First Tren Cycle: Test C, Tren E, with a TBol/Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) Kicker

How has your strength been so far?

Let me just say one more time, that I'm 44yrs old and been lifting seriously off an on for 15 years. I'm pretty much at my natural strength limits.

Bench is up 15lbs in 3 weeks (I'm in the 5th week, but I don't do 1rep max lifts more than every third week or so).
I'm doing dumbbell fly's with 80lb dumbbells (up 20lbs)
Overhead press with dumbbells: I don't know. My gym needs heavier dumbbells! I can do the the 90s for sets of 14 reps.
Box squat is up about 40lbs but I hurt the left side of my back, so yesterday I just did upper back (and threw in four sets of biceps curls) and walked out of the gym with everybody staring.

It all seemed to catch up yesterday! I just looked gnarly in the mirrors. Starting to fill in all the "pretty" muscles from the mid-pecks and up.

Let me just say one more time, that I'm 44yrs old and been lifting seriously off an on for 15 years. I'm pretty much at my natural strength limits.

Bench is up 15lbs in 3 weeks (I'm in the 5th week, but I don't do 1rep max lifts more than every third week or so).
I'm doing dumbbell fly's with 80lb dumbbells (up 20lbs)

Overhead press with dumbbells: I don't know. My gym needs heavier dumbbells! I can do the the 90s for sets of 14 reps.
Box squat is up about 40lbs but I hurt the left side of my back, so yesterday I just did upper back (and threw in four sets of biceps curls) and walked out of the gym with everybody staring.

It all seemed to catch up yesterday! I just looked gnarly in the mirrors. Starting to fill in all the "pretty" muscles from the mid-pecks and up.


Holy crap man! You. At 44 you could be like my little brother. Except on steroids! Lol
Just coming into this thread but between those two pics, it definitely looks like your leaning up, so maybe take that into consideration if you're worried weight isn't increasing as fast as it should. Plus you're at week 5, so it should all be kicking in now.
Good luck!
DAY 33
Bodyweight versus baseline = +6lbs

Ok, let me change my mind here. After finishing the Tbol, I've lost my pump and vascularity a little. 31 days into this cycle, and I'm still sleeping 7 hours a night and having no tren-like side effects. (I thought my loss of appetite was due to the tren, but when I cut my vyvanse in half it came right back).

Today, I'm not "loving the tren" as I said in a recent post, because I'm not sure I'm seeing significant benefit from it yet. Once I dropped the Tbol, and saw the drop off, I think the positives I have noted were from the Tbol, not the tren.

I was under the impression that the Pinnacle tren was super strong. Guess I was a little too conservative with my starting dose. I've bumped it from 300mg per week to 400mg, so we'll see how that goes.

Wonder how many weeks it will take for the higher dosage to kick in? I may consider extending this cycle from 12 to 14 weeks.
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Maybe you are like austinite and tren has little effect? Bummer either way. Hope the increased dose changes things.
Maybe you are like austinite and tren has little effect? Bummer either way. Hope the increased dose changes things.

Actually....nope. DEFINITELY seeing results! Good results!

Looked as good this morning, in the mirror, as I have in twenty years. Snapped some full nude selfies for the wife and forgot to take one for the log, but I'll post one in the next day or two.

My shoulders are freaking bricks. I'm at somewhere around 20% body fat, and yet, in the right overhead light while I'm twisting just right, I can actually see striations in my rear delts. Is that even possible? I've got all kinds of great new curves going on in my upper back and rear delts, where I've been putting alot of attention while training. Still just up five pounds from baseline in total bodyweight, but, damn I'm starting to look completely different from the mid-chest up. I am VERY happy with my results so far.

So, I'm cautiously optimistic that I am maybe not that susceptible to tren sides. At least not at 300mg per week. I think seven more weeks is going leave me with an amazing transformation.

I think my diet is just not anywhere near where it needs to be. My job is out driving around all day and I have trouble being consistent with carbs. I always get 300-400 grams of protein, but I've been reading in the diet section and its apparent I really have no freaking idea what I'm doing there. I emailed 3J and will be getting set up with him for my cycle in the spring and summer.
You will be happy with 3J. I am. Although, I too have a hard time eating all the carbs on the high carb days.
DAY 41
Bodyweight vs Baseline = +4 lbs

Sat in with some friends jamming Friday night, started having a good time and then went a little too far loosening up with the whiskey. I've set myself back by what looks like two weeks! It was only about 6-10ozs of bourbon, straight. I wasn't drunk at all, and I can't believe it had this much impact!

I got home late and didn't sleep well at all after drinking that night, and then the next day ate like shit and drank three diet sodas at my mom's house for a family get-together. I think I got dehydrated. I was so out of sorts that I somehow got confused and didn't pinn yesterday like I was supposed to. FUCK!!! Jesus Christ I have a spreadsheet telling me when and what to dose, and I just didn't look at it.

NEVER AGAIN. No more liquor, not even a sip.

Here's what I was looking like on Thursday before the good times rolled. The first pic is my baseline.

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Yep, gave that shit up a few years ago and have no regrets about it. No more "WTF did I do" last nights either...
Meh... you'll recover. I've put on 8 lbs in a weekend. Get back on the diet, lots of water, you'll be back to where you were by next weekend. But yup, drinking doesn't help reach the goals, no doubt.