Footlong's AML Review with pics! Test E, Mast E, Var

Awesome results man! Nice to see logged results with pics. AML seems to be where it's at! Can't wait to get my posts and rep up so I can get my hands on some for my next cycle. Keep posting results please. Again looking awesome man!
Haha thank you everyone for the compliments. My dick has been getting tossed around like a volleyball at the beach. Girls can smell the testosterone on me.

As for body fat. I am not 100% sure. I'm starting to do more cardio so I can really taper my waist and lose that lower back fat. I'm planning to stay at or near this bodyfat% until next spring so I can absolutely get shredded. Looking at running some ostarine throughout winter. I kept myself lean last time I ran it.

Again, thank you all for checking the updates. More to come in a couple weeks.

Damn. Thread and photos got me excited to some day make friends and place an order myself :D Recently bought some PCT+AI on hand to prepare for the future when that day comes :D

Someone else said it best: great size to definition ratio.
good work so far brah, keep it up. i never lifted anything over 225 till a couple of years ago. i never go over 315. but we work up to 15x15 once in the morning once at night before we add weight during our routine training.
Give the thread a little bump to say nice job.
I am still yet to do my 1st cycle, I wanted to natty cut before I ran a bulk cycle but I am currently seeing chiropractor for back problems, so I can't go as hard as I would like in the gym, waiting until that is all cleared up before possibly doing my 1st cycle as a test only cut cycle. What do you think about that? Also, I noticed you started your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on week 3 (Assuming so you didn't crash your estrogen right away?) I keep reading people saying 'Start taking your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from Day 1 and adjust accordingly' Thoughts on that?

Thanks, i've learned a lot here and just want to be on point for my 1st cycle.
Give the thread a little bump to say nice job.
I am still yet to do my 1st cycle, I wanted to natty cut before I ran a bulk cycle but I am currently seeing chiropractor for back problems, so I can't go as hard as I would like in the gym, waiting until that is all cleared up before possibly doing my 1st cycle as a test only cut cycle. What do you think about that? Also, I noticed you started your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on week 3 (Assuming so you didn't crash your estrogen right away?) I keep reading people saying 'Start taking your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from Day 1 and adjust accordingly' Thoughts on that?

Thanks, i've learned a lot here and just want to be on point for my 1st cycle.

Sorry with the late reply. Sounds like a good plan to me. Honestly test will lean you out as long as you eat a lot of clean, healthy and low in sodium foods.

I started my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) week three because I break out like crazy and it helps with acne. I adjust doseage if I feel my joints are too dry. Everyone is different. You can also get blood work to help adjust doseage but that wouldn't help unless you really study your stuff. Just go by feel
Awesome job man! I know this thread is kinda old but are those pics the transformation from cutting week 1 to 9?