First tren-a cycle criticism


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12 weeks test-e 500mg and 6 weeks tren-a 150mg.

Stats: 26yr old, 210lbs 6'1" BF ~13%. Lifting for 9 years, with the last 2 years being consistent. Goals: Would like to reduce BF to 8-9%. Some explanation of the cycle. I'm not introducing the tren right away, since the test should be peaking around week 5 or 6. Starting first week of tren at low dose 50mg eod. Reducing test-e dose in week 12 to recuse sides. Waiting 2 weeks after last test pin to start pct. Not increasing HCG during these two weeks since the cycle is only 12 weeks long. Also have some Caber on hand incase I see sides. Would you guys pin tren ed instead? There is a lot of broscience about pinning tren-a ed vs eod. Would like to get someone's first hand experience. Any other adjustments or modifications you would make? Thank you in advance for your help.
Last cycle was 12 weeks test-e. I used adex last time and felt that it was too harsh so switching to aromasin this time around. No HCG last cycle. So using HCG this time to make pct a little easier. Also lowering pct doses this cycle since I'm using HCG. The half life of tren-a is three days, although I had read two days.
I wouldn't lower your pct doses. That's your recovery from cycle bud! You also mentioned something about lowering your test dose. Test e is a long ester and it doesn't work like that. Managing your estrogen will help with sides. As far as pinning tren ed vs. eod, that's personal preference...
I wouldn't recommend tren on your second cycle. You need more experience under your belt -- repeat with 19-nors. Deca would be a much better choice.
Much better 2nd cycle be Test n Deca w/ Adex.

How was Arimidex too harsh. Don't understand did you crash or run too low with your Estrogen level. What did blood work say about this.

At your age and it only being your second cycle you can do the same thing with the Deca n test.

I'm starting a low Test and High Deca cycle now and will control E level with Arimidex. I like it. This way it is less of an aromatizing cycle.

Tren is way too harsh and the sides can take a little fun out of it for a newbie. For me and many others it is a very serious undertaking Of course for some NBD. .