FIRST TREN CYCLE - Are you experienced with tren ?


New member
Hi all,

This thread is for those, like myself, looking to move up from the test based cycle, to using TREN for the First time,

It seems a bit of a different ball game to a TEST cycle,

I have unanswered questions i've had trouble finding clear answers for,
Im sure there are some experienced Tren users somewhere here that will be able to help,
not only for myself but for others looking at tren for the first time will benefit from the advice.

What i would like to do is run like TEST-E and DECA, things that im comfortable running, and things that most
people have run for their test based cycles, along side TREN.

But i dont want to look like an idiot and suggest quantities of each when to be frank im just not dam sure !

What i do know is that some people run TREN solo, Some run it with TEST,
Reason ive chosen to run it with TEST is i love using DECA and if i want to run DECA.. i will NEED to run TEST with it.

This is what i vaigley have so far

WEEK 1-8
TREN E - 300-350mg

TEST E - mg ?
DECA - half the mg of test

WEEK 8-10
TEST E - mg ?

Thinking of running an AI on cycle such as Aromasin
Thinking of running Prami .50mg ED and taper up or down to keep prolactin at bay, or should i use Caber ?
Ive never run Adex .25 EOD on my test cycles never needed it, but open to suggestions
People suggest running hcgenerate, and n2guard, i never have and been sweet but again, never used tren, suggestions ?

WEEK 1-4
Clomid 50\40\40\20
Novla 40\20\20\10

Apparantly you dont want to run TREN for more than 8 Weeks? true ?
Has anyone used Kratom ? to deal with the sides of TREN which everyones seems to fear, half the reason why people dont try tren in the first place...!

Looking forward to the users of TREN and their input, personal experiences etc.

Happy new year all,
You must have not did much research at all! This has got to be one of the top ignorant posts in awhile! Do about 3 minutes of real research and then come back and edit your thread. Right now your wasting everybody's time with this bullshit...
You don't want to think about using an AI, you want to actually USE an AI.

Also why no hcg to prevent shutdown?

I agree with tbonexl, read some more, there is plenty of info out there if you only bother to look for it.
In order for us to assist you you have to be specific about your goals. That is what determines the dosage of the stack. First run you will be using a low dose, a lot of guys get nasty sides. I never have. The only downside I have ever noticed is cardio suffers. That seems to be universal. Sides variy from person to person.

Also what is your cycle history? and post your stats. Those are needed as well.
You must have not did much research at all! This has got to be one of the top ignorant posts in awhile! Do about 3 minutes of real research and then come back and edit your thread. Right now your wasting everybody's time with this bullshit...

Tbone, it's no wonder so many of your posts smell like shit. Apparently they comd straight from an asshole. Either lend some worthwhile advice of keep it to yourself. Berating members like you do gets old. We were all novices in this game at one time, it's about time you take that into consideration before you post your smug bullshit!
OP - your correct, test should be the base of any cycle and be ran with any other compound you use. BUT, if you wanna run Tren, then fine run Tren with Test. If you wanna run Deca, then fine run Deca with Test. This is a thread about Tren. Why the heck are you even bringing up Deca! At this stage in the game you have no business running two 19 nors, tren and deca, together as a beginner cycle. Theres no point in Pro's doing it either imo.

Also - do NOT run Tren E on your first tren go around. Run Tren Ace. That way when the Tren demons come to haunt your ass and you can't handle the nightmares and night sweats and torments, you can escape from it all in at least a couple days.. with Tren E, you are stuck for a week or more.
Tbone, it's no wonder so many of your posts smell like shit. Apparently they comd straight from an asshole. Either lend some worthwhile advice of keep it to yourself. Berating members like you do gets old. We were all novices in this game at one time, it's about time you take that into consideration before you post your smug bullshit!

Who the f*ck are you??? Ahahaha!

I did take into consideration. Two 19 nor's on a first time tren cycle. The whole post is littered with shit. This isn't a novice cycle. Novices know that bud...
The OP did a few things right. To promote aas responsibility we should point out the good and inform of the bad. He knows what an AI is for, he knows test 2x that of deca. Yes I agree he's jumping the gun with tren, especially wanting to run it with deca. I do it, but I understand the possible issues and have prami I my bag.

And who I am is really ilrelevent. You were harsh and mean, end of story
Tbone, it's no wonder so many of your posts smell like shit. Apparently they comd straight from an asshole. Either lend some worthwhile advice of keep it to yourself. Berating members like you do gets old. We were all novices in this game at one time, it's about time you take that into consideration before you post your smug bullshit!

Actually, I think in tbone's defense, he's looking out for the OP by showing some tough love. The OP states that he's been looking all over for tren threads from a first time approach. There's hundreds of such threads here, and are but a search away.

I am pretty patient, but I saw this thread and didn't want to spoon feed someone a tren cycle when it's fairly obvious by dose/length/ester selection that the OP isn't ready for trenbolone at this time.

There's nothing wrong with deca and tren at the same time, and the test/deca ratio stuff is ollllllld school bro-science. Tren is easily THE biggest step one can take in AAS use; I know I researched the hell out of it before even THINKING of sticking it in my body - which is how I know the statements at the beginning of this paragraph are false. :p

I'm not saying that helping folks is wrong, or that being a bit on the short side of tact is right; I am however saying that it's always best to nudge folks into finding general information on their own, so they know it balls-to-bones in case something bad does happen.

I have nothing but respect for everyone in this thread (including the OP), but it's really not necessary to call each other names is it?

My .02c :)
There's a huge difference in a lot of tbones posts and the majority here on 'ology. I give you, Half, the prize for being one, if not, the best poster on this site for insightful, helpful, 99% tactful responses to the vast majority of newbies here on 'ology.

Tbone,on the other hand, has far more than his share of short, demeaning, not to mention outright rude posts to less knowledgeable members. My tren e is starting to kick in and my patience for bully type posts was short today.
Used to be tbones was quick with cut/paste with stickies these newbies need to read. Those posts are better than what he gave the OP in this thread.

I've mentioned this subject in previous threads. I'm not saying spoon feed the newbs, but there has to be a happy medium between that and being outright rude. That's all I'm saying

Tbone, I apologize for the a-hole reference. I just think you could be a bit less snide in some of your posts.
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@carverelli - Thankyou mate, if i had done no research i wouldn't have successfully ran test cycles, test and deca cycle, had my bloods done, recovered spot on with my pct, read up on the differences between tren ace and enanthate, know that your body finds it harder to absorb E, thats E is usually concentrated higher per mg/l over ace, read up on the sides and peoples experience with both, the list goes on alot more than 3 mins research, so i appreciate your post and each of you with the willingness to point me in the right direction.

@rouch - appriciate your input, so The reason behind wanting to run tren was the size gains, we all know it stacks up the top, and that im open to trying things for myself just like you all have on your first test cycle.
the reason i like deca is all your joins are noticeably lubricated, you can lift heavier, which i felt undeniably aided in further gains. i just enjoyed running it with test in my last cycle so i was hoping to run it with tren but if i cant run 2 19nors then so be it.
The reason i chose Tren E over Ace as you suggested is there are numerous threads with feedback supporting E's sides are less harsh, and although ace's halflife is shorter the sides are harsher, eg. you could run ace have bad sides but that doesnt really give you a real indication if E will distress you the same, correct me if you have found otherwise bro with your use of both ?

ok so look if i want to run tren E pinning twice a week along side test E what doses do you suggest ?

I have read for a first cycle 300 is the minimum to start and up to 350mg a week for a first time around.
if that is correct and if so what amount of test would you recommend to suit,

Stats are
5 11"
10% BF

Cycle 1
Test E - 500

Cycle 2
Test E - 500

Cycle 3
Test E - 500
Deca - 250

I know i probably should have upped the test but i was comfortable with what worked and i always made good gains on 500, way way more than off cycle.

as far as the AI, yes i will run it i was meaning im thinking of this AI (aromasin)

HCG i will look further into, thanks.

prami, caber any feedback on what i wrote ? thanks.

if you honestly think i should drop the idea of tren and go higher dose of test and deca again i welcome your opinions. thanks
Personally I think the enth vs ace side effects are broscience. Tren is tren. If the sides become too much. It takes much longer for the enth to clear. If you feel the need to add another compound, try masteron. It's very versatile as an addition to most cycles. While it virtually worthless by itself, it's very synergistic with test, deca, and tren. Some will say it keeps them from using an AI, but I believe that's far fetched. Control your estrogen with the 19-nors, and the progesterone is much easier to control

But I'd still have some prami or better yet cabergoline if you can find/get it.
Personally I think the enth vs ace side effects are broscience. Tren is tren. If the sides become too much. It takes much longer for the enth to clear. If you feel the need to add another compound, try masteron. It's very versatile as an addition to most cycles. While it virtually worthless by itself, it's very synergistic with test, deca, and tren. Some will say it keeps them from using an AI, but I believe that's far fetched. Control your estrogen with the 19-nors, and the progesterone is much easier to control

But I'd still have some prami or better yet cabergoline if you can find/get it.

If he is cutting masteron would definitely be a better choice. On the other hand, if bulking is his goal deca would be more useful. In either case the dose should not exceed 250 mg ew tren a. To cut keep test dosage low. 250 mg ew. To grow 500 mg test e would work better.
OP: I'm not getting drawn into this slanging match... but I will say this...

Give Trenbelone the respect it rightfully deserves!

I have a vast amount of cycles under my belt, and consider myself a knowledgeable AAS user.

I ran Tren for the first time last year, and had to jump ship after 2 weeks.

Anxiety levels shot through the roof, night sweats were unbearable, lung capacity dropped considerably and insomnia was just cruel.
I ached all over and tiredness was becoming an issue - so I got out while I could.

Looking back now, I realize that I had a few issues going on in my life that warranted some time, consideration and effort - so Tren use was a shocking idea really.

A few months later, once I'd sorted my shit out, I was able to successfully run Tren (with Test alone) - keeping sides to a minimum. But again, it wasn't easy.

You are finding right now, that all 'Ology members have differing ways of offering advice - some use tough love and chuck in harsh words - some are more patient and offer constructive advice (they'll be the ones not on Tren!)

But either way, the message is the same. You simply are not ready for Tren yet, and perhaps never will be.
You need many more cycles under your belt, and you obviously need to research a LOT LOT more than you have.

Keep the Tren card hidden away in your gym bag for another year - and enjoy the fruits of the less harsh AAS out there that will still reap excellent rewards - with a fraction of the hurt!

Tbone, it's no wonder so many of your posts smell like shit. Apparently they comd straight from an asshole. Either lend some worthwhile advice of keep it to yourself. Berating members like you do gets old. We were all novices in this game at one time, it's about time you take that into consideration before you post your smug bullshit!

You know what really gets old is fuck sticks that can't read and post dumb fuck threads like this. Asses want to get spoon fed and won't take 30 minutes to read. I was going to stick my foot up his ass too but Tbone took care of that.
Personally I think the enth vs ace side effects are broscience. Tren is tren. If the sides become too much. It takes much longer for the enth to clear. If you feel the need to add another compound, try masteron. It's very versatile as an addition to most cycles. While it virtually worthless by itself, it's very synergistic with test, deca, and tren. Some will say it keeps them from using an AI, but I believe that's far fetched. Control your estrogen with the 19-nors, and the progesterone is much easier to control

But I'd still have some prami or better yet cabergoline if you can find/get it.

Tren isn't always Tren but the actual MG of Tren from Enth to Ace is different. There is more hormone in Ace. With that its considered stronger. Which in turn can give you a different effect. The same goes for Test. Prop has more hormone than Cyp or Enth as well. Some react and get better results from it than the other. Kinda like saying weed is weed...not really
There's a huge difference in a lot of tbones posts and the majority here on 'ology. I give you, Half, the prize for being one, if not, the best poster on this site for insightful, helpful, 99% tactful responses to the vast majority of newbies here on 'ology.

Tbone,on the other hand, has far more than his share of short, demeaning, not to mention outright rude posts to less knowledgeable members. My tren e is starting to kick in and my patience for bully type posts was short today.
Used to be tbones was quick with cut/paste with stickies these newbies need to read. Those posts are better than what he gave the OP in this thread.

I've mentioned this subject in previous threads. I'm not saying spoon feed the newbs, but there has to be a happy medium between that and being outright rude. That's all I'm saying

Tbone, I apologize for the a-hole reference. I just think you could be a bit less snide in some of your posts.

Look, to each their own bud. Too many sensitive types with high emotions on here. This is predominantly a male board by default. Everybody wants answers now. In this era, they're easier to get then ever! You don't have to sneak adound the library or read through countless magazines and determine what isn't shit. I came up having to LEARN what I'm doing in everything. Gotta work for it. So yes, when I see posts that people claim to have done their research or are posting crazy things I get on them to emphasize the importance of the danger involved. This isn't the opera winfrey show. You've called me more names then I have anybody else in your post. It would be debatable who's being the asshole. I'm not here for a popularity contest nor do I care about what a few negative comments directed towards me. I have pasted threads that would be helpful if read. I read stuff all the time. I insert my opinion when I feel it's needed. I have gotten more positive feedback for it. Seems you and ben are the only two that boo hoo about it. Check your ai doses I guess. I make my point in my posts. I'm not about flower power, small dogs and candy canes. This is potentially a serious risk to our health that we're discussing. I'm not giving pats on the backs for abuse...
Seems you and ben are the only two that boo hoo about it

Don't involve me in your squabble bro. I pulled you up a few months ago for continually posting nothing but thread links and not offering personal expertise on any matter - I thought we'd moved on from there?

I feel that you could help people sooo much more than you do at the moment, because you have a wise head on your shoulders and have a lot to offer.

I know that years ago, when I was having a hideous time with TRT, members like Mega, HW etc spent a lot of their valuable time explaining stuff to me and recommending paths to take - this just wouldn't have been possible with your manner of helping people.

I agree that the info is there, and spoon feeding people can get tiresome at the best of times. But come on, the OP isn't stupid, he's just a bit naïve when it comes to cycle planning. Rather than lambast the poor guy, perhaps just gently guide him in the right direction.

Obviously if he begins to take the piss, then give him both barrels - but to jump down his neck after one single thread starter was a bit harsh.

Just my opinion!

Don't involve me in your squabble bro. I pulled you up a few months ago for continually posting nothing but thread links and not offering personal expertise on any matter - I thought we'd moved on from there?

I feel that you could help people sooo much more than you do at the moment, because you have a wise head on your shoulders and have a lot to offer.

I know that years ago, when I was having a hideous time with TRT, members like Mega, HW etc spent a lot of their valuable time explaining stuff to me and recommending paths to take - this just wouldn't have been possible with your manner of helping people.

I agree that the info is there, and spoon feeding people can get tiresome at the best of times. But come on, the OP isn't stupid, he's just a bit naïve when it comes to cycle planning. Rather than lambast the poor guy, perhaps just gently guide him in the right direction.

Obviously if he begins to take the piss, then give him both barrels - but to jump down his neck after one single thread starter was a bit harsh.

Just my opinion!


Rodger that...