Fizogen products...


Chief SmackaHoe
met with Randy Couture this past week, and he was pumping up Fizogen's products. I decided to take on some of their Mass Cycle, but im in post cycle therapy (pct) and going to wait till my next cycle to run with it.

anyone have good/bad experiences with these products? any the particularly reccommend or advise against?

i did some research, and talked to a few marines and fighters i know who have used or are using them, and heard nothing but positive feedback.

and write ups or articles someone might have are also appreciated...
I have taken lean tabs and got the same results as muscletech's hydroxycuts (if you've ever had those). I'm now on the mass cycle, blitz cycle, and will use their gear cycle as post cycle therapy (pct) here in a few weeks. All of their stuff tastes pretty good IMO. However, blitz cycle has l-arginine, which really screws with my stomach...I feel like I'm holding a little bit of water from the blitz cycle, but am not completely sure if it's due to that or not.
appreciate the response.

was looking into the lean tabs. finished running eca stack, was going to run another eca and clen/t3 rotation with the lean tabs in there as well during my next cycle...wanted to see how it would run with my cutter and if there are noticble results.
I am very good friends with the manager of a GNC. He gives me the stuff very cheap that people return because of taste or they don't like the results, etc. I wouldn't buy the lean tabs personally. If I were going to buy a thermogenic I would buy Muscletech's Thermogain.
I hear fizogen's Blast Cycle kicks ass, its supposed to be like NO-Xplode times 2 or 3. my buddy said it really cut him up and helped him put on mass, as well increases his vascularity.
Blast cycle is a similar product as NO-Xplode. It tastes good, but I gave it away to a friend because it upset my stomach. He then gave it away to another friend because it upset his stomach too! L-Arginine is rough on a lot of people's stomach's though. If you can "stomach" it, and can get it cheap, then I say go for it.
It's over priced in the stores you can get it pretty cheap online, i usually check on I hear Fizogen products are pretty good, but overpriced if you can't find them cheap online. if you can get them at a decent price i'd say go for it. Plus nothing can really be compared to aas