Free Diet Advice from 3J

Weight - 157
Age - 21
Height - 5'8
Bf% - 13.3
Goals- I would like to put on around 20 to 25 pounds if possible, I am so tired of being a smaller guy when I hit the gym hard. I am considering doing my first cycle but before I further pursue that I understand I need to get my diet right or it won't help at all. I know there is nothing that can magically make someone bigger so I am starting here, this is my first post so excuse me if I do something wrong.

Wake up - 6am

Current Diet overview:

Breakfast : normally 4 eggs maybe some wheat toast, and a tall glass of milk.

Lunch and dinner normally a chicken breast or steak, lasagna something of the sort with a side such as salad or green beans and brocolli

I know I don't eat enough and that's my problem hence why I am here, also because I am not always sure what to eat so I have either just ate crap or nothing, so I really need some help!

Proposed diet:
*I know you said not to follow yours to a T so I tried customizing it a little but since this is my first diet attempt I stuck pretty close, I am completely open to any ideas and criticism you may have!

meal1 cal/fat/carb/pro
4 large scrambled eggs 407/30/5/27 786/35.32/60.3/54
4 egg white 68/.22/1/14
1 cup oats 311/5.1/54.3/13

pwo cal/fat/carb/pro 285/2/46/26.1
whey shake 120/1/4/24
2 cup blueberries 165/1/42/2.1

meal2 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz chicken breast w/o skin 209/4.5/0/39.4 499/17.3/40/43.4
medium sweet potato 230/6/40/4
1/2 tablespoon olive oil 60/6.8/0/0

meal3 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz turkey breast 370/18.80/0/49 719/38.3/40/53
medium sweet potato 230/6/40/4
1 tablespoon olive oil 119/13.5/0/0

meal4 cal/fat/carb/pro
1 medium sized steak 291/10/0/46 621/24.9/36.9/60
1 cup red kidney beans 330/14.9/36.9/14

meal 5 cal/fat/carb/pro 228/18/0/39
8oz chicken breast w/o skin 209/4.5/0/39.4
1 tablespoon olive oil 119/13.5/0/0

meal 6 cal/fat/carb/pro 880/44/62/57
8oz turkey breast 370/18.80/49
1 cup brown rice 233/1/48/5
1 whole avocado 277/25.4/14.8/3.5

daily totals 4018/178/284/332

I know this is a diet forum but if you know of any workout routines that would benefit my bulk I would greatly appreciate it if not there are a bunch online i have used before no biggie.. Also one last thing, with me being a smaller guy from past experience it has been hard to choke down that much food, is there anything that might help induce hunger or my appetite.

Thank you so much for your help in advance I look forward to hearing back from you!
your seriously not going to need 4000 caloires up front.. i would cut fats down so your at 3500 calories and start from there.. also, you asked for a workout routine.. i have recently written an article on it.. check it out Health and Fitness Talk – The Reverse Pyramid Training Philosophy
Weight - 157
Age - 21
Height - 5'8
Bf% - 13.3
Goals- I would like to put on around 20 to 25 pounds if possible, I am so tired of being a smaller guy when I hit the gym hard. I am considering doing my first cycle but before I further pursue that I understand I need to get my diet right or it won't help at all. I know there is nothing that can magically make someone bigger so I am starting here, this is my first post so excuse me if I do something wrong.

Wake up - 6am

Current Diet overview:

Breakfast : normally 4 eggs maybe some wheat toast, and a tall glass of milk.

Lunch and dinner normally a chicken breast or steak, lasagna something of the sort with a side such as salad or green beans and brocolli

I know I don't eat enough and that's my problem hence why I am here, also because I am not always sure what to eat so I have either just ate crap or nothing, so I really need some help!

Proposed diet:
*I know you said not to follow yours to a T so I tried customizing it a little but since this is my first diet attempt I stuck pretty close, I am completely open to any ideas and criticism you may have!

meal1 cal/fat/carb/pro
4 large scrambled eggs 407/30/5/27 786/35.32/60.3/54
4 egg white 68/.22/1/14
1 cup oats 311/5.1/54.3/13

pwo cal/fat/carb/pro 285/2/46/26.1
whey shake 120/1/4/24
2 cup blueberries 165/1/42/2.1

meal2 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz chicken breast w/o skin 209/4.5/0/39.4 499/17.3/40/43.4
medium sweet potato 230/6/40/4
1/2 tablespoon olive oil 60/6.8/0/0

meal3 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz turkey breast 370/18.80/0/49 719/38.3/40/53
medium sweet potato 230/6/40/4
1 tablespoon olive oil 119/13.5/0/0

meal4 cal/fat/carb/pro
1 medium sized steak 291/10/0/46 621/24.9/36.9/60
1 cup red kidney beans 330/14.9/36.9/14

meal 5 cal/fat/carb/pro 228/18/0/39
8oz chicken breast w/o skin 209/4.5/0/39.4
1 tablespoon olive oil 119/13.5/0/0

meal 6 cal/fat/carb/pro 880/44/62/57
8oz turkey breast 370/18.80/49
1 cup brown rice 233/1/48/5
1 whole avocado 277/25.4/14.8/3.5

daily totals 4018/178/284/332

I know this is a diet forum but if you know of any workout routines that would benefit my bulk I would greatly appreciate it if not there are a bunch online i have used before no biggie.. Also one last thing, with me being a smaller guy from past experience it has been hard to choke down that much food, is there anything that might help induce hunger or my appetite.

Thank you so much for your help in advance I look forward to hearing back from you!
Starting my cycle next week. At the moment im 133 lbs, 11% BF and 5'3 (yes I know manlet). My cycle is Test- E 500mg weekly. Working on a 4 day split during the week. Doing a Upper/Lower variation workout. My workout days are Mon-Fri except Wed. I work all day Saturday and Sunday. I am seeking to hit 3k calorie, which should be a reasonable surplus for me. Right now im cutting at 2200 calories, which is most likely 2300-2400 calories since ive bee cutting out the fiber calories totally.

My macros are set in place everyday, but im seeking around 240-250 protein,70-90 fat, rest in carbs. Which that much protein is around 1.7 to 1.8 grams per pound of body weight. Im a early bird, and like to hit the gym soon as i wake up. I always train fasted, but from many critiques on here are stating I should get in a quick bit of protein before workouts. I dont like eating before working out since it upsets my stomach. However I'll do half a scoop of my Soy Protein Isolate, which will only be 10 grams. Also take half scoops of creatine, L-Glute, BCAA's into the shake. Also be consuming a multi, fish oil, 2 BCAA pills, and B complex on the side. Once done with workout I'll consume in my PWO shake the 2nd half of the L-Glute, Creatine, and BCAA's.

Food List- I split up my Fish Oils (3), and split up my CLA(3). The bread if Natures Own x2 Fiber Bread, Bagel is Natures Own Whole Grain, Canned spinach, Smuckers Creamy Natty Peanut Butter, No name brand instant oatmeal, no name brand pinto beans (14 grams of fiber per serv), no name brand brown rice, Great Value whole wheat pasta, ALA + Omega 3 butter, Coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil, Flaxseed Meal, Cereal is Great Value Rolled Oats whole grain.

Protein Powders- General Nutrition Soy Protein Isolate, ON Caseine, and On Whey Protein Gold Standard.

The reason there is no Sunday is cause at work I can eat anything I want. So usually Ill have Chicken, Eggs, Bacon, Cottage Cheese, Cheese, Milk, Sausage, Fiber One Cereal, Brown Rice, Beef Patties, Tuna, White Potato, Whole Grain Bread, Salad. But they also have a bunch of HI GI carbs. SO Sunday will kinda be a relax day. I have 3 meal plans for 6/7 days of the week.

Preworkout- Soy Pro Isolate + Fish oil/CLA 100/10/1.5/6.5
Postworkout- Whey Pro + 2 serv Skim Milk + Banana 380/41/55/1
Post Post- Sweet Potato + 8oz Chicken 465/51/56/5
Meal 1- 4 serving Oatmeal + 5 eggs 950/113/30
Meal 2- 8 oz chicken + 2 serving brown rice + serving ALA/Omega 3 Butter + coconut oil/sunflower oil 720/52/64/30
Bedtime- On Casein + 2 serving flax seed meal + 1 serv Skim Milk 320/38/28/10
Total- 2945/242/312.5/82.5

Preworkout- Soy Protein Isolate + Fish Oil/CLA 100/10/1.5/6.5
Post Workout- Whey Pro + 3 serv skim milk + 4 whole grain oat ceral + dext sugar 790/60/131/7
Post Post- 2 serving brown rice + 3 serving High Fiber Pinto Beans + 2 Fat free cheese + serving ALA/Omega 3 Butter 710/35/130/11
Meal 1- 4 eggs 280/24/4/16
Meal 2- 8 oz chicken + coconut oil/sunflower oil + 2 canned Spinach 460/76/18/19
Bed- On Casein + Serving Regular Cottage Cheese + Smuckers Natty Peanut Butter 430/42/14/27
Total- 2780/247/298.5/81.5

Preworkout- Soy Protein Isolate + Fish Oil/CLA 100/10/1.5/6.5
Post- Whey Pro + 2 skim milk 280/40/28/1
Post Post- Sweet Potato + 1 Natures Own Whole Grain Bagel + Fiber Jam + 1 serving Oatmeal + serving ALA/Omega 3 Butter 715/21/107/13
Meal 1- 2 serving Brocolli + 2 serving Whole Wheat Pasta + 2 serving High Fiber Pinto Beans + 2 Fat Free Cheese + Coconut Oil/Sunflower Oil + 12 oz Chicken Breast 945/109/146/24.5
Meal 2- 4 slices Natures Own Double Fiber Bread + 1 serving Smuckers Natty Peanut Butter + Fiber Jam 410/19/60/14
Bedtime- On Casein + Low Sugar Yogurt + 1 serving Party Peanuts 390/50/14/16
Total- 2850/249/356.5/75
hey 3J , seeing ur clients outcome has helped me keep motivated. but i need ur help
Age: 19
weight: 222
bf: 22%
goals.. BF=13%
BMR: 2091
TDEE: 3241.8
Workout Schedule:
Day 1: Chest/Triceps
Day 2: Back/bi
Day 3: Shoulders/Traps
Day 4: REST
Day 5: Legs
Day 6: REST
i used to weight 262 about 8 months ago. i went to as low as 216. but since in the past two months ive been around 220-225. ive been stuck at this weight and i need help on breaking that plateu. my diet is
Meal 1 - Protein pancake (3eggwhites, 1/2 cup oats, 1% milk 1/2 cup, and 3 scoops of protein, almonds.
Meal 2 - Salad with chicken breast
Meal 3 - Protein shake PW
Meal 4 - Banana w Veggies
thats it. but i still dont lose much weight. i keep maintaining at 220-225. help? it would be immensely appreciated
seriously, u need to figure out the macros and daily totals for your diet
hey 3J , seeing ur clients outcome has helped me keep motivated. but i need ur help
Age: 19
weight: 222
bf: 22%
goals.. BF=13%
BMR: 2091
TDEE: 3241.8
Workout Schedule:
Day 1: Chest/Triceps
Day 2: Back/bi
Day 3: Shoulders/Traps
Day 4: REST
Day 5: Legs
Day 6: REST
i used to weight 262 about 8 months ago. i went to as low as 216. but since in the past two months ive been around 220-225. ive been stuck at this weight and i need help on breaking that plateu. my diet is
Meal 1 - Protein pancake (3eggwhites, 1/2 cup oats, 1% milk 1/2 cup, and 3 scoops of protein, almonds.
Meal 2 - Salad with chicken breast
Meal 3 - Protein shake PW
Meal 4 - Banana w Veggies
thats it. but i still dont lose much weight. i keep maintaining at 220-225. help? it would be immensely appreciated
your seriously not going to need 4000 caloires up front.. i would cut fats down so your at 3500 calories and start from there.. also, you asked for a workout routine.. i have recently written an article on it.. check it out Health and Fitness Talk – The Reverse Pyramid Training Philosophy

So if i cut out a meal and am close to 3500 calories does that otherwise look pretty good? Are there any other suggestions you may have for me? Also i checked out that article and am going to be starting it tomm! Thanks again man i appreciate it!
Hi and thank you for your advise in advance.
I weigh 195lbs, 5'9'1/2 and am roughly 13-15% bodyfat. I used 15% when doing the calculation for BMR and TEE. I have a BMR of just below 2000calories and TEE of just under 3000Calories. I have not taken a cycle since 2006 and am therefore doing this on my own at the moment. Although I am doing my research in preparation for a possible cycle in the summer/fall. My current diet on workout days is as follows, I am a teacher so manage to have identical daily schedules. Also on "off days" I just remove the post workout meal, and all carbs from pre workout meal and dinner. Everything else is similar, just subtract roughly 200 carbs.

Breakfast 7am
Stonemill bakery 11grain toast C 24 P 6 F 3
Eggs (1 whole, 2 white) C 0 P 14 F 7
Oatmeal C 28 P 5 F 3
Giant sports whey C 4 P 22 F 2

Snack 9:30am
Almonds (20) C 4 P 4 F 10

Lunch 11:30am
Burger (homemade lean beef) C 0 P 30 F 10
Stuffed pepper (Quinoa) C 25 P 5 F 2

Snack 2:30pm (pre-workout)
Giant sports whey C 4 P 22 F 2
Oatmeal C 28 P 5 F 3
Yogurt (source) C 5 P 4 F 0
Alpine muesli C 20 P 4 F 2

NO XPLODE(2 scoops) C 12 P 0 F 0

Snack (post-workout)
Optimum Whey C 4 P 24 F 2
Banana C 30 P 0 F 0

Dinner 6:30pm
Chicken breast C 0 P 35 F 2
Sweet potato C 60 P 0 F 0
Yogurt (source) C 5 P 4 F 0
Alpine muesli C 15 P 3 F 2
Oatmeal C 20 P 4 F 2

Sack 9pm
Almonds (20) C 4 P 4 F 10

Snack 11pm (pre-bed)
Cottage Cheese C 6 P 12 F 1
Casein + Whey C 6 P 35 F 5
Ground Flax Seed C 2 P 1 F 7

Total Macro***8217;s C306 P244 F75

Total Calories 2875
what exactly are your goals.. your taking in too much whey eat real food
Hi and thank you for your advise in advance.
I weigh 195lbs, 5'9'1/2 and am roughly 13-15% bodyfat. I used 15% when doing the calculation for BMR and TEE. I have a BMR of just below 2000calories and TEE of just under 3000Calories. I have not taken a cycle since 2006 and am therefore doing this on my own at the moment. Although I am doing my research in preparation for a possible cycle in the summer/fall. My current diet on workout days is as follows, I am a teacher so manage to have identical daily schedules. Also on "off days" I just remove the post workout meal, and all carbs from pre workout meal and dinner. Everything else is similar, just subtract roughly 200 carbs.

Breakfast 7am
Stonemill bakery 11grain toast C 24 P 6 F 3
Eggs (1 whole, 2 white) C 0 P 14 F 7
Oatmeal C 28 P 5 F 3
Giant sports whey C 4 P 22 F 2

Snack 9:30am
Almonds (20) C 4 P 4 F 10

Lunch 11:30am
Burger (homemade lean beef) C 0 P 30 F 10
Stuffed pepper (Quinoa) C 25 P 5 F 2

Snack 2:30pm (pre-workout)
Giant sports whey C 4 P 22 F 2
Oatmeal C 28 P 5 F 3
Yogurt (source) C 5 P 4 F 0
Alpine muesli C 20 P 4 F 2

NO XPLODE(2 scoops) C 12 P 0 F 0

Snack (post-workout)
Optimum Whey C 4 P 24 F 2
Banana C 30 P 0 F 0

Dinner 6:30pm
Chicken breast C 0 P 35 F 2
Sweet potato C 60 P 0 F 0
Yogurt (source) C 5 P 4 F 0
Alpine muesli C 15 P 3 F 2
Oatmeal C 20 P 4 F 2

Sack 9pm
Almonds (20) C 4 P 4 F 10

Snack 11pm (pre-bed)
Cottage Cheese C 6 P 12 F 1
Casein + Whey C 6 P 35 F 5
Ground Flax Seed C 2 P 1 F 7

Total Macro***8217;s C306 P244 F75

Total Calories 2875
So if i cut out a meal and am close to 3500 calories does that otherwise look pretty good? Are there any other suggestions you may have for me? Also i checked out that article and am going to be starting it tomm! Thanks again man i appreciate it!

dont cut out a meal.. remove fats like i recommended
what exactly are your goals.. your taking in too much whey eat real food

I am trying to add some more size, and become harder. I should of added that in there. Which meal/snack would you alter? Is there anyone that is more important? Meaning before gym/breakfast etc...
I am trying to add some more size, and become harder. I should of added that in there. Which meal/snack would you alter? Is there anyone that is more important? Meaning before gym/breakfast etc...

when your trying to add size there should be a strong proportion of protein and carbs per meal.. meals 1-5 should all have at least 40g protien and 60g carbs in it.. there are no "snacks", there should not be whey in the place of real food.. unless its your post workout shake..

go back and look at the example of a bulk diet i put in the first post of this thread
when your trying to add size there should be a strong proportion of protein and carbs per meal.. meals 1-5 should all have at least 40g protien and 60g carbs in it.. there are no "snacks", there should not be whey in the place of real food.. unless its your post workout shake..

go back and look at the example of a bulk diet i put in the first post of this thread

Read through your sample bulk diet, are you not a believer in large amounts of post workout carbs?
Hi 3J, If you could help me that would be great :)

I have been cutting since January this year and the last three weeks my weight loss has stalled, I have tried lowering calories, adding calories, having a total week off, I include a re-feed every two weeks and cannot increase my cardio anymore.

Age: 18
Height: 5'9
Weight: 182lbs
Body fat: 15% (I'l PM you a picture as I am not confident in my caliper taking skills lol)
BMR: 1888
TDEE: 2832
Goal: 10% body fat then lean bulk


Meal 1: (7:30am)
Protein Shake - (40g protein /5.9g carbs /2.9g fat /178 calories)
One slice of seeded bread - (4.5g protein / 20.4g carbs / 1g fat / 112 calories)
Two eggs - (12g protein / 0g carbs / 8g fat / 126 calories)
Total: (56.5g protein / 26.3g carbs / 11.9g fat / 416 calories)

Meal 2: (10:30am)
BSN Shake - (21g protein / 18g carbs / 3.5g fat / 150 calories)
400ml Semi-skimmed milk - (14.4g protein / 19.2g carbs / 7.2g fat / 200 calories)
Total: (35.4g protein / 27.2g carbs / 10.7g fat / 350 calories)

Meal 3: (1:15pm)
Wholemeal pitta bread - (6.7g protein / 27.6g carbs / 1.6g fat / 160 calories)
Ham - (6.1g protein / 0.3g carbs / 1.3g fat / 37 calories)
20 Almonds - (6g protein / 6g carbs / 12g fat / 140 calories)
Total: (18.8g protein / 33.9g carbs / 14.9g fat / 337 calories)

Meal 4: (4:30pm) (Pre-Workout)
Chicken - (32g protein / 0g carbs / 2.2g fat / 145 calories)
Sweet potato - (1.2g protein / 21.3g carbs / 0.3g fat / 95 calories)
Vegetables - (3.3g protein / 2.3g carbs / 0.9g fat / 38 calories)
Total: (36.5g protein / 23.6g carbs / 3.4g fat / 278 calories)

Meal 5: (7:00pm (Post-workout)
Protein shake - (40g protein / 5.9g carbs / 2.9g fat / 178 calories)
50g oats - (5.5g protein / 30.2g carbs / 4.1g fat / 180 calories)
200ml Semi-skimmed milk - (7.2g protein / 9.6g carbs / 3.6g fat / 100 calories)
Total: (52.7g protein / 45.7g carbs / 10.6g fat / 458 calories)

Meal 6: (9:30) (Hour before bed)
100g cottage cheese - (9.4g protein / 12g carbs / 1.6g fat / 110 calories)

Complete total: (209g protein / 169g carbs / 53g fat / 1949 calories) - 883 calorie deficit

Monday: 1 hour HIIT
Tuesday: 1 hour and a half rugby training
Wednesday: 30 minutes HIIT
Thursday: 1 hour and a half rugby training
Friday: 30 minutes HIIT
Saturday: Rugby match
Sunday: Rest
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Age: 21
Weight: 180
height: 5'6
Body Fat: Around 15 probably
*running test e, want to bulk off this test, but loose any unnecessary fat I can also

I am in my 7th week ive only gained about 5-6lbs but my diet was a lot different at the beginning b/c I had planned on doing a show, changed my mind and realized I need to be killing this food and get the most of the test

TDEE- 3230(using 1.725)
2902(using 1.55) wasnt sure which one
was best


meal 1 Oats 300 6 54 10
Beef, ground, 90% lean meat / 10% fat, raw (a.k.a. hamburger) 6
oz 299 17 0 34
Banana, raw 5
oz 126 0 32 2

meal 2 Whey 2
serving 220 2 6 48
PB 2
tablespoon 190 16 8 7

meal 3 Chicken breast 8
oz 200 5 0 40
Rice 2
serving 300 2 64 6

Beef, ground, 90% lean meat / 10% fat, raw (a.k.a. hamburger) 6
oz 299 17 0 34
Broccoli, cooked, from fresh 8
oz 123 6 16 5

Chicken breast 4
oz 100 3 0 20
Rice 2
serving 300 2 64 6
Banana, raw 6
oz 151 1 39 2

post w.o
Whey 2
serving 220 2 6 48
Glyco-Maize 1
serving 110 0 35 0
Milk, 1% fat 1
cup 102 2 12 8

Beef, ground, 90% lean meat / 10% fat, raw (a.k.a. hamburger) 6
oz 299 17 0 34
Rice 2
serving 300 2 64 6

Chicken breast 4
oz 100 3 0 20 (was up late on this day)

Casein 1
serving 110 0 4 24

Totals 3552 85.5 404.2 319.9

The choice of food varies, some meals have fish or chicken or beef
a.m meal may be eggs, chicken, or beef

usually I lift at I have 5 meals pre w.o, lift, post shake, then post meal....then bed soon after with casein shake

hit everything usually every 5 days,
I try to go how body feels

Light cardio 1-3 times a week, occasional pick up game of basketball, college student so walk across campus some

I guess I definitely need to know if my macro %s are right, and if I should do meals 1-5 with carbs, or like I have been alternating carb/nocarb/carb/nocarb/carb/workout/postshake/meal 6 carb
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Going to be running tren ace, test prop, Anavar (var), looking to gain as much LBM with maintaining bf and being ripped.

Fish oil (1,000 mg) serving> 2 capsules
CLA (1,000 mg) serving>2 capsules
HMB serving> 4 capsules
Multivitavin serving> 1
BCAA's serving> 5 grams
L- Glutamine serving>5 grams
Vitamin C serving> 3,000 mg

7:15am Wake

7:30am 9 large egg whites
1/2 cup (dry uncooked) oat meal
with nonfat milk or water
*2cla's, 2fish oils, multivitamin, 1,000 mg(1 capsule) vitamin c

8:30am Train

10:30am 2 scoops of protein
*add 5 grams of BCAA"S & 5 grams L-Glutamine

12:30pm 7 ounces of chicken
1 med sweet potato " 6 ounce
3 ounces of brocholli
*2cla's, 2 fish oils

3:30pm 7 ounces of chicken
1/2 cup of rice
3 ounces of brocholli
*2cla's, 2 fish oils, 1 capsule (1,000mg) vitamin C, 4hmb

6:00pm 7 ounce of chicken
5.3 ounce of potato
3 ounce of broccoli

8:30pm 1 and half cans of tuna
3 ounces of brocholli

11:00pm 2 scoops of protein shake
add 5 grams of bcaa's and 5 grams of L-glutamine
*4 hmb

12:00am SLEEP
Going to be running tren ace, test prop, Anavar (var), looking to gain as much LBM with maintaining bf and being ripped.

Fish oil (1,000 mg) serving> 2 capsules
CLA (1,000 mg) serving>2 capsules
HMB serving> 4 capsules
Multivitavin serving> 1
BCAA's serving> 5 grams
L- Glutamine serving>5 grams
Vitamin C serving> 3,000 mg

7:15am Wake

7:30am 9 large egg whites
1/2 cup (dry uncooked) oat meal
with nonfat milk or water
*2cla's, 2fish oils, multivitamin, 1,000 mg(1 capsule) vitamin c

8:30am Train

10:30am 2 scoops of protein
*add 5 grams of BCAA"S & 5 grams L-Glutamine

12:30pm 7 ounces of chicken
1 med sweet potato " 6 ounce
3 ounces of brocholli
*2cla's, 2 fish oils

3:30pm 7 ounces of chicken
1/2 cup of rice
3 ounces of brocholli
*2cla's, 2 fish oils, 1 capsule (1,000mg) vitamin C, 4hmb

6:00pm 7 ounce of chicken
5.3 ounce of potato
3 ounce of broccoli

8:30pm 1 and half cans of tuna
3 ounces of brocholli

11:00pm 2 scoops of protein shake
add 5 grams of bcaa's and 5 grams of L-glutamine
*4 hmb

12:00am SLEEP

do you see a difference with the 6 clas
I'm trying to make my diet for my Bulk but Im stumped on a few things. I have a general idea of majority of the foods I'll be consuming but still have a bit of left over.

Mainly my diet is at 3k calories, kindda around 35/40/25 macros. But my main ordeal im trying to figure out is my protein intake for my Test-E cycle. I will be doing Test-E for 15 weeks, with no kick starter. I am 5'4 133 lbs at the moment im cutting at 2400 calories which is like -100 deficit. When I've been doing my imaginary bulking diet, I've been saying im 140 lbs to give a better accurate measurement on total protein. Cause many put down a protein amount, but never figure that it will jump up rather quickly since your weight jumps up. And I'm going off of the rule of 1.8 grams per lb which is 252. My question is do I truely need that much protein during the cycle? 1.8 x lbs of BW? Also it be alright to have like a 30% macro on fats if their all dietary fats. Once I get a few of these questions answered I can finish my bulk diet.
21 years old
205 lbs
somewhere around 16% bf

GOALS: achieve a 10% BF

Workout: usually workout around 10-11 a.m.
Day 1 Chest/Tri's
Day 2 Back/Bi's/Cardio
Day 3 Shoulders
Day 4 Legs/Abs/Cardio
Repeat 7 days a week

Diet: Copied from your cutting diet outline
I also drink between 1-1.5 gallons of water daily

Meal 1
1 whole eggs 87/7/0/6
3 egg whites 51/0/1/11
1/2 cup oats 156/3/27/6

Meal 2
6oz chicken breast 157/3/0/30
1oz nuts 172/16/5/6
1/2 tablespoon olive oil 60/6.8/0/0

Post Workout
whey protein shake 180/1.5/0/48

Meal 3
6 oz chicken breast 157/3/0/30
1 medium sweet potato 136/4/24/2

Meal 4
8 oz turkey breast 379/18.8/0/49
1 cup broccoli 103/5/13/4
1/2 cup brown rice 107/1/22/2

Meal 5
tilapia 6 oz 218/5/0/44
1 cup broccoli 103/5/13/4

meal 6
1/2 cup of lean ground beef 165.5/11/0/15.5
1 cup brussel sprouts 98/4/13/6
1 cheese stick 85/6/1/7

MACROS: cal/fat/carb/pro - 2414.5/100.1/119/270.5