Hey Guys,
Quick dosing question for FormaStanzol users:
I'm running a compounded cream - 150 test mg/ml and DHEA 50mg/ml 1.5ml ed for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Not having any sides at all besides feeling amazing and destroying the girlfriend.
Was interested in throwing in Forma for its mild cutting abilities - not so much for Aromatase inhibitor (AI). What would a good dosage be? Or is this just a waste?
Quick dosing question for FormaStanzol users:
I'm running a compounded cream - 150 test mg/ml and DHEA 50mg/ml 1.5ml ed for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Not having any sides at all besides feeling amazing and destroying the girlfriend.
Was interested in throwing in Forma for its mild cutting abilities - not so much for Aromatase inhibitor (AI). What would a good dosage be? Or is this just a waste?