Follow me from drug tested powerlifting to non drug tested (cycle and progress)

Thanks guys...I isn't 1265 Daawg but is not bad lol. Thats an insane number...i was shocked at how easy the 545 went up. I know I had more in me, but my tendons in my arms were flaring up. I plan on backing down on the max effort work, and working on more volume with 3-5 reps of sub max weights for a while to let the tendons catch up to the muscle and strength gains. Thanks again for the support

I will be posting some pictures of my before and progress pictures soon.
chronic injuries and heavy lifting sends up a caution flag . i would consider adding eq , read stonecolds post on collagen synthesis in the anabolic-forum . there are a few steroids that actuall help the joints , my 1st choice would have beeen deca but i wouldnt run it with tren.

I don't mean to hijack, but could you give me a push in the direction of that thread? I can't find the damned thing?! Thanx.
I know this is a few months old, but I'm curious how your cycle ended up? I'm about to start my cycle for a meet 4 months from now, and I'm considering adding tren because I've been reading the strength is awesome. I'm not sure how to add it to my test, and I'd like to stick with long esters to avoid pinning alot.
Today I have Max Effort Lower Body. I retested my Max Squat with Chains. 3 weeks ago I squatted 405 with 110lbs of chains for 1. I did not start AS yet and was 192lbs. I am now 220lbs and hit 455lbs with 110lbs of chains for 1. 50lbs increase. Not bad, I had some more left but do not want to rush things and injure myself. Here is the video from today.
455lb Squat with 110lbs of chains (565lb at top) - YouTube

that was pretty clean... im getting ready for a pl meet myself..

my squat is my weakest lift thanks to my height.. im working on it though...

im doing this one all natural