First use at HCG, need some advice!


New member
Haven't been on here in a while but here it goes, want to start a cycle of HCG. Its been about a month after my PCT and it just seems that the testes arent all the way back same with sex drive but other than that there were no sides while on cycle. The cycle was a moderately low cycle only second time.

My source would be psl, any advice on first HCG cycle would be awsome. (dosing, right mixture, and how long of a cycle)
Have you gotten blood work? I wouldn't start using hCG (which is HPTA suppressive) unless your blood work indicates that a restart is needed. And I assume you would be following it up with Clomid/Nolva after, right?

Do you have testicular atrophy?
On top of what Halfwit is saying -The dose of hCG would depend on the cycle but
this is what you would typically need for starters.

Here's what you'll start with for each 5,000iu of hcg

1) 5,000iu hcg
2) 10ml Bacteriostatic water (bac water)
3) 10ml sealed mixing vial
4) slin pins - or 29g syringe

The most common doses are 250iu's twice a week and 500iu's twice a week
for heavy cycles.

I blast and cruise and run my hCG 500iu's twice a week 5 weeks on 1 week off - then repeat.

You can run hCG throughout the whole cycle and just make sure you stop 3-4 days prior
to starting SERM treatment.

There are ways to Blast hcg during the time period you are waiting for the suppressive compounds
to leave your system - starting the day after your last injection - up until 4 days before SERM treatment.

We would need more details before getting into the blast phase...

As far as mixing hCG - it would be easiest to Google - mixing hCG and just watch several videos. Most
of these will be for the diet, but the mixing process is the same.
As mega said and repo.....

When I do my little blasts I do 200 iu s.... .2-3 times a week. HCG is suppressive. It does raise estro slightly so.........
Great thanks for all the info ya I know that a HCG cycle can produce sides similar to AAS so is it best to use arimidex along with HCG, is it necessary with a moderate to low HCG cycle?
Great thanks for all the info ya I know that a HCG cycle can produce sides similar to AAS so is it best to use arimidex along with HCG, is it necessary with a moderate to low HCG cycle?

Depends on how much you use and how you respond. Research intratesticular aromatization. But I would not start taking an AI on just hCG alone in the beginning without knowing E2 was high (confirmed with blood work).

How about the questions I posed to you on post #2? Just going to ignore them? Do you understand what I am asking you?