? for a old friend involing strength and a new cycle


Father of 1 Dad to 4
this man is strong im in my late 30's he's atleast 45 i would say
when i lived in texas he could keep up in the gym pound for pound
every day on or off cycle.he is around 215# to 240# @ 5'-11"
hes a old cowboy use to hard work now hes a bouncer for a local night club.this man is allways on edge and kinda angry all the time
he is hell on wheels when on fina.
most of his cycles have been d-bol deca test. test deca. for years
last year he did four fina,test cycles. i think hes done growing my self and he is allso a class case for the gorilla gut syndrom. abbs are a large rectangle and obliques look like someone has layed a extra layer of clay over then.his organs are fine but his heart rate stays high and his hdl or is it ldl cholesterol levels are way out enough his doc asked what hes been uptoo

enough background on him.

some one has sold him on halo/sten cycle
i ve tried to warn him about his age and bp not to mention colesterol
what else could i put on the table for a strength gain cycle for him?
well besides fina which you already mentioned, the other heavy hitters for strength are drol and dbol. If he does halo, try not to let him go over 20mg a day for 4 weeks.
a good choice for strength is test susp, slipped my mind, make sur ehe takes some anti-aromatose, suspension is more lilkely to aromatize than other tests, but it would be easier on a man older than halo, dbol, or drol would be.