First timer looking for some help!


New member
I planned on trying out Bulk Drops from AMS for an 8 week cycle for my first time. This is their compound ph of their 1-Andro product and 4-AD product together which are supposed to convert to 1-Test and Test, respectively.

I was just looking for some insight or knowledge about this product and about a PCT for this 8 week cycle?

Any and all help is appreciated!
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Also, will it be necessary to use a SERM or would an otc pct work? The cycle comes with Arom-X, but I didn't figure that would do it on its own. Seeing as I've heard that AMS products are relatively mild in comparison to a majority of ph's, I was just looking for some clarification!
You "could" throw in a SERM, but with dhea derivitives you should just be run with the arom-x and throwing in some natty test boosters. As far as natty test boosters go, has Forged Methyl EAA on sales until Thursday morning. I usually use Forged PCT and test infusion from there, or a combo protein factory's unleashed/post cycle from there with an AI and some generic DAA. I'm curious to see how this goes for you, because the opinions on AMS stuff has been all over the board from total crap to mild but effective, and an unbiased, unsponsored opinion is something you can't find much of out there.
Orbit Nutrition - Buy IronMagLabs M-STEN Rx Cheap! I've done several ph's over last 5 yrs. I always research the heck out of which one will suit me for current goals. So many come and go. Beastdrol for example was wicked stuff. Last yr i ended up running msten. It's hands down my fav for terms of strength and leaner gains. It's not like halo but def got dryer gains. It's well reviewed and been logged several times. Give it a look and make sure to have your cycle supps on hand.
I planned on trying out Bulk Drops from AMS for an 8 week cycle for my first time. This is their compound ph of their 1-Andro product and 4-AD product together which are supposed to convert to 1-Test and Test, respectively.

I was just looking for some insight or knowledge about this product and about a PCT for this 8 week cycle?

Any and all help is appreciated!

what are your stats op?