Four months long CYCLE, please help


New member
Hello guys, would you tell me if its fine to run cycle like this?
Should I replace Winstrol for Drostanolone propionate ( 400mg/week) for better gains and less liver toxicity? Or any other suggestions?

Thank you for your time guys !

Its my third cycle.

Age: 31 (male)
Weight 195lb
bf 14%
No offense, but it looks like you threw darts at a board and chose randomly what to run, when to run them, and for how long.

For starters, eight weeks on dbol with winstrol tossed in is a bad idea - especially with that teensy dose of aromasin. I don't get the zinc and albuterol at PCT with tribulus. Save your money, tribulus is literally a junk weed that the supplement industry found a way to market.

Nandrolone for 7 weeks, tren at the end for a couple more? I think I know what you're trying to do here, but if you think you can run one longer cycle to accomplish a bulk followed by a cut - you're in for some lackluster results.

Keep it simple. What are your goals from this cycle? What esters are you running for the nandrolone and tren? If you're looking to bulk, then bulk! You can cut afterwards, once you're recovered and have stable hormones. Alternatively, you can simply recomp at a small deficit with the tren.

It all matters as to what you want out of this. As it stands now, you'd honestly probably see the same results from just running test and deca with a 4 week dbol kick start.

My .02c :)
No offense, but it looks like you threw darts at a board and chose randomly what to run, when to run them, and for how long.

For starters, eight weeks on dbol with winstrol tossed in is a bad idea - especially with that teensy dose of aromasin. I don't get the zinc and albuterol at PCT with tribulus. Save your money, tribulus is literally a junk weed that the supplement industry found a way to market.

Nandrolone for 7 weeks, tren at the end for a couple more? I think I know what you're trying to do here, but if you think you can run one longer cycle to accomplish a bulk followed by a cut - you're in for some lackluster results.

Keep it simple. What are your goals from this cycle? What esters are you running for the nandrolone and tren? If you're looking to bulk, then bulk! You can cut afterwards, once you're recovered and have stable hormones. Alternatively, you can simply recomp at a small deficit with the tren.

It all matters as to what you want out of this. As it stands now, you'd honestly probably see the same results from just running test and deca with a 4 week dbol kick start.

My .02c :)

Nandrolone 8 weeks, then two weeks pause, that most of nandrolone came from the body and caused problems with trenbolone. Dbol three weeks, then two weeks Winstrol body had to respond again to a new oral steroid. Then, a week break to rest and liver Dbol again for three weeks.
Zinc is the most important mineral to regulate testosterone levels and costs 2 dollars, Salbutamon is an anti-catabolic and helps keep increments.

The purpose is to gain 15 pounds of muscle and shed 11 pounds of fat. How should I adjust for That purpose? Dosage, etc ..
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I would throw this cycle plan out and start over. It's not a good plan at all. Do lots of research. You got a lot to learn. Read the ology faq's thread for info on cycles. There's basic guidelines to stick with in a cycle and you don't know them...
Thank you guys,I will give to your advice and I change it. What do you think of this cycle?
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I heard that testosterone is just a helper for Trenbolone.Most work should be done Trenbolone.U decreased testosterone I am a dose of 600mg to 500mg me a little bit reduce the potential side effects of trenbolone. From the information at all, which I found would be a good ratio between testosterone and trenbolone be 1.5: 1. I'm not sure if I'll have to take Cabel at these doses. When I take Aromasin 12.5 mg EOD'll still need him Cabel? I read that if you have estrogen under control and should not be problems with prolactin. What is your opinion?
Man WTF ?? I'll be nice and say right off you are overthinking this whole thing. Everything we do with AAS has to take time to work in conjunction with our workouts, diets and rest. Our bodies can react so fast as to totally switch gears and react, with some result when we change compounds. So what I'm saying is plugging this in at this time and that thing at that time and two weeks rest /recov or whatever doesn't mean it will change the end result of what we want to accomplish.

ALWAYS Simple is Best. Keep it simple. I can't figure why the Winstrol. I just am having a hard time making sense out of this whole proposition .I think you are trying to reinvent something here.

I'll end by saying I think you need to study up more as well as learn more about the steroid profiles. Why we suggest to run Test with every cycle. Also the proper protocol for your choice of AI. Good luck reading and understanding more. :)
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Sorry I did chime in a little late and didn't see this .
This is looking much better. :wavey:

Accepting criticism is an honor for me to learn :) I'm happy for all opinions. Do I think I could complete the second cycle as it is, or should I make any more changes?
I heard that testosterone is just a helper for Trenbolone.Most work should be done Trenbolone.U decreased testosterone I am a dose of 600mg to 500mg me a little bit reduce the potential side effects of trenbolone. From the information at all, which I found would be a good ratio between testosterone and trenbolone be 1.5: 1. I'm not sure if I'll have to take Cabel at these doses. When I take Aromasin 12.5 mg EOD'll still need him Cabel? I read that if you have estrogen under control and should not be problems with prolactin. What is your opinion?

Can you please post your sources for this information so we can all learn from the research you have done?
Accepting criticism is an honor for me to learn :) I'm happy for all opinions. Do I think I could complete the second cycle as it is, or should I make any more changes?

With that attitude in mind you will do great! Glad to have you here :)
Nandrolone 8 weeks, then two weeks pause, that most of nandrolone came from the body and caused problems with trenbolone. Dbol three weeks, then two weeks Winstrol body had to respond again to a new oral steroid. Then, a week break to rest and liver Dbol again for three weeks.
Zinc is the most important mineral to regulate testosterone levels and costs 2 dollars, Salbutamon is an anti-catabolic and helps keep increments.

The purpose is to gain 15 pounds of muscle and shed 11 pounds of fat. How should I adjust for That purpose? Dosage, etc ..

Ok, since you've been a really good sport and have actually taken advice to heart I'll give a more in depth reply. I don't like spoon feeding cycles as I feel it does a disservice to the recipient, but this cycle is still a bit haphazard given its your second cycle.

Nandrolone and trenbolone do not have an interaction; many dislike the thought of running both because they are both progestins. This means that the have a similar path of action, and carry similar risks with side effects. In all honesty, adding the two together is treated as just running a cumulative dose of one as far as precautions go.

Estradiol control is the first line of defense anyway. Keep estradiol in check, and odds are that you won't have issues with prolactin. Of course, there are exceptions to this as some men are very sensitive to the swing in progesterone, which does have a chain reaction leading to an increase in prolactin. Having a dopamine agonist on hand is sage advice, as you don't want to experience a case of the floppies with that special someone while waiting for the DA to arrive. Caber/pramipexole/bromocriptine are examples of dopamine agonists.

HOWEVER, as this is your second cycle, put the tren away for now. You want to build up your experience before you find out the hard way just how scary things can get. If you think a "gusher" (pinning into a vein carrying sufficient blood and pressure spraying upon removal of the needle) sounds awful, imagine being being put into an uncontrollable spasm of coughing while trying to inject. The first time you get tren cough is an eye opener.

That's not the worst it can bring either. If you don't have a great deal of experience knowing how you react on AAS (we all act a little different as hormones amplify emotions, etc), tren can bring some very nasty thoughts into the forefront of your mind. If you fail to recognize this for what it is, odds are whatever relationship you're in will be over before you know it.

I'm not exaggerating.

Just run the dbol as a kick start. Winstrol won't do anything for you other than piss off your joints and liver. It's a drug intended for precontest use, as it pulls water (not fat) out of tissues, giving a harder and drier look to a body that's already extremely lean. It won't pull fat off you, and I assure you that there's no creating "confusion" to your body regardless of what Rich Piana says on YouTube. Stick with the dbol (although as this is your second cycle, I'd pick dbol OR NPP), drop the winny - or both, as you want to introduce one new compound at a time. Trying to guess what's making you sick when you're on five different things that are new to you at once makes it problematic at best.

Zinc actually has an overinflated value in this regard. What zinc actually does is help you to remove metabolized estradiol faster, increasing your test:estradiol ratio slightly in your favor. Of course, as zinc is reactive with other minerals in your body, high doses run the risk of chelating and reducing your copper stores - which are necessary for optimal health. A supplement dose of zinc as a daily regimen is fine, megadosing it is not.

Salbutamol is the brand name for albuterol. It is NOT an anticatabolic agent at therapeutic doses that come from an inhaler, and if you source higher concentration albuterol in liquid form, you'll actually find that it's a thermogenic, as it acts on your adrenal glands - increasing respiration/heart rate/basal body temperature. I'd drop this out completely as it will be difficult to ascertain what's going on at such a fragile time (PCT) due to how it can make you feel at higher (i.e. Effective) doses.

If you're looking to recomposition, diet is going to be where it's at. Run a small deficit, or even maintenance calories with the proper macros, and let the process of hypertrophy working on your metabolism do it's thing. If you haven't spent the money on all the AAS listed yet, I'd look into hiring a nutritionist like 3J (resident nutritionist on these boards), and you'll see the results you're looking for.

Ok, that's enough of a book from me, and I probably missed a few things, but remember that more isn't always better - ESPECIALLY when it comes to AAS. :)