Four months long CYCLE, please help

Aromasin should be taken daily due to it's half life unless you verified by bloodwork that you can take it eod. Hcg should be used from beginning of cycle up to pct. You got too much going on for a second cycle. Gear won't replace a poor diet or training. Pick test and dbol or test and npp.
Aromasin should be taken daily due to it's half life unless you verified by bloodwork that you can take it eod. Hcg should be used from beginning of cycle up to pct. You got too much going on for a second cycle. Gear won't replace a poor diet or training. Pick test and dbol or test and npp.

I have taken two shorter cycles over the past year and a half. This will be my third. I also had three cycles in 2009-2010. For Nandrolone, Dbol or testostrone my body reacts well. Trenbolone'll take first. Diet, exercise, or relaxation can not be much better. Currently I have everything perfect conditions. What do you think are optimal nutritional value? I plan to eat 350 grams of protein, 450 grams of carbohydrates and 150 grams of fat first five weeks (3-4 times a week to the gym, an hour walk every day, 3.2 miles / hour). Then, during the use of trenbolone 350 grams of protein, 250 grams of carbohydrates and 60 to 80 grams of fat (3-4 times a week to the gym twice a day to walk two hours a speed of 3.2 miles / hour). And what is your opinion on using Cabela at these doses? Cabel is the last thing I'm going to purchase. Is not it a waste of money?

Age: 31 (male)
Weight 195lb
bf 14%
Ok, since you've been a really good sport and have actually taken advice to heart I'll give a more in depth reply. I don't like spoon feeding cycles as I feel it does a disservice to the recipient, but this cycle is still a bit haphazard given its your second cycle.

Nandrolone and trenbolone do not have an interaction; many dislike the thought of running both because they are both progestins. This means that the have a similar path of action, and carry similar risks with side effects. In all honesty, adding the two together is treated as just running a cumulative dose of one as far as precautions go.

Estradiol control is the first line of defense anyway. Keep estradiol in check, and odds are that you won't have issues with prolactin. Of course, there are exceptions to this as some men are very sensitive to the swing in progesterone, which does have a chain reaction leading to an increase in prolactin. Having a dopamine agonist on hand is sage advice, as you don't want to experience a case of the floppies with that special someone while waiting for the DA to arrive. Caber/pramipexole/bromocriptine are examples of dopamine agonists.

HOWEVER, as this is your second cycle, put the tren away for now. You want to build up your experience before you find out the hard way just how scary things can get. If you think a "gusher" (pinning into a vein carrying sufficient blood and pressure spraying upon removal of the needle) sounds awful, imagine being being put into an uncontrollable spasm of coughing while trying to inject. The first time you get tren cough is an eye opener.

That's not the worst it can bring either. If you don't have a great deal of experience knowing how you react on AAS (we all act a little different as hormones amplify emotions, etc), tren can bring some very nasty thoughts into the forefront of your mind. If you fail to recognize this for what it is, odds are whatever relationship you're in will be over before you know it.

I'm not exaggerating.

Just run the dbol as a kick start. Winstrol won't do anything for you other than piss off your joints and liver. It's a drug intended for precontest use, as it pulls water (not fat) out of tissues, giving a harder and drier look to a body that's already extremely lean. It won't pull fat off you, and I assure you that there's no creating "confusion" to your body regardless of what Rich Piana says on YouTube. Stick with the dbol (although as this is your second cycle, I'd pick dbol OR NPP), drop the winny - or both, as you want to introduce one new compound at a time. Trying to guess what's making you sick when you're on five different things that are new to you at once makes it problematic at best.

Zinc actually has an overinflated value in this regard. What zinc actually does is help you to remove metabolized estradiol faster, increasing your test:estradiol ratio slightly in your favor. Of course, as zinc is reactive with other minerals in your body, high doses run the risk of chelating and reducing your copper stores - which are necessary for optimal health. A supplement dose of zinc as a daily regimen is fine, megadosing it is not.

Salbutamol is the brand name for albuterol. It is NOT an anticatabolic agent at therapeutic doses that come from an inhaler, and if you source higher concentration albuterol in liquid form, you'll actually find that it's a thermogenic, as it acts on your adrenal glands - increasing respiration/heart rate/basal body temperature. I'd drop this out completely as it will be difficult to ascertain what's going on at such a fragile time (PCT) due to how it can make you feel at higher (i.e. Effective) doses.

If you're looking to recomposition, diet is going to be where it's at. Run a small deficit, or even maintenance calories with the proper macros, and let the process of hypertrophy working on your metabolism do it's thing. If you haven't spent the money on all the AAS listed yet, I'd look into hiring a nutritionist like 3J (resident nutritionist on these boards), and you'll see the results you're looking for.

Ok, that's enough of a book from me, and I probably missed a few things, but remember that more isn't always better - ESPECIALLY when it comes to AAS. :)

I appreciate your lengthy's contributions. I'll take it into account. The problems with the application of trenbolone I've already read. I have known two who are taking trenbolone but this side effect mentioned. However, this is probably a tax for the use of trenbolone. Any substance, including trenbolone already have at home. If you looked at the cycle after treatment, if that makes sense vests. Frankly, I'm at the stage where it despite all possible side effects try. I will not lie. When he comes in the cycle turn trenbolone will be the first week, 30 mg taken daily (210 mg / week) administered every morning. Fines recorded significant side effects and the use of stop. Cough during application but it is pretty awesome side effect.
I have taken two shorter cycles over the past year and a half. This will be my third. I also had three cycles in 2009-2010.

Post pics up bro, let's see if you look like you should look with 3 cycles under your belt - AND taking on another cycle with a crazy amount of AAS going on.

I have no qualms whatsoever in people pushing boundaries - as long as it's with safety - but unless you are training intensely and appropriately and eating like a Trojan - then that gear won't do much at all.
Post pics up bro, let's see if you look like you should look with 3 cycles under your belt - AND taking on another cycle with a crazy amount of AAS going on.

I have no qualms whatsoever in people pushing boundaries - as long as it's with safety - but unless you are training intensely and appropriately and eating like a Trojan - then that gear won't do much at all.

I gave a picture of Big Ben 66 suggested that the publication of photos and the overall things that do not directly concern of mine asking belongs to another forum. I agreed with him and withdrew a photo with details. Could you comment directly on the matter please? Otherwise, I'm writing that I had two shorter cycles over the last year and a half. You're a user of steroids?
Post pics up bro, let's see if you look like you should look with 3 cycles under your belt - AND taking on another cycle with a crazy amount of AAS going on.

I have no qualms whatsoever in people pushing boundaries - as long as it's with safety - but unless you are training intensely and appropriately and eating like a Trojan - then that gear won't do much at all.

I do not know if it'll do any good, but I enclose a current photo. Weight 195 pounds, body fat 14% I think, but I´m not sure.