Freaking NEWB here. hoping to plan out a great first cycle


New member
Good day all,

I just wanted to say hello. I have yet to hope on the gear train but due to where I'm at and the access to high quality gear I figured now's as good as any. Some background. I am 5"11 with a small frame. I have worked out off and on all my life. I went to some strenous training some time ago. Went in at around 135. Three months later I was a solid 150. I have flucutated around 150 ever since, my max when working out every day including lots of cardio was 186.

I have a very fast motabolisim and lose and gain weight quickly.

I am going to get on here and research alot more. But off the bat I'll share what I have already.

I have 1 10ml of Alpha Pharma Trenarapid.
1 box of Meditech GHRP-6
1 bottle of Meditech Anavar 10mg x 50

I've read a million different post about do this and your dumb and the likes there of. It seems a large consensus says you need to run test with the tren. I can probably get that if I really need to. I would like advice as to which Test from one of the two labs above would be the best? (Alpha-Pharma) MediTech).

I have roughly 4-5 months I can cycle and want the best results in that time frame that I can safely do.

I get told a ton of diffent things by different people trying to sell me this and that. or how they know best.

I really just want to have a solid plan before I pin anything. That would include PCT.

I think that if I understand correctly the GHRP-6 is ok to run all the way through if not all the time.

I would like to figure out about what kind of PCT I would need.

The Testocyp from Alpha-Pharma is one possible test to run.

Any how thanks for reading. I know a lot of people will have their negitive and what not. I welcome that but hopefully we can come up with the best cycle with what I have available.

I weigh 180+-6 lbs or so I would like to shred the fat I have and gain at most 17 pounds.

That is not a good first cycle. You are going about things the wrong way. I would encourage you to read the FAQs sticky linked below in my signature.

And yes, if you are male, testosterone needs to be the base of any cycle you run. AAS shuts down your natural test production. Humans cannot function properly without testosterone. Tren and anavar are not the same as testosterone.

You should not run a GHRP without a GHRH.

PCat is the most important part! Make sure you study it.

How old are you and what is your body fast %

What are your daily diet macros?
Thanks for the reply. I appreciate you input.

Can explain the GHRP without a GHRH thing, or point me to an informative read on that specifically?

By PCat, I'm assuming you meant PCT, Is this correct. I did not see that acronym in your sticky.

I am 31 and weigh 180lbs. I don't know my bf% right now but I can figure it out if I can find a tape measure.

Macros I honestly have no idea.

I understand Tren and Anavar are not Testosterone. I

now have 1 x 100ml of 250mg per ml Testobolin
and 100mg more of anavar for a total of 1500

Whats a good GHRH?

I know I need to learn a lot more about this. I really like the part about doing blood works.

I want to plan it out and do this as right as I can.
Lots of questions
A ghrh is a growth hormone releasing hexi peptide like cjc no dac you would stack that with your ghrp2 or ghrp6 for a longer more amplified gh release they work together like electricity and a light switch . You need test for any aas cycle dont worry about tren or anavar sell them and get more test . It will easily put on the gains you are after if you are eating big and training hard 500mg of test a week is more than enough for you to gain 18 pounds