First True AAS Cycle Tren/Test


New member
Hey everyone, new to the board! So, after perusing the forums a bit and seeing the quality of answers I find myself wanting to double check my research/decisions for my first AAS cycle.

A bit of background:
I am 27, 5'9" ish and last weighed at 185. Been training steadily for the past 4 years. In the past I have run some oral PH cycles with minimal sides, and since the bans tested the waters with SARMs which I'm not very impressed with. This has led me to the conclusion to go ahead with AAS for the risk/reward.

I've gotten most of what I planned to use for a Tren/test cycle. I figure it is best to start with a relatively low dose for a first time to see how my body reacts to new substances. I realize that running a test only cycle would likely be the best plan of attack, however, I have gone ahead and gotten the Tren so at this point I plan to proceed as follows:

8 weeks
75mg eod Tren A
75mg eod Test P
250 iu HCG twice weekly (to minimize shutdown)
.25mg Caber eod
12.5mg Aromasin e/d

4 week pct:
Clomid 50/50/25/25
Aromasin continued at 12.5mg e/d

Advice or thoughts from the experienced members here is more than welcome, and greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Edit: I should add that I'm looking at a goal of a slight bulk while minimizing or even losing bf%.​
so after all that research you decide to do the harshest compound out there?? do you know why its the gold standard to wait on tren till your 4th or 5th cycle??

and if something goes wrong with this cycle in terms of side, how will you know what compound to blame??

your first cycle should be test only... no other anabolics involved.. everything else looks good actually

if i were you i would drop the tren and caber and enjoy a safer first cycle that you can still get great gains from.. why push it??
Just my opinion but i have a good amount of experiance with tren and honestly unless your running it to go compete in a show I would stay away from 19nor compounds, especially on your first cycle. Run test you will love it, save the big guns for when you know how your body reacts to test, if you have bad androgenic sides from test than tren definitely won't help that.
Yes, I do agree to the fact that it may be a bit reckless. My fear with a test only cycle is that I tend to have issues gaining and retaining proper mass as is. I've read a variety of accounts of those using Test only that have gotten really lean (not a completely bad thing), but had negligible lean mass gains. While I think this could have a lot to do with diet..What are the actual chances of that happening vs a Tren/test run?
Hmm. I am still yet a bit apprehensive to the Tren compound. I've previously run superdrol, tren-13, halo, and m-sten. Invariably, these don't compare I am sure. I may indeed reconsider the Tren for a later date. I have it, but hadn't started yet waiting for bloods. Shelf life on that? Minimal i assume.
If your heart is set on using 2 compounds try anadrol, not tren for your first

Eh, I'm sure test only is honestly my best bet. I had my own doubts which is why I came here. =P
Assuming a test only run, I cut out the Tren and Caber. Continue the hcg/aromasin? Is it advisable then to increase the dosage of the test or one of the other compounds?
100mg test p eod is perfectly fine, you'll like that, and running in that range you may not even need AI during cycle(don't take my word for it everyone's different) your first cycle is to assess side effects and gains to know where to go for your next one. Longevity is what we are after! Train hard, eat tons, and stay healthy!
100mg test p eod is perfectly fine, you'll like that, and running in that range you may not even need AI during cycle(don't take my word for it everyone's different) your first cycle is to assess side effects and gains to know where to go for your next one. Longevity is what we are after! Train hard, eat tons, and stay healthy!

Hmm..seems the way to go I suppose. Always all winter to bulk up. I'll get an extra Test P and go from there. Should I then push this to 12 weeks straight test or is 8 weeks still perhaps the magic number?
Test p for your first cycle stick to 8 weeks, than by the time you run the cycle and take your 8 week break you'll be ready to plan your summer cut ( remember first cycle is for you to watch and see what happens so you can make any necessary changes next time around) again stay safe
Just my opinion but i have a good amount of experiance with tren and honestly unless your running it to go compete in a show I would stay away from 19nor compounds, especially on your first cycle. Run test you will love it, save the big guns for when you know how your body reacts to test, if you have bad androgenic sides from test than tren definitely won't help that.

Stay away from Tren unless you are going to compete? Did I read that right?
Yep, just drop the Tren and Caber... you'll see good results first cycle on Test alone...

By the sound of it you could sure use some expert advice on diet (and possibly training) if you struggle to maintain mass...

I'd sell the Tren on if you can (you won't need it for another 4/5 cycles) and use the cash to get 3 months of dietary advice.

Because one thing is a CERT... the drugs will do fuck all for you unless your dietary intake is dialled in and your training is decent.
Yes, I do agree to the fact that it may be a bit reckless. My fear with a test only cycle is that I tend to have issues gaining and retaining proper mass as is. I've read a variety of accounts of those using Test only that have gotten really lean (not a completely bad thing), but had negligible lean mass gains. While I think this could have a lot to do with diet..What are the actual chances of that happening vs a Tren/test run?

if you have issues gaining and retaining mass its very likely due to your diet.. and steroids are not going to fix it.. steroids are not a magic pill that defy the laws of physics..

if you cant eat to grow while off cycle, youll only see the same fate on cycle..

do you mind sharing with us your proposed diet for this cycle??
Yep, just drop the Tren and Caber... you'll see good results first cycle on Test alone...

By the sound of it you could sure use some expert advice on diet (and possibly training) if you struggle to maintain mass...

I'd sell the Tren on if you can (you won't need it for another 4/5 cycles) and use the cash to get 3 months of dietary advice.

Because one thing is a CERT... the drugs will do fuck all for you unless your dietary intake is dialled in and your training is decent.

spoken like a true 3Js Nutrition Network client..

bigben knows..
if you have issues gaining and retaining mass its very likely due to your diet.. and steroids are not going to fix it.. steroids are not a magic pill that defy the laws of physics..

if you cant eat to grow while off cycle, youll only see the same fate on cycle..

do you mind sharing with us your proposed diet for this cycle??

Admittedly, my diet up until the past 6 months or so has been sad. I did get with the nutritionist at the gym and I've been working quite hard on my diet as such. Right now I have been on:

Training days 150g Protein, 350g C.Carbs, 45g fat..majority of carbs coming before training.
Off days or cardio days, 135p, 220c, 40f.

I certainly feel that this level of intake may be a smidge low for my own goals, but I was leaning out a bit at the time and will likely have to redial it soon.
150g protein and you weigh 185lbs... and you want to gain muscle....
You are asking a bit much from your drugs there buddy...

As presumed, your diet is the problem, not the drug intake!

Hold off on this cycle UNTIL you have a solid diet plan in place, otherwise it's money down the WC mate.
150g protein and you weigh 185lbs... and you want to gain muscle....
You are asking a bit much from your drugs there buddy...

As presumed, your diet is the problem, not the drug intake!

Hold off on this cycle UNTIL you have a solid diet plan in place, otherwise it's money down the WC mate.

I'm certainly well aware that 150g protein is well below the necessary intake for muscle growth. This was what I have been eating for the past few months to essentially maintain while leaning a bit (which has more or less done the job).

For my on cycle diet(as well as planned winter bulking in general), I've planned for 275g protein a day. While keeping my carb and fat intake about the same as they are now. I feel that this should be plenty sufficient for the moment. I do indeed realize that food and diet will make the majority of my gains, and I've not skipped on my prep in this dept either. Stocking the freezer and cabinets this week in preparation for what is to come. =D

Thanks everyone for the feedback.
I'm certainly well aware that 150g protein is well below the necessary intake for muscle growth. This was what I have been eating for the past few months to essentially maintain while leaning a bit (which has more or less done the job).

For my on cycle diet(as well as planned winter bulking in general), I've planned for 275g protein a day. While keeping my carb and fat intake about the same as they are now. I feel that this should be plenty sufficient for the moment. I do indeed realize that food and diet will make the majority of my gains, and I've not skipped on my prep in this dept either. Stocking the freezer and cabinets this week in preparation for what is to come. =D

Thanks everyone for the feedback.

thats still roughly only 3000 calories... i dont know how you expect to grow with 3k calories..

but it seems you feel you have your ducks in a row.. good luck to you! i hope you reach your goals
If I've learnt one thing this year, it's this....

For muscle growth, when you think you are eating enough, you aren't - you need to eat some more!
I certainly don't have everything dialed to a key. From past experience, I've grown in the 3000-3500 calorie area. I've gained about 50 lbs since I started regularly training to date. That aside, with no experience in the substances I'll be taking, I really have little idea as to the effects on caloric intake.

My fear, is that I'll gain substantial fat beyond the 3000 calorie mark. I realize that fat gain while bulking is fairly common..however, I want to keep it to a minimum. How greatly will a test cycle affect protein synthesis and caloric needs? I have found few if any solid and widely accepted answers to this while searching around.