here is my food for 2 days. I am doing one body part a week like suggested. I am starting cardio 4-5x a week for 30 min. My first cycle will start in about a week or so. I want to loose as much fat as possible by then. If i have to cut way down for a week or so then i am ok with that.
day 1
4 eggs
2 pieces turkey bacon
2pieces wheat toast
black coffee
drop the wwheat toast for some oats or quiona.. 1 cup of oats will equal 2 pieces of wheat toast
snack 4oz deer jerky
good stuff!!
6 oz tuna with egg
fish oil pill
protien shake with milk 1%
i dont see a reason for the fish oil pill here, your already getting that from the tuna and egg.. great omega's there
also, add a complex carb here.. red kidney beans, sweet potatoes yams.. u might actually wanna move this meal to another place.. and make this time a pro/carb meal.. cuz right now it's pro/fat... so maybe switch it up to chicken and a complex carb.. u need energy for your workout..
protien shake with milk 1%
add a semi-simple carb here.. i love white bagels... so u could do 1/2 a white bagel if u like.. but white rice, pasta, etc works too
16 oz steak
mixed steamed veggies
you will NEVER have a reason to eat 16oz of beef in one sitting.. if u broke this down into two meals 2-3hrs apart that'd be great
before bed casein
Day 2
4 eggs with diced ham
black coffee
snack beef jerky
6oz diced chicken
celery with peanut butter
protien shake with 1% milk
protien shake with 1% milk
12oz chicken with mushrooms, peppers and cheese.
casein before bed