First Tren Cycle: Test C, Tren E, with a TBol/Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) Kicker

DAY 17
Weight 216 = +5lbs

Looking for a pic I snapped about a month ago to use as a baseline.

I can definitely tell my shoulders are wider and the initial work I've done on a weak spot (my upper back: rhomboids and lower traps) is already paying off. Looking better in clothes already but there is some fairly noticeable bloat in torso. Some of that is due to my limited ability to absorb creatine, I think, which causes my intestines to swell up some.

I had some pretty serious PIP again in my lower quad yesterday and I felt horrible last night and needed to be in a better condition to help my wife do some stuff so I took two naproxen sodium, four ibuprofen, and a 5mg hydrocodone. That combo must have really helped with the buildup of bruising, because this morning I'm feeling pretty great. Ready for leg day with biceps.

On Monday I'll make a pass at setting a new high on the flat bench for this cycle. I thought I was at 370lbs, but when I actually attempted to set my 1rep max in the week prior to the start of the cycle, I could only get up 350lbs. That was three weeks ago, so I'm hoping for an increase of 10lbs to 360.
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DAY 18

Still no tren-like side effects. Slept nearly 9 hours last night! Felt good.

Pinned a ventro glute for the first time today. Talk about easy. Never even felt the needle, and not a drop of blood. I did use just about all of the 1.5" length of the needle, tho, so I was kinda scared that I had gone in too far. I'll be deadlifting in three days, so hopefully no PIP to worry about.
DAY 19
Bodyweight vs baseline = +4lbs

Very glad I sacked up and pinned the ventro glute. MUCH less pip the following day.

Went up 10lbs in bench press, but was hoping for more, so I added in some forced reps with a spotter at the end of my flat bench workout. Will be looking at my technique over the next two weeks as it's getting hard to keep my ass nailed to the bench, and my triceps seem unnecessarily involved. Probably need to widen my grip from ring finger on the rings to middle finger on the rings. This should help me get my elbows pulled in tighter and maybe hopefully be a little safer/easier on the shoulders.

So, I'm going back and forth analyzing the TBol efficacy. On the one hand, I'm noticeably more vascular. New veins that weren't there before, and the already-existing ones visibly thicker. On the other, I've only gained 4 pounds of body weight in nearly three weeks.

I was obviously hoping for 15-20lbs gained in the bench press, so 10lbs was a bit of a disappointment. However, at the age of 44, I truly believe I'm just about maxxed out with what I could do naturally. It was taking an immense amount of focus and consistency to increase the lift 5lbs in 4-6 months. When you think about it like that, 10lbs in 19 days is pretty amazing. And that's really just the Tbol. Clinically significant levels of Tren won't hit for another 10-15 days.
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Looks like the ride is going well. You seem to have trimmed up in the obliques. Lookin beastly bro. Keep up the hard work.

How's tren E for the 1st time? Looks like your over 3 weeks in and nothing much to speak of in terms of bad sides?

Pissed out two pounds of water last night....had to get up about 6 times in the night. Feel much better today and can see my abs again, lol.

I was in a hurry this morning and accidentally pinned my delt WITH THE NEEDLE I USED TO DRAW UP THE OILS. Fuck. It hurt immediately so I know tomorrow will be a bitch. Never heard of anyone doing this. Any major complications to worry about?

As long as no contamination I guess biggest issue would be pinning with a blunted needle man, even posing through rubber can take the sharpness off. Unless using amps? In which case just contamination.
Good progress mate, shoulders looking pumped.

How are your thoughts on tbol? Worth the ride? I am one week in on mine, think I am starting to see a difference in the gym since yesterday but not certain.
Looks like the ride is going well. You seem to have trimmed up in the obliques. Lookin beastly bro. Keep up the hard work.

How's tren E for the 1st time? Looks like your over 3 weeks in and nothing much to speak of in terms of bad sides?

No sides that I can see, other than a little trensomnia and sweats on the nights of the last two injection days. I still got 5-6 hours sleep, so it's been really negligible (knock on wood).

One issue that I am having tho, is lack of appetite. Not sure what to blame this on, but I am really having difficulty chewing and swallowing. Could be the Tbol, or the tren, or a combination of either/both with the vyvanse that I'm taking. In any case, my next cycle will have some kind of appetite stimulator.
Good progress mate, shoulders looking pumped.

How are your thoughts on tbol? Worth the ride? I am one week in on mine, think I am starting to see a difference in the gym since yesterday but not certain.

I'm taking 50mgs of pinnacle Tbol 1-2 hours preworkout and in divided doses on off days. I started seeing major pumps during workouts at about the first week or so. Got such a pump on my rear delts today that I had to cut short my workout at 45 minutes. I have trouble even feeling my rear delts, so this was striking to me. I don't work arms, but I'm getting super veiny.

Having had no previous tbol experience, I plan to try 75mg per day next cycle for comparison.

So yes, I think it's definitely worth something. The long esters from the tren and cyp really won't kick in for another 10 days or so, and I'm up 10lbs on my benchpress already. Bear in mind, I am a mature lifter and it would have taken me 2-3 months to get that kind of increase at high TRT and with a perfect diet and consistent rest.
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No sides that I can see, other than a little trensomnia and sweats on the nights of the last two injection days. I still got 5-6 hours sleep, so it's been really negligible (knock on wood).

One issue that I am having tho, is lack of appetite. Not sure what to blame this on, but I am really having difficulty chewing and swallowing. Could be the Tbol, or the tren, or a combination of either/both with the vyvanse that I'm taking. In any case, my next cycle will have some kind of appetite stimulator.

Ya doesn't sound bad at all. Kinda normal for some folks I guess ;)

Maybe try some of the methyl B12 for appetite stimulation? In my best Jon Stewert voice..."You ever seen 4000 calories disappear...on weeeed man?!"
I'm taking 50mgs of pinnacle Tbol 1-2 hours preworkout and in divided doses on off days. I started seeing major pumps during workouts at about the first week or so. Got such a pump on my rear delts today that I had to cut short my workout at 45 minutes. I have trouble even feeling my rear delts, so this was striking to me. I don't work arms, but I'm getting super veiny.

Having had no previous tbol experience, I plan to try 75mg per day next cycle for comparison.

So yes, I think it's definitely worth something. The long esters from the tren and cyp really won't kick in for another 10 days or so, and I'm up 10lbs on my benchpress already. Bear in mind, I am a mature lifter and it would have taken me 2-3 months to get that kind of increase at high TRT and with a perfect diet and consistent rest.

Yeah, I have upped from 40 to 50, but if I had the right stash I think I would be tempted to blast 60 for a fortnight and then two weeks on 70. Never had back pumps so bizarrely looking forward to the experience!
And great idea on tbol use during off days. Had read to take in same manner and at same time of day as when you train, but staggering the dose makes more sense. Good call bro.
Yeah, I have upped from 40 to 50, but if I had the right stash I think I would be tempted to blast 60 for a fortnight and then two weeks on 70. Never had back pumps so bizarrely looking forward to the experience!

I'm not even sure what back pumps are, but I've been having some of the most debilitating cramps along my spine in my upper/mid back. I'm pretty sure that the vyvanse is triggering it. Vyvanse is a fairly powerful stimulant and the cramps usually start within an hour of taking it. I've had that pattern of tense muscles there since the start of taking vyvanse, but it just wasn't nearly as overwhelming until this cycle.

I've got a theory that I'm overbalanced, stronger in the front than in the back, and this is the cause of the spasm. Basically the product of years of focus on pressing, while neglecting pulling with the upper back. I've gotten a bit of relief in the last week after really focusing hard on lower traps, rhomboids and rear delts, so I'm cautiously optimistic that I've diagnosed it correctly.
DAY 27
Still at +4 lbs versus baseline bodyweight

Starting to realize my two biggest concerns with this cycle are loss of appetite and sleep apnea. I'm not springing out of bed in the morning, and I feel exhausted. Forgot to make the doctor's appointment yesterday, so I will call today about the CPAP.

With regards to appetite, I was at a party Saturday night that was catered with some amazing down-home food. Slammed six ounces of Knob Creek and fucking inhaled some brisket, pinto beans, corn casserole, and twice-baked potato casserole. That is the only alcohol I've touched during this cycle, which is fucking amazing because I'm kind of a degenerate for craft-brewed beers and small batch bourbon and Titos handmade vodka. I plowed two plates in a nanosecond. So yesterday I didn't take my vyvanse, went to the store and bought fried chicken and purple-hull peas and got in a great meal with about 1500 calories. I didn't feel guilty at all, just relieved that I was able to get it down.

Today will be back to grilled chicken and oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and brown rice, but I'm definitely going to try to work in more purple hull peas. They have an amazing amount of fiber and protein in them. I would think their glycemic index would be pretty low.
DAY 28
Bodyweight vs baseline = 6lbs

Well, its the start of week five and I got impatient and upped my doses. Wasn't feeling any weird tren side effects other than poor sleep, so bumped it from 300mg per week to 400mg. (Pinning 160mg Tren E every third day). Also bumped up the Test Cyp to 500mg per week.

Also, I'm finishing off the last of the Tbol today. :(

So here's what I'm up to now:

400mg Tren E Wk 5-12
500mg Test Cyp Wk5-12
25mg Aromasin Wk 5-12
.5mg Caber Wk 5-12