first timer, need help with cycle.


New member
i been doing some research for about 5-6 months now and i think its time to man up and start my first cycle.

only tried PHs before with very good success. these are the PHs i tried and the results from them.

mass tabs 4 week cycle - 10lbs lot of water retention, oily skin. kept about 4-5lbs.

epi @25mg ed 4 week cycle - 12 - 15lbs. great pumps, gained some fat, slight strenght increase kept about 10lbs after pct

been all natural since then :cool:

stats: 21, 5,5' - 5'5.5 170-172lbs 14%bf (you can look at my avatar and judge yourself.)
3 years solid lifting
diet on check. 3000 cals ed 3500 cals on training days.

i would like to run test enenthate @ 500mg/week. 2 injections/week for 10 weeks. now the things that i want to be catious about are gyno and possible hair loss. i did my research so i know about AIs and DHT inhibitors. this is what i have in mind please correct me or help me out with your opinions i really want to make this first cycle worth my money and time.

weeks 1-10 test e 500mg
weeks 1-16 adex .5mg eod
weeks 1-16 or longer finasteride 2- 2.5 ed
week 13 nolva 40mg, clomid 100mg
week 14 nolva 40mg, clomid 100mg
week 15 nolva 20mg, clomid 50mg
week 16 nolva 20mg, clomid 50mg

*what do you guys think about all research chems pct? test alone was pretty pricey and i must save some loot to stock up on some good food.
You are going to be told numerous times here that you are too young and you should take advantage of your high natty test for a few more years.

This is just my opinion but I think you could knock back the clomid to 50mgs for the first 2 weeks too being your first cycle and a light one.

Also, dont quote me on it but I think the DHT inhibitors may need to be built up in the system ahead of time, I could be wrong.
You are going to be told numerous times here that you are too young and you should take advantage of your high natty test for a few more years.

This is just my opinion but I think you could knock back the clomid to 50mgs for the first 2 weeks too being your first cycle and a light one.

Also, dont quote me on it but I think the DHT inhibitors may need to be built up in the system ahead of time, I could be wrong.
i was thinking maybe i was over doing it with the clomid. so 50mg for the 4 weeks. and about the dht inhibitor. how much time before cycle is enough in your opinion? anyone?
You want your time off cycle to equal your time on plus post cycle therapy (pct). So if your cycle is 10 weeks, 2 weeks to clear up and 4 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) then 16 weeks before the next cycle.

Plan looks solid for a first cycle. I would recommend adding in some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while on to keep the nuts up.
Looks pretty well planned - much better than most first cycles.

I think 50mg clomid should be fine as well, considering you running nolva. But definitely run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout. It's just stupid not to.
Lots of guys do their research and worry a lot about gyno or hair loss. 500mg/wk test-only you aren't likely to have a significant problem, but it is always good to be prepared. I especially don't like the 5alpha reductase inhibitors that lower DHT but that's just my perspective.

I would move the cycle from 10 weeks to 12 weeks, even if you have to use a slightly lower weekly dose of test.
yeh bro i also would make it a 12 week cycle! and i would also put in the HCG, 250iu's E3D.
yeh bro i also would make it a 12 week cycle! and i would also put in the HCG, 250iu's E3D.

ok i was abit worried about how much more $ was needed to add the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but it seems to be very cheap. you said 250ius e3d so my cycle is 80 days approx. so did my math and 4 2000iu would be enough?
Lots of guys do their research and worry a lot about gyno or hair loss. 500mg/wk test-only you aren't likely to have a significant problem, but it is always good to be prepared. I especially don't like the 5alpha reductase inhibitors that lower DHT but that's just my perspective.

I would move the cycle from 10 weeks to 12 weeks, even if you have to use a slightly lower weekly dose of test.
i would like to run it without the dht inhibitor to get the most out of the cycle but i would hate to start losing hair this young. my father's hairline is not even there anymore lol