Need advice/opinions on new mma stack/cycle

Good, so sounds like you've got the body fat thing handled. Let's discuss the AAS.

You proposed using 13 different drugs. Any cycle needs five in my opinion - test, AI, HCG, clomid and nolva.

So I'm wondering if you can achieve your goals with less. Maybe just test, anavar and EQ???
What exactly are you looking for from the cycle?

If I did anything for perfomance enhancement I would look for something to increase my endurance without weight gain. Push the pace till my opponent is a sweaty gasping heavy bag.
After my last revision, If I add HCG, it'll be 10 different drugs including pct, but not using all 10 at once through out the whole 12 weeks. Still seems high huh? Here's how I see, gotta have test, eq and cardarine for endurance and cardio, anavar for a lil bit of everything, primo for str and density, arimidex during to keep water retention low, Albuterol for fat loss and asthma, aromasin in pct for anti estrogen, hcg to start the balls up, and toremifene in pct as the serm, that sound right?
After my last revision, If I add HCG, it'll be 10 different drugs including pct, but not using all 10 at once through out the whole 12 weeks. Still seems high huh? Here's how I see, gotta have test, eq and cardarine for endurance and cardio, anavar for a lil bit of everything, primo for str and density, arimidex during to keep water retention low, Albuterol for fat loss and asthma, aromasin in pct for anti estrogen, hcg to start the balls up, and toremifene in pct as the serm, that sound right?

It still sounds like you hate your body and need to realize less is more here.
You dont need test, anavar, eq, primo, cardarine or albuterol. Pick 3 of them, even that would be slight overkill... I'd probably go with test, var, eq...
No need for 2 ai's, pick one. You also need clomid.

When you're done with that, read the beginner sticky so you know when and how to use each drug...
Why would I need clomid if I'm already using toremifene? And test eq Albuterol, or test eq cardarine would probably be my choice if I had to pick 3, mma is more about endurance then anything. And all the guys at the mma gym I work at or have trained at, they all do cycles that are , hgh, test 800mg, cardarine, clen, Halo, and epo, and they just blast n cruise and they haven't died yet, not that I agree with blasting and cruising, just saying.....