what you need to do or if you still even want to do it at all.have you ever heard your body is your temple?well you would not put floor tile on the walls and carpet on the ceiling.