First time user questions?


New member
Hey there. Need a little help. I'm ignorant to this and new. In two day my shipment will be arriving. Test E 300mg 10ml ; Masteron 100mg 10ml and HGH

How much should I do in each shot? How much/ how many shots should I do a week? Is it safe to stack all 3 of those?

I did one 4 week cycle 4 years ago but had someone walk me through it. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

- Kash
How did you know how much to order if you don't know how much you will be using?

What about the other stuff you need to order? Do you already have it all on hand?
People will not be able to help you without answering a few questions. What are your stats? What are your goals? PCT? What did this 4 week cycle you mentioned consist of? Assuming a 4 week cycle was oral only?
Give some of that info and I'm sure people will help you.
You have the cart before the horse ordering things without knowing a dosing schedule. Did you buy any AI or PCT drugs?
Which pct drugs should I get? And my first cycle 4 years ago I did mastabol and testabol both injectables. I did buy some cycle support drugs for on cycle. I told you I'm ignorant to this, thus my asking for help. My only goals are to get bigger and get cut. I set goals last time and after I met them I stopped lifting. This time I'm not setting a ceiling. And yes, I bought one bottle of Test E 300mg/ 10ml and one bottle of masteron 100 mg/ 10ml. The HGH I'm not sure the stats on but I'll find out here in a couple hours. It was a situation where I either got it now or never.
Well you don't have enough to do much good at all. You bought 3 grams of test E, which at 500 mg/wk is only enough for 6 weeks. For masteron you have a gram, at 400 mg/wk (which is low) you only have enough for 2-1/2 weeks.

HGH needs to be taken for multiple months at a time. Unless you got a lot, and spent a bunch of money, you probably don't have enough to be meaningful.

You should read all the stickies, but this one in particular. It will tell you everything you need to know.
Folks will also want your age. Seems silly but its important of you want good advice. Check out the link that tank supplied. It's the best place to start. You need twice the amount you have and an AI and full PCT. All listed in the link. Good luck
Yup, you didn't get no where close to stocking up enuff supplies to start a cycle. Work on your ignorance first and do a lot of research. These are hormones after all that you are planning to use. Once you get the knowledge understood, the rest will make sense and fall into place..
dont understand why you buy first and then ask how much you need. do your homework bro and follow everyones advice given here.
There is nothing silly about wanting someone age here. We are not swapping cookie recipes Latestart, this is serious shit and age will have alot to do with someones well being and health status.
I agree. Was merely stating that it may seem silly to the man asking for help. For some reason most people omit their age when giving stats so I made the assumption that they think it is not important. I understand the seriousness of the info shared here. It's actually why I advised him to share stats......then asked for age since he left it out.