First tren cycle / 4th total advice


New member
About me: 5"10/212lbs/BF %14/34yrs. My body fat is an approximate as I've never had it tested. I'm going by what I've compared to photos.

Ok so I am that guy who shouldn't have cycled right from the beginning and should've learned some dieting and program techniques first but I didn't. I did everything wrong and did my first two cycles drinking gallons of beer and eating whatever I wanted. I didn't have blood work or run pct. And I missed doses. Not surprisingly I had little to no results. I just thought anabolics were magical things that would just make me huge. So tarted.

My last 3 cycles were clean, I did get into doing blood work on the last 2. I've finally got dieting down, my macro is on average 200g protein/100g fat/40 carb. I'm cutting obviously. My last cycle was deca/dbol/test and I put on 17lbs. I've cut back down to 212 which is 6 lbs heavier than before my bulk cycle. I've never had any huge results and I'm hoping to change that this time. This will be the first time I run any PCT. My diet is clean and my program is solid.

So here is my planned cycle:

Week 1-6 test prop 100mg EOD
Week 1-12 tren ace 50mg EOD
Week 6-12 test prop 50mg EOD
Week 6-12 mast 50mg EOD
Week 1-12 arimidex .25mg EOD

Nolvadex standard PCT but also have Clomid on hand

I've been reading tons and now I'm concerned that 50mg tren may not be enough to get strong results. Should I up my dose to 100? Sound I back load the tren? Any suggestions would be helpful. I really want some results.
I would front load and back load for better results. Start off 50 then tapper up.

Also I would run the prop 100 throughout not dropping it
to 50. This will will do a couple things for
You; keep bloods more stable, keeping test higher than the other compounds, plus will higher dosages if the oral it will help reduce your sides.

Tren is said to be 5 times stronger than Test. You don't think the equivalent of 250mg of test EOD will give you results?
175 mg of masteron a week for 6 weeks !!?

That's a complete waste of gear.. Bump it to at least 600 mg a week the whole cycle
So after reading some other spots I decided to up the tren to 100 EOD. I checked out the private lab links and I can't use them in my state. Any other ideas?
Ok so I changed up a few things. I have increased the prop to 200mg EOD and after noticing next to no sides I've increased the tren to 100mg EOD. I have also added 50mg dbol ED for the first 6 weeks. Diet wise I'm puzzled though. I went from cutting natural down 16 lbs in 5 weeks on 30 g of carbs a day, to adding an additional 70 grams of carbs into my diet. In that first week of eating 100g carbs I gained 10 fucking lbs. I guess my question is how much should I change my diet macro to grow without getting fat? Right now I'm at 2k calories a day at 60% protein/ 25% fat/ 15%carb. I could really use some diet help as now that my cycle goal had changed I'm getting a little lost.
To much of an adjustment diet wise bro, your body needs to adapt abit, what I mean is u went from a straight cut ( low carb diet), as u said, to straight bulking, which u are adding in more carbs to your diet correct? Thus putting some water weight, possible water retention, it's good to maintain for abit doing either or a bulk or a cut and slowly increase your cals on a bulk, or slowly decrease your calorie intake on a cut, seems to me u are going from one extreme to another diet wise bro
And to add dbol cause bloat equalling water retention, make sure u get enough water in throughout the day, could to your.main problem right here
What's your goals here now I am lost, u said u changed your mind on your goals
Try a recomp bro, eat at matainence, or a little below, your on tren so it'll help u cut the bf while adding some lbm, carb cycling works wonders bro
Fuck dbol tho, u are runNing the harshest compound tren, and being that u are ruNing ace u should start to feel the effects within a week, no need for dbol
so you have pretty much doubled the doses form your original starting suggestion? are you also taking the masteron?

with Dbol you would normally get the benefit of some quick strength gains but it will make you retain shyt loads of water. so you can forget about looking anyway lean with dbol in your cycle. in my humble opinion i would say that taking the Dbol is just a waste of time and not of great benefit given all the other compounds you are taking.
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Ok so I changed up a few things. I have increased the prop to 200mg EOD and after noticing next to no sides I've increased the tren to 100mg EOD. I have also added 50mg dbol ED for the first 6 weeks. Diet wise I'm puzzled though. I went from cutting natural down 16 lbs in 5 weeks on 30 g of carbs a day, to adding an additional 70 grams of carbs into my diet. In that first week of eating 100g carbs I gained 10 fucking lbs. I guess my question is how much should I change my diet macro to grow without getting fat? Right now I'm at 2k calories a day at 60% protein/ 25% fat/ 15%carb. I could really use some diet help as now that my cycle goal had changed I'm getting a little lost.

You've more then doubled your carb intake,, added in 50 mg a day of Dbol,, 700 mg a week of test,, with no mention of an AI.

Yeah no wonder you gained 10 pounds of water
I am running adex @ .25mg EOD. But I keep hearing about this carb cycling. I am definitely eating carbs on leg and back days. But I think the suggestion about losing the dbol is a good one. My water retention is through the roof. I'm going to cut it at the end of the week.

I just am still not sure how many calories I need to grow and what proportion should be carbs. I am eating a half cup of raw oats with my protein every morning and I know I have to eat some hi g carbs after lodging on leg and back days. I guess I'm going to keep it under 50 grams on every other day.

I am still planning to add masteron at week 6.
I am running adex @ .25mg EOD. But I keep hearing about this carb cycling. I am definitely eating carbs on leg and back days. But I think the suggestion about losing the dbol is a good one. My water retention is through the roof. I'm going to cut it at the end of the week.

I just am still not sure how many calories I need to grow and what proportion should be carbs. I am eating a half cup of raw oats with my protein every morning and I know I have to eat some hi g carbs after lodging on leg and back days. I guess I'm going to keep it under 50 grams on every other day.

I am still planning to add masteron at week 6.

yeah no need of the dbol with the other compounds you are running,, it's just gonna aromatize a ton.

look up John Kiefer, Carb Back Loading,,, this MAY be an option for you.. IFBB pro Ben Pakulski pretty much follows that protocol and he puts on weight and stays pretty lean