First timer - need help with what to take orally.


New member
I've been looking into Winny, Dbol, Tbol, Anavol ect.
I'm deploying overseas and can't get needled shipped out to me or that's the first thing that I would do! I'm just not able to! I find something I like and do research but end up at a dead end it seems.

I am 73in (6"1')
180lbs (skinny)
22 years old

I want to put on lean muscle and have something that will help me retain a good majority of it. (I understand stickys are better with this)
I don't want to "bulk" with something that has a plethora of water retention and then lost it all.
I want something that also won't completely shut me down.
I will get a PCT, Fish Oils, Anti Estogen MP Protien, C4 and possibly do a cycle of Anabeta Elite and Erase pro stack after this cycle.

And help is helpful and I'll take it, douchebaggary and all. Advice is advice.
Thanks everyone.
Brother If i were you id wait to do anything at all until you could pin and use test. Test is needed as a base because almost ( and i say almost ) everything will shut you down. You would regret that decision in the long run without test.
So it would just be best using supplements and maybe a test booster?

Supps and proper diet. You would be amazed with right nutrition what you can do. Get dialed in with food and when comes time that you can pin you will be ahead of the game. Plus, get a bit older before you start with AAS, you will be much happier you did.
I did read up on how you should be at least 26 years old or older to not get messed up by it!
Thanks for the advice!
if you can't inject, then the only oral you should take is food (unless your a female).

note: natural test boosters don't do shit for building muscle.
You're not ready. Even if you were 26 yrs. You're just not educated enough AT THIS POINT to cycle. So we vets all suggest to you to wait. During this time to concentrate on eating and training correctly. There is no fast track or easy way to grow LMM. It takes all three things Fuel (food) workouts (breakdown and re-building muscle) and rest to grow. Then when we/you have reached your top potential then add some AAS.

The AAS , if you understand them correctly on aid in helping you synthesize protein into muscle. Well there is more but simply put that's it and by doing just that help us to achieve higher goals.

Keep reading and stay tuned with your body and with the readings you will find here on Steroidology. There is a diet section as well as a wealth of info on the internet on eating for muscle growth.

Everyone has basically answered you Q's now. Welcome and Good luck. :)
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You're not ready. Even if you were 26 yrs. You're just not educated enough AT THIS POINT to cycle. So we vets all suggest to you to wait. During this time to concentrate on eating and training correctly. There is no fast track or easy way to grow LMM. It takes all three things Fuel (food) workouts (breakdown and re-building muscle) and rest to grow. Then when we/you have reached your top potential then add some AAS.

The AAS , if you understand them correctly on aid in helping you synthesize protein into muscle. Well there is more but simply put that's it and by doing just that help us to achieve higher goals.

Keep reading and stay tuned with your body and with the readings you will find here on Steroidology. There is a diet section as well as a wealth of info on the internet on eating for muscle growth.

Everyone has basically answered you Q's now. Welcome and Good luck. :)

Sound advice here thanks!
Alot of people forget another main ingredient. ..TIME! It takes time to achieve a great physique