Follow me from drug tested powerlifting to non drug tested (cycle and progress)


New member
I am new to the is board, and thought it may interest people how much gains I make off of my 1st cycle after being natural for 9 years.
I just did a powerlifitng meet where i was 196lbs naturally.
Squat - 505lbs
Bench - 315lbs
Deadlift - 545lbs
Total - 1365lbs

I am running my 1st cycle in 9 years.
Weeks 1-20 Test Enanthate 350mg weekly(Orignally planned on Cyp, changed last min)
Weeks 1-6 Tren 75mg ED
Weeks 16-22 Tren 75mg ED
Weeks 1-7 Bromo 1.25mg ED
Weeks 16-23 Bromo 1.25mg ED
Weeks 21-22 HCG 500iu Weekly (Finally found a source)
Weeks 22-24 Clomid 100mg and Nolva 40mg ED
Weeks 26-28 Clomid 50mg and Nolva 20mg

If the cycle begins to be too much I will shut it down after 10 weeks. I have past experience with Deca, Tren, Test, and Winstrol (winny) but 9 years ago. .

I started at 205lbs, 8 days ago, I am currently 220lbs. But that is mainly because I am eating like shit. I am cleaning my diet up, so from here I will be able to see what real gains I make. I am only looking to hit around 230, and would like to be solid. I also bodybuild, and will be doing my 1st bodybuilding show in March-May 2012.

If you are intested in my gains, I will post them weekly after each max effort day.
im game

why not run tren e for like 12-14 weeks instead of running ace x 2 with 10 weeks apart?

are you going to do strictly body building? or some power lifting too?
I would love to stay on tren forever. But in the past I had to get surgery for gyno on my left nipple. So I only have one gland, wish I had them do the other one, then I would be immune to gyno lol....Sugery was in and out same day, and the surgeon was awesome, can barely see a scar.
Also it has been a long time since I did anything, I prob should have waited to do the tren, but so far I feel great, and no signs of sides.

I am just focusing on powerlifting right now, I have my main one Dec. 10th so 18 weeks from today, and may through one in 10 weeks from today, ill see where my numbers and weight is. I plan on doing both meets at 220, so I don't want to take a week or two away or even a few days to cut weight or water to make 220 for the 1st meet.

2 years ago I did a meet at 213lbs and hit
525lbs Squat
355lb Bench
560lb Deads
1440 Total

I have been suffering from chronic injuries. mainly from over training. One of the reasons I decided it is time to do AS again is to help with recovery time and strength gains rather than size. But since I am unable to do natural bodybuilding I may as well beast it and compete at the top of the Light Heavy Weight whichi is 176.4 to 198.4lbs. I have competed the pass 6 years at 176 at my lightest and 187 at my heaviest.
I am hoping to have some good lifting videos and progress photos for the thread. Thanks for taking interest.
tren most likely didnt give you the was the test

tren and test compete for the same androgen receptors and of course tren will that case you will have a lot of wasted test floating in your veins that will convert to estrogen which can cause gyno

this is the reason some people choose running test lower than tren...running small dose of test like 250-300 is good plus tren at 400+...throw in some Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and you should be good

another doesnt make you immune to can get it again even after the entire gland is removed so be careful
Thanks for the info. When I got gyno, I was a stupid 18 year old. I was running alof of different things, with no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or post cycle therapy (pct). So it could have be anything. I miss used the word gyno here then, I meant my lactin levels increase easily.
The not getting gyno thing was joke, it is hard to get humore through writting, but thanks for the concern.
I just started running .5ml of anastrozole Ed, as a precaution for the Test enan 350mg a week I am running, what do you think,is it needed?
cant really tell you much about anastrozole but .5ml a day could be too much...people usually do good with .5ml eod

anyways i would recommend aromasin at 12.5 mg can get kinda expensive but it works well with the serms and all cycles
1st Max Effort Dead lift, Bodyweight 217lbs, I was about 205 the start of the cycle last week. A good amount of the weight I put on was just me being a fat ass. I was in a cutting phase and was 192, I pigged out for a week and bam I shot up. I start to clean up the eating and am getting pretty solid again.

I hope I got the attachment to work right. It is a video of me deadlifting 505lbs plus 110lbs of chains, about 615lbs at the top, which would destroy may previous best. I did reverse band dead lift 3 weeks ago and hit a dead that would have been 575lbs at the top, this would be about a 40lb increase. I am feeling the effects of the tren, feel very beastly>

link to deadlift
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I would love to stay on tren forever. But in the past I had to get surgery for gyno on my left nipple. So I only have one gland, wish I had them do the other one, then I would be immune to gyno lol....Sugery was in and out same day, and the surgeon was awesome, can barely see a scar.
Also it has been a long time since I did anything, I prob should have waited to do the tren, but so far I feel great, and no signs of sides.

I am just focusing on powerlifting right now, I have my main one Dec. 10th so 18 weeks from today, and may through one in 10 weeks from today, ill see where my numbers and weight is. I plan on doing both meets at 220, so I don't want to take a week or two away or even a few days to cut weight or water to make 220 for the 1st meet.

2 years ago I did a meet at 213lbs and hit
525lbs Squat
355lb Bench
560lb Deads
1440 Total

I have been suffering from chronic injuries. mainly from over training. One of the reasons I decided it is time to do AS again is to help with recovery time and strength gains rather than size. But since I am unable to do natural bodybuilding I may as well beast it and compete at the top of the Light Heavy Weight whichi is 176.4 to 198.4lbs. I have competed the pass 6 years at 176 at my lightest and 187 at my heaviest.
I am hoping to have some good lifting videos and progress photos for the thread. Thanks for taking interest.

chronic injuries and heavy lifting sends up a caution flag . i would consider adding eq , read stonecolds post on collagen synthesis in the anabolic-forum . there are a few steroids that actuall help the joints , my 1st choice would have beeen deca but i wouldnt run it with tren.
Thanks Dawg, actually read that yesterday. I have done Deca in the past, but again was too young to have done it anyway. I am going to check out the EQ. Alot of the injuries came from thinking I was superman as a natural raw lifter. Will only be lifting 3 days week, and back it down to 2 days when I get closer. I have had great results from lifting only 2 days a week.
Was supposed to get to a nuerologist yesterday, but an issue with my insurance stopped that visit. Hit my doc up tomorrow to see what my options are.
I have been feeling really good, injuries are not a problem, just stiffness in the mid and lower back, I train a chiro and will start going back to him tomorrow.

Progress update.
I am 220lbs today, the most solid I have been so far. Only 10 days into the cycle.
Max bench went from 315, 3 weeks ago, to 355lbs today. Had more in me, but I shut it down because I don't want to push it too fast too quick and aggrivate my injuries.

Do you think it is smart to start 500mg of EQ 8 weeks out from my meet at instead of the second round of tren? Thanks
Today I have Max Effort Lower Body. I retested my Max Squat with Chains. 3 weeks ago I squatted 405 with 110lbs of chains for 1. I did not start AS yet and was 192lbs. I am now 220lbs and hit 455lbs with 110lbs of chains for 1. 50lbs increase. Not bad, I had some more left but do not want to rush things and injure myself. Here is the video from today.
455lb Squat with 110lbs of chains (565lb at top) - YouTube
No video updates, but I am 221lbs today, still leaning out, diet is still not on point. I attempted a 585lb deadlift, I missed it at lock out.
Today I hit 405lbs off of a 2 board on bench. 3 months ago I maxed at 340lbs off of a 2 board. Strength is still increasing, but have been getting flu symptoms every week, and just sweating my ass off all day.
nice lifts :yesway:

chronic injuries and heavy lifting sends up a caution flag . i would consider adding eq , read stonecolds post on collagen synthesis in the anabolic-forum

Eq seems very interesting in promoting collagen synthesis, as it can also form a base alongside test for any cycle. Looking to use that approach for next cycle.
8-25-11 Update. I am about 4 weeks in on my cycle. I am at a solid 220lbs, trying to lean out and keep my weight around 215-220, maybe lighter so I can cut weight to make it in the 198lb weight class. Had a good squat day. I hit an all time PR of 545lbs. my best was 530lbs 2 years ago. My recent best was 505lbs at 196lbs when I was natural.
Check out the video.
545lb Squat - YouTube
8-25-11 Update. I am about 4 weeks in on my cycle. I am at a solid 220lbs, trying to lean out and keep my weight around 215-220, maybe lighter so I can cut weight to make it in the 198lb weight class. Had a good squat day. I hit an all time PR of 545lbs. my best was 530lbs 2 years ago. My recent best was 505lbs at 196lbs when I was natural.
Check out the video.
545lb Squat - YouTube

nothing better than a PR bro , congrats.